Study MaterialsImportant QuestionsOn The Face of It Important Questions Class 12 English

On The Face of It Important Questions Class 12 English

On The Face of It Important Questions Short Answer Type Questions (3-4 Marks)

Question 1: What qualities of Mr. Lamb attracted Derry to him? (All India 2009)

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    Answer: Derry suffers from a terrible complex. But his meeting with Mr. Lamb is a turning point in his life. He gives confidence to Derry and encourages him to develop a positive attitude towards life. Derry’s life now has a new meaning and purpose and for this all the credit goes to Mr. Lamb’s motivation and words of encouragement.

    Question 2: What did Derry’s mother think of Mr. Lamb? (All India 2009)

    Answer: Derry’s mother did not think very highly of Mr. Lamb and claimed to have heard not really good things about him. She had been told and warned by people about Mr. Lamb and so she tells Derry not to go back to him. She also tried to hold him back but he does go back to Mr. Lamb.

    Question 3: What consolation did people give when they saw his acid burnt face? (Comptt. Delhi 2010)

    Answer: Derry’s face was burnt by acid on one side. When people saw Derry’s acid burnt face they tried to console him by telling him fairy tales. They said that it was not important what he looked like. Derry knew that people lied and showed sympathy only to comfort him and that he would not change and would continue to look like a ‘monstrous beast’.

    Question 4: Mr. Lamb told Derry the story of a man who hid himself in his room. Why did the man do so and with what result? (Comptt. All India 2010)

    Answer: Mr. Lamb told Derry the incident of a timid man who hid himself in his room and refused to come out lest he should meet some fatal accident. But, ironically, he died in his room itself because a picture hanging on the wall fell off it, landed on his head and killed him.

    Question 5: Why does Mr. Lamb leave his gate always open? (All India 2011)

    Answer: Mr. Lamb always keeps his gate open because he does not mind strangers entering his house, He is an extremely social person and is ever ready to welcome anyone who enters his garden.

    Question 6: How does Mr. Lamb keep himself busy when it is a bit cool? (Delhi 2012)

    Answer: When it gets a bit cool Mr. Lamb pulls down the ripe crab apples from the trees with the help of a ladder and a stick. He then makes jelly from them as that is a good time of the year to pick and make jelly out of orange and golden crab apples.

    Question 7: What peculiar things does Derry notice about the old man, Lamb? (All India 2012)

    Answer: Derry thinks that the old man. Mr. Lamb, is peculiar and says peculiar things. Derry notices that although Mr. Lamb talks about his friends he has not seen anyone visiting the old man, who lives all by himself. Even when he asks Mr. Lamb to name his friends, Mr. Lamb fails to give him any name. Mr. Lamb refuses to admit his loneliness. Also he asks Derry questions he does not understand. There are no curtains at the windows in his house. He likes the light and darkness and hears the wind with the window open.

    Question 8: Who was Derry? What did he suffer from? (Comptt. Delhi 2012)

    Answer: Derry is a complex-ridden fourteen year old boy. He is a victim of inferiority complex after acid accidently spilled and burnt one side of his face. His handicap has filled him with bitterness and so Derry suffers more on account of the pain that his own views of how everyone hates him, causes him.

    Question 9: If you were to give a different ending to the story, ‘On The Face of It’ how would you end it? (All India 2013)

    Answer: I would rather want the story ‘On the Face of It’ to end with a happy reunion between Mr. Lamb and Derry wherein the two become good friends with one another. Mr. Lamb should continue to influence Derry positively and put him in a position where he is able to befriend others despite his handicap.

    Question 10: As told by Mr. Lamb, why did a man lock himself up in his room and what happened to him? (Comptt. Delhi 2013)

    Answer: The man locked himself up in his room as he was afraid of everything in this world. So he went into his room and locked the door, got into his bed and stayed there. Finally a picture fell off the wall on to his head and killed him.

    Question 11: In what sense is the friendship between Mr. Lamb and Derry fruitful? (Comptt. Delhi 2014)

    Answer: After his meeting with Mr. Lamb, Derry is gradually able to shed his complexes and rediscover the joys of life. Mr. Lamb gives confidence and motivates him to move forward in life. Derry’s short interaction with Mr. Lamb leaves an indelible imprint on the young boy’s mind and his attitude towards life undergoes a drastic change.

    Question 12: Why did Mr. Lamb help Derry? (Comptt. All India 2014)

    Answer: Mr. Lamb and Derry are united by the bond of loneliness and alienation they share on account of their physical disabilities. Mr. Lamb lost a leg in the war and has a tin leg while Derry has an acid burn on one side of his face. Mr. Lamb inspires Derry by telling him not to focus on the shortcomings of life and his handicap and instead he should try to enjoy the blessings of life. He persuades him to develop a positive attitude and move forward in life.

    Question 13: Why did Derry insist that he would go back to Mr. Lamb? (Comptt. Delhi 2015)

    Answer: Derry insisted that he would go back to Mr. Lamb as he opened a new world of thought and wisdom for Derry. Derry was comfortable and happy in Mr. Lamb’s company and completely forgot his handicap. He felt he too could live an independent life as he had all his faculties intact.

    Question 14: How did Derry’s handicap damage his life? (Comptt. All India 2015)

    Answer: Due to his handicap, his burnt face, Derry suffered from an acute lack of self-regard and rejection. He did not like being with people because they constantly reminded him of his ugliness and so he stayed away from them. He felt he was too ugly to be liked and loved by anyone so he became a recluse.

    Question 15: Why does Derry stay away from people? (Comptt. All India 2015)

    Answer: Derry suffers from an acute sense of complex after one side of his face got burnt by acid. He stays away from people who constantly remind him of his ugliness. He does not like to see people shirking from him because he is ugly. He feels rejected and unwanted.

    Question 16: What does Mr. lamb try to tell Derry through the example of a weed and a flower? (Comptt. All India 2016)

    Answer: Through the example of a weed and a flower Mr. Lamb speaks against discrimination and the futility of appearance. He tells Derry that people should have a broader perception and positive attitude towards life. He does not want Derry to feel an outcast so he says all living things are the same and should be given respect.

    Question 17: How does Mr. Lamb react when Derry enters his garden? (All India 2017)

    Answer: Mr. Lamb realizes that Darry is startled by his presence in the garden. So he tries to pacify the young lad with his reassuring and kind words. He tells Derry that he does not mind strangers entering his garden and so Derry should not be afraid of anything.

    Question 18: Who was Derry? What problems did he have? (Comptt. All India 2017)

    Answer: Derry is a complex-ridden fourteen year old boy. He is a victim of inferiority complex after acid accidentally spilled and burnt one side of his face. His handicap has filled him with bitterness and so Derry suffers more on account of the pain that his own views of how everyone hates him, causes him. Mr. Lamb has a garden that is full of fruits, flowers and trees and herbs of all sorts. He likes his garden because it attracts young children and he gets a sense of pleasure in pulling down the ripe crab apples from the trees and making jelly for the children who visit his garden.

    On The Face of It Important Questions Long Answer Type Questions (5-6 Marks)

    Question 19: How did Mr. Lamb try to give courage and confidence to Derry? (All India 2010 )

    Answer: Derry suffers from an acute sense of self-hatred and rejection because of his burnt face. He feels he is very ugly because of which no one will ever love him. Mr. Lamb too has heard Derry only complain and bemoan about himself. He feels very sad to see a fourteen year old boy giving up on life just because of his physical disability. Mr. Lamb at first startles Derry with his strange talk. He tells Derry he is interested in everything created by God.

    His encouraging words have a magical effect on Derry. Mr. Lamb’s conversation that everyone and everything is essentially the same, the notion of beauty is relative and his concept of the world and friendship baffle but appeal to Derry and he gets fascinated by the old man. Slowly he sheds his complex about his ugliness and rediscovers the joys of life.

    Question 20: The lesson, ‘On The Face of It’, is an apt depiction of the loneliness and sense of alienation experienced by people on account of a disability. Explain. (Delhi 2011)

    Answer: The lesson ‘On the Face of It’ aptly depicts the loneliness and sense of alienation experienced by Derry and Mr. Lamb on account of a disability. The actual pain and inconvenience caused by the disabilities is often much less than the sense of alienation felt by the disabled person. Derry suffered from severe negative complexes because of his burnt face. He became a pessimistic loner who indulged in self pity and was always suspicious of the intention of others.

    His anger and frustration made him withdrawn and an introvert. Mr. Lamb, on the other hand, was inwardly a loner who craved for company and acceptance. Though outwardly he was always jovial, outgoing and optimistic, he was an extremely sensitive person. Derry and Mr. Lamb’s physical disabilities caused pain and suffering not only to their body but also to their mind and soul.

    Question 21: How did Mr. Lamb’s meeting with Derry become a turning point in Derry’s life? (Comptt. Delhi 2011)

    Answer: Derry, a complex-stricken lad of fourteen, is a victim of inferiority complex which is borne out of a misinterpretation of himself and the world. He suffers from an acute sense of self-hatred and rejection due to his burnt face and this leads him to total alienation. Mr. Lamb too has a disability, a tin leg, but he never allows his handicap to interfere with the pace and pleasure of his life. Mr. Lamb’s meeting with Derry brings a turning point in the latter’s life.

    He gives Derry confidence and persuades him to develop a positive attitude towards life. His message to Derry is very clear. Alienation and withdrawal is not the solution. Derry believes in running away from people but Mr. Lamb lives among people. Derry’s brief association with Mr. Lamb proves to be quite rewarding. Mr. Lamb teaches him a new perspective of looking at life, people and things. Derry decides never to get back to his old seclusion. His burnt face will no longer interfere with his self-respect, poise and confidence. He will gradually learn to find his place in the mainstream of life. Mr. Lamb helps Derry rediscover himself and gives a new meaning to his life. Now Derry wants to leave his handicap behind, forge ahead in life and live life to the fullest.

    How Did Derry Get His Face Burnt? Long Answer Type Questions (5-6 Marks)

    Question 22: What is the bond that unites the two—the old Mr. Lamb and Derry, the small boy? How does the old man inspire the small boy? (Delhi 2013)

    Answer: The bond that unites Mr. Lamb and Derry is the loneliness and alienation they experience on account of their physical disabilities. Mr. Lamb lost a leg in the war and has a tin leg while Derry has an acid bum on one cheek which gives him an ugly appearance. The actual pain and inconvenience caused by a disability is often much less than the sense of estrangement felt by a disabled person. But, unlike Derry, Mr. Lamb always maintains a positive attitude towards life and is a downright extrovert.

    Mr. Lamb inspires Derry by telling him not to focus on the shortcomings of life and his handicap and instead he should try to enjoy the blessings of life. He tells him to be thankful to God for two arms, two legs, two eyes and ears, a tongue and a brain and advises him to be friendly with everyone around him. Mr. Lamb’s inexplicable words of wisdom inspire Derry and towards the end of the story we see him rushing back to Mr. Lamb’s garden to adopt the attitude and path that have been shown by him. Derry’s long conversation with Mr. Lamb helps him overcome his inferiority complex and poor self-esteem.

    Question 23: Derry said, “It (acid) ate me up.” How did this fact affect his attitude towards life? (Comptt. All India 2013)

    Answer: Derry’s attitude towards life becomes totally bitter after the acid bums one side of his face. He suffers from a sense of alienation, low self esteem and self rejection. Derry’s suffering is further aggravated by the feeling that he is unwanted and no one loves him. His behaviour also results from people’s indifference, lack of concern and compassion for physically impaired people. He feels their words of sympathy lack genuineness and so he feels very hurt when they unwittingly remind him of his impairment.

    Derry always remains very conscious of his handicap. He says that no one will ever love him because he will continue to look ugly. He does not like Mr. Lamb’s sermonizing as he feels that it or anything else cannot change the ugliness of his face. Thus Derry feels a terrible sense of frustration and loneliness due to his severely burnt face.

    Question 24: What benefits did Derry reap from his association with Mr. Lamb? (Delhi 2014)

    Answer: Derry reaped many benefits from his association with Mr. Lamb. He was able to get rid of the habit of self-pity. He started understanding others’ perspective and admired Mr. Lamb’s views of life and his outlook on life. Derry understood that his physical handicap, his acid-burnt face was not the only important thing, there were other important things in life.

    Derry became more confident of himself. He learnt to appreciate nature and his surroundings and to think objectively. He stopped paying attention to what people thought of him. Mr. Lamb advised Derry to wait, watch and listen and to try to know himself. All this helped Derry to overcome his complex and face the world confidently.

    Question 25: Both Derry and Lamb are physically impaired and lonely. It is the responsibility of society to understand and support people with infirmities so that they do not suffer from a sense of alienation. As a responsible citizen, write in about 100 words what you would do to bring about a change in the lives of such people. (All India 2014)

    Answer: As a responsible citizen it is my responsibility towards society to understand and support people with infirmities. I will always try to be supportive and considerate towards them. I will treat them as equals and encourage them to take part in all activities. It will be my endeavour to ensure that they do not suffer from a sense of alienation and I will also advocate inclusive education for them. Campaigning for their social acceptance, I will raise hope and encouragement for their empowerment. It is the duty of each one of us to bring about a change in the lives of people who are physically impaired and lonely.

    Question 26: What change took place in Derry when he met Mr. Lamb? (Comptt. Delhi 2015)

    Answer: Mr. Lamb’s meeting with Derry a complex- stricken lad with a burnt face becomes a turning point in Derry’s life. Mr. Lamb teaches Derry to look positively at the world and love and admire everything he sees and hears. He encourages Derry to make friends with people and not to be bothered by their comments. He reminds Derry that he can live a normal life as he has two legs, two hands, two eyes, two ears and a brain like everyone else. Mr. Lamb warns Derry against hating people. Derry notices that despite his handicap Mr. Lamb lives a normal independent life. His life and attitude attract Derry and he now becomes determined to live and face the world boldly. He becomes more confident of himself and gets rid of his habit of ‘self-pity’.

    Derry reaped many benefits from his association with Mr. Lamb. He was able to get rid of the habit of self-pity. He started understanding others’ perspective and admired Mr. Lamb’s views of life and his outlook on life. Derry understood that his physical handicap, his acid-burnt face was not the only important thing, there were other important things in life. Derry became more confident of himself. He learnt to appreciate nature and his
    surroundings and to think objectively. He stopped paying attention to what people thought of him. Mr. Lamb advised Derry to wait, watch and listen and to try to know himself. All this helped Derry to overcome his complex and face the world confidently.

    Question 27: Derry sneaked into Mr. Lamb’s garden and it became a turning point in his life. Comment. (Delhi 2016)

    Answer: Derry, a complex-stricken lad of fourteen, is a victim of inferiority complex which is borne out of a misinterpretation of himself and the world. He suffers from an acute sense of self-hatred and rejection due to his burnt face and this leads him to total alienation. Mr. Lamb too has a disability, a tin leg, but he never allows his handicap to interfere with the pace and pleasure of his life. Mr. Lamb’s meeting with Derry brings a turning point in the latter’s life. He gives Derry confidence and persuades him to develop a positive attitude towards life. His message to Derry is very clear. Alienation and withdrawal is not the solution. Derry believes in running away from people but Mr. Lamb lives among people. Derry’s brief association with Mr. Lamb proves to be quite rewarding. Mr. Lamb teaches him a new perspective of looking at life, people and things. Derry decides never to get back to his old seclusion. His burnt face will no longer interfere with his self-respect, poise and confidence. He will gradually learn to find his place in the mainstream of life. Mr. Lamb helps Derry rediscover himself and gives a new meaning to his life. Now Derry wants to leave his handicap behind, forge ahead in life and live life to the fullest.

    Question 28: Both Derry and Lamb are victims of physical impairment, but much more painful for them is the feeling of loneliness. Comment. (All India 2016)

    Answer: As a responsible citizen it is my responsibility towards society to understand and support people with infirmities. I will always try to be supportive and considerate towards them. I will treat them as equals and encourage them to take part in all activities. It will be my endeavour to ensure that they do not suffer from a sense of alienation and I will also advocate inclusive education for them. Campaigning for their social acceptance, I will raise hope and encouragement for their empowerment. It is the duty of each one of us to bring about a change in the lives of people who are physically impaired and lonely.

    Question 29: Who was Mr. Lamb? How did he make Derry gain confidence and come out of his shell? (Comptt. Delhi 2017)

    Answer: Mr. Lamb is an elderly gentleman who suffers from a physical handicap. He has a tin leg because his leg had been blown off in the war. The children tease him by calling him “Lamey Lamb” but he does not mind it. Derry suffers from an acute sense of self-hatred and rejection because of his burnt face. He feels he is very ugly and so no one will love him. Mr. Lamb too has heard Derry only complain and bemoan about himself. He feels very sad to see a fourteen year old boy giving up on life just because of his physical disability. Mr. Lamb at first startles Derry with his strange talk. He tells Derry he is interested in everything created by God.

    His encouraging words have a magical effect on Derry. Mr. Lamb’s conversation that everyone and everything is essentially the same, the notion of beauty is relative and his concept of the world and friendship baffle but appeal to Derry and he is fascinated by the old man. Mr. Lamb inspires Derry by telling him not to focus on the shortcomings of life and his handicap and instead he should try to enjoy the blessings of life. He tells him to be thankful to God for two arms, two legs, two eyes and ears, a tongue and a brain and advises him to be friendly with everyone around him. Derry’s long conversation with Mr. Lamb helps him overcome his inferiority complex and poor self esteem.

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