Study MaterialsImportant QuestionsSample Papers for Class 10 CBSE SA1 Social Science 2016-17 Solved Set 8

Sample Papers for Class 10 CBSE SA1 Social Science 2016-17 Solved Set 8

1. How did Rinderpest reach Africa ?
What was Spinning Jenny 7
How did the East India Company get possession of Bombay ?
2. Who was Martin Luther 7
Who is considered the pioneer of modern Hindi literature ?
3. Who formed the majority in terms of population in Sri Lanka ?
4. Which level the system of Panchayati Raj works ?
5. Who represented the term ‘African-American’ ?
6. What is the advantage of per capita income 7 Mention any one.
7. Sahara Airlines and B.S.E.S. are examples of which sector 7
8. What do you mean by ‘Literacy Rate’ 7
What steps were taken by the economists and politicians of the world to meet the global economic crisis that arose after the second World War ? 3
Who were the Gomasthas 7 How did their presence in the villages create problems for the cotton weavers 7 Explain.
“Cities developed at the cost of ecology and environment.” Explain with examples.
10. What is manuscript ? Why were they not used widely ? 3
How did novels become popular among masses ? Explain with examples.
11. Explain any three factors for the soil formation. 3
12. Mention any two human activities which are responsible for the process of soil erosion. Explain the two types of soil erosion mostly observed in India. (HOTS) 3
13. How have the human activities affected by the depletion of flora and fauna ? [Value Based Question) 3
14. Water reserves in India are depleting fast and water is a necessity of life. Suggest any three measures to conserve water. 3
15. Explain the Rubber cultivation in India under the following heads: 3
(a) Importance
(b) Geographical conditions
(c) Producing states.
16. What is power sharing ? Why power sharing is important in a democracy ? 3
17. Explain the cross cutting of social division with an example. 3
18. What was the Feminist Movement ? Explain the political demands of the Feminist Movement in India. 3
19. Is per capita income a true measure of the economic development ? Elaborate. |HOTSJ 3
20. What is meant by the economic development ? What are the two bases of measuring the economic development of a country ? 3
21. What is the meaning of under employment? In which economic sector is under employment conditions more prevalent and why? 1+2 = 3
22. Describe the social and economic effects of the world war on England and USA. 5
What were the steps taken by the East India Company to control the market of cotton and silk goods ? What was its impact ?
Why has city life always attracted those seeking freedom and opportunity ? Explain.
23. What were the three difficulties in copying manuscripts ? What was the use of printing press ? 5
Describe the main features of the novel ‘Pariksha Guru’ written by Srinivas Das.
24. “Print did not only stimulate the publications of conflicting opinions among different communities but also connected them in the 19th century in India.” Support the statement with examples. 5
How did the colonial administrators find vernacular novels as a valuable source of information to native life and customs ? Explain with examples.
25. Identify the reasons (any three) for water scarcity specially, in metropolitan towns. Suggest one measure that in your opinion can lead to a more equitable distribution of available water supply. (HOTS) 5
26. What is Federalism ? Distinguish between the federations of ‘coming together’ and ‘holding together’ types. Mention two countries each for both the types of federations. 5
27. How can caste take different forms in politics ? Explain with examples. 5

sample papers solved cbse class 10 sa1 social science 08_q30

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