Introduction of Transpiration Pull The process of transpiration pull is a biological process that helps plants to move water from […]
Rhizome – Explanation, Benefits, Types and FAQs
Rhizome Meaning A rhizome is a long, slender underground stem that sends out roots and shoots from its nodes. The […]
Resources on Earth – Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation
Renewable Energy Power The World; Renewable energy refers to energy that can be replenished naturally. Sources of renewable energy include […]
Dentistry – Definition, History, Diseases and FAQs
Definition of Dentistry; Dentist; Subspecialization of the Dentist Dentistry is the branch of medicine that is concerned with the study, […]
Diseases of the Nervous System – Damage and Diseases
diseases-of-the-nervous-system There are a number of diseases that can affect the nervous system. Some of the most common ones include: […]
Differences between Spermatogenesis and Oogenesis
An Introduction to Statistical Quality Control Statistical quality control (SQC) is a methodology employed in industrial and production settings to […]
Ganongs Potometer – Design Principle, Procedure, Precautions and Limitations
What is a Ganong’s Potometer? A Ganong’s potometer is a device used to measure the rate of osmotic flow. It […]
Micropropagation – Methods, Stages and Advantages
What is Micropropagation? Micropropagation is a technique used to propagate plants using very small pieces of tissue, called micro propagules. […]
Difference Between Breathing and Respiration
Breathing and respiration are distinct yet closely connected bodily functions that help our organs work correctly. Breathing involves the physical […]
Deceleration Injury – Explanation and Acceleration Injures the Brain
What is Deceleration Injury? Deceleration injuries are a type of sports injury that occur when the body is suddenly stopped […]