Study MaterialsImportant QuestionsCBSE Sample Papers for Class 11 English Solved 2016 Set 4

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 11 English Solved 2016 Set 4

Section A Reading [20 Marks]

1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow. (8)
Fasting, in some form or the other, is part of every religion. In Islam, it is called ‘roza’. The Arabic equivalent of roza is ‘sawm’. Sawm literally means abstinence, i.e., to refrain from doing something. The ninth month of the Hijri calendar, i.e. Ramzan, has been especially chosen for fasting. Fasting during the month of Ramzan is obligatory for every Muslim, except when he has a genuine reason not to do so.
In every human being there are two faculties to take into consideration: one is desire and the other is reason. In all matters, the individual has to decide whether to follow his desire or his reason. The great merit in fasting is that it trains us to refrain from following our desires and instead always to bow to reason. That is the spirit of sawm. According to the Prophet of Islam, one who fasts should never stoop to using abusive language; if someone abuses him, he should simply say ‘I am fasting’. Islamic fasting, as far as formal practice is concerned, is to abstain from food and drink. But the actual spirit of fasting is to refrain from indulging in negative thinking and the use of negative language.
Self-control, far from being a negative or passive action, has great value in human behaviour. In life, there are more than 50% occasions when one should refrain from action and less than 50% occasions when one should take action. This is the formula for success for both individuals and society.
Self-control is integral to social ethics. If you live alone on an island, there is no need for any control, as the absence of others leaves you free to do whatever you want to do. However, when you are living in a society, you have to give leeway to others. This is what every person on the road does when he drives a car: he either keeps to the left (or to the right depending upon which country he is in) so that he gives way to other cars and can carry on his journey without accidents. This principle is applicable to the entire life of an individual. It entails giving others the chance to live their lives while living one’s own life.
Self-control is a kind of mutual adjustment. When a person adopts the way of self-control, it is far-reaching in effects. In this way he promotes the culture of self-control in society and indicates to others through his actions that they should follow the path that he is following. Thus, the way of self-control leads to a better society, while lack of self-control in individuals leads to the destruction of peace. As far as the individual is concerned, self-control serves as a means of personality development. This way of life, in turn, saves others from unnecessary problems.
There is a ‘pre-control’ for exercising self-control and i.e., thinking. When a person adopts a life of self-control, at all times he first thinks about what path he should tread. Only after considerable thought does he plan out his course of action. A life lived in this way will necessarily be marked by creative thinking. In addition, self-control contributes to one’s intellectual development and turns one into a man of wisdom.
In Islam, fasting is worship-for God. Fasting is the kind of worship which is simultaneously for the sake of God and man. Thus, if fasting is observed in the right spirit, in all sincerity, it will make an individual pious and responsible.
(a) On the basis of your reading of the above passage, make notes on it using headings and sub-headings. Use recognisable abbreviations wherever necessary (minimum 4). Supply a suitable little to it. (5)
(b) Write a summary of the above passage in about 80-100 words. (3)

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    2. Read the following poem carefully and answer the questions that follow. (12)


    Money is our madness, our vast collective madness.
    And of course, if the multitude is mad
    The individual carries his own grain of insanity around with him.
    I doubt if any man living hands out a pound note without a pang;
    And a real tremor, if he hands out a ten-pound note.
    We quail, money makes us quail.
    It has got us down, we grovel before it in strange terror.
    And no wonder, for money has a fearful cruel power among men.
    But it is not money we are terrified of,
    it is the collective money-madness of mankind.
    For mankind says with one voice : How much is he worth?
    Has he no money? Then let him eat dirt, and go cold And if I have no money, they will given me a little bread,
    So I do not die,
    but they will make me eat dirt for it.
    I shall have to eat dirt, I shall have to eat dirt,
    If I have no money It is that I am afraid of.
    And that fear can become a delirium.
    It is fear of my money-mad fellow-man.
    We must have some money To save us from eating dirt.
    And this is wrong.
    Bread should be free,
    fire should be free
    to all and anybody, all and anybody, all over the world.
    We must regain our sanity about money before we start killing one another about it.
    It’s one thing or the other. —DH Lawrence
    (a). On the basis of your reading of the poem, answer the following questions by choosing the correct option. (1×6=6)
    (i) When does a person feel a pang?
    (a) Because of madness of money
    (b) When he parts with a pound of money
    (c) When he hands out a ten-pound note
    (d) Cannot be inferred
    (ii) What kind of feeling does money create in us?
    (a) Feeling of fear
    (b) Feeling of tremor
    (c) Feeling of happiness
    (d) Feeling of satisfaction
    (iii) Why does the poet say “we must have some money”?
    (a) To be worthy
    (b) To be happy
    (c) To have basic amenities
    (d) To fulfil our madness
    (iv) According to the poem, what does ‘eat dirt’ refer to?
    (a) Eat garbage (b) Eat spoiled food
    (c) Hearing criticism (d) Cannot be inferred
    (v) The synonym of ‘quail’ is
    (a) faint (b) feel happy
    (c) shrink with fear (d) feel content
    (vi) The word opposite of ‘delirium’ is
    (a) violent excitement (b) peaceful state
    (c) passion (d) saneness
    (b) On the basis of the reading of the given poem, answer the following questions briefly (1×6=6)
    (i) What do people say about a man’s worth?
    (ii) Why does the poet repeat the words “all and anybody”?
    (iii) What are the two things implied in “It’s one thing or the other”?
    (iv) What is the poet’s greatest fear?
    (v) The word………. from the poem means sharp emotional distress.
    (vi) The word opposite of ‘madness’ is………..

    Section B Writing and Grammar

    3. CBSE Board exams are just round the corner and as an educationist you can feel the pressure on students. Design a poster on behalf of CBSE to be displayed in various schools asking students to take the help of counsellors. (4)
    you are the Manager of Swaroop Resorts, Nainital. Write a notice to the guests cautioning them regarding the bad weather that has been forcast for your area. Invent all necessary details in not more than 50 words. (4)
    4. Write a letter to Elite stationers limited, Kanpur, placing an order for stationery and other items to be supplied to your educational institute, Jaspal Kaur Public School, Kashmiri Gate, Kanpur. Sign in as Shubhangi/Shubham. (6)
    You are the Storekeeper and Manager of Elite sports limited. You received an order from DAV Model School, Patparganj for various sports items. Write a letter to their sports secretary giving information regarding the delay in supply of some items. (6)
    5. Recently Delhi Government has proposed to ban the use of diesel vehicles that are more than 10 years old. As a well-known journalist, write a speech in 150-200 words discussing the impact of the proposal. You are Venkat Rai. (10)
    You visited the Great India Place Mall, Noida, where a famous celebrity had come for the promotion of his movie. Narrate your experience in about 150-200 words. (10)
    6. The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write
    the incorrect word and the correction against the correct blank number. (1/2 x 8= 4)
    7. Rearrange the following words/phrases into meaningful sentences. (1×2 = 2)
    (a) communicate with/sign language/we use/impaired/the hearing/to
    (b) by Henry Ford/produced/petrol driven/the first/motor car/was
    8. Transform the following sentences in other forms as given brackets. Sense of the
    sentences must not be changed. (1×4=4)
    (a) David plays the piano – he started when he was seven years old. (use ‘since’)
    (b) It’s possible that Shivam will not be here next week, (use ‘might not’)
    (c) We’ve got no money, (use ‘any’)
    (d) I went out and it was raining, (use ‘when’)

    Section C Literature and Long Reading Text [ 30 Marks]

    9. Read the extract carefully and answer the questions below.

    “The cardboard shows me how it was

    When the two girl cousins went paddling,

    Each one holding one of my mother’s hands ,

    And she the big girl, some twelve years or so.”

    (i) Describe the photograph described in the above stanza.
    (ii) How old is the ‘mother’ here?
    (iii) Who is the mother with, in the photograph?
    10. Answer any three of the following questions.(3×3 = 9)
    (i) Why couldn’t the author believe that his grandmother was once young and pretty?
    (ii) Justify the title of the story: “We’re Not Afraid to Die… if We Can All Be Together.”
    (iii) What was the reason for Zahi Hawass’ worry?
    (iv) Why was Taplow given extra work on the last day of school?
    11. Answer the following questions in about 120-150 words.
    Old people face loneliness and seclusion. Why do you think they need attention and care? How should we help them? Answer -with reference to the chapter, ‘The Portrait of a Lady.’ (6)
    Positive attitude helps even in the worst of situations. How does the story, “We’re Not Afraid to Die… if We Can All Be Together” help us understand this? (6)

    Long Reading Text (Novel)

    12. The twins bring out the humour in the novel, ‘The Canterville Ghost.’ Discuss.
    (The Canterville Ghost) (6)
    How did the slaves get the news about fights against slavery earlier than the whites? (Up From Slavery) (6)

    13. How does Oscar Wilde picturise the Americans in his novel? (The CanterAlle Ghost) (6)
    Give a brief character sketch of General Samuel C Armstrong. (Up From Slavery)


    Section A Reading [20 marks]

    1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow. (8)
    Fasting, in some form or the other, is part of every religion. In Islam, it is called ‘roza’. The Arabic equivalent of roza is ‘sawm’. Sawm literally means abstinence, i.e., to refrain from doing something. The ninth month of the Hijri calendar, i.e. Ramzan, has been especially chosen for fasting. Fasting during the month of Ramzan is obligatory for every Muslim, except when he has a genuine reason not to do so.
    In every human being there are two faculties to take into consideration: one is desire and the other is reason. In all matters, the individual has to decide whether to follow his desire or his reason. The great merit in fasting is that it trains us to refrain from following our desires and instead always to bow to reason. That is the spirit of sawm. According to the Prophet of Islam, one who fasts should never stoop to using abusive language; if someone abuses him, he should simply say ‘I am fasting’. Islamic fasting, as far as formal practice is concerned, is to abstain from food and drink. But the actual spirit of fasting is to refrain from indulging in negative thinking and the use of negative language.
    Self-control, far from being a negative or passive action, has great value in human behaviour. In life, there are more than 50% occasions when one should refrain from action and less than 50% occasions when one should take action. This is the formula for success for both individuals and society.
    Self-control is integral to social ethics. If you live alone on an island, there is no need for any control, as the absence of others leaves you free to do whatever you want to do. However, when you are living in a society, you have to give leeway to others. This is what every person on the road does when he drives a car: he either keeps to the left (or to the right depending upon which country he is in) so that he gives way to other cars and can carry on his journey without accidents. This principle is applicable to the entire life of an individual. It entails giving others the chance to live their lives while living one’s own life.
    Self-control is a kind of mutual adjustment. When a person adopts the way of self-control, it is far-reaching in effects. In this way he promotes the culture of self-control in society and indicates to others through his actions that they should follow the path that he is following. Thus, the way of self-control leads to a better society, while lack of self-control in individuals leads to the destruction of peace. As far as the individual is concerned, self-control serves as a means of personality development. This way of life, in turn, saves others from unnecessary problems.
    There is a ‘pre-control’ for exercising self-control and i.e., thinking. When a person adopts a life of self-control, at all times he first thinks about what path he should tread. Only after considerable thought does he plan out his course of action. A life lived in this way will necessarily be marked by creative thinking. In addition, self-control contributes to one’s intellectual development and turns one into a man of wisdom.
    In Islam, fasting is worship-for God. Fasting is the kind of worship which is simultaneously for the sake of God and man. Thus, if fasting is observed in the right spirit, in all sincerity, it will make an individual pious and responsible.
    (a) On the basis of your reading of the above passage, make notes on it using headings and sub-headings. Use recognisable abbreviations wherever necessary (minimum 4). Supply a suitable little to it. (5)
    (b) Write a summary of the above passage in about 80-100 words. (3)
    Ans. (a) Title The traditional culture of self-restraint.
    I. Fasting
    (i) roza in Islam
    (ii) refrain from doing smth
    (iii) Ramzan, ninth month of Hijri clnd
    (iv) olbg for every Muslim
    (v) train to refrain from foil our desires, how to reason
    (vi) worship-for God
    (v) observed in right spirit-make individual pious and responsible
    II. Teaching of Islam
    (i) during fasting

    • should not use abusive Ing
    • abstain from food and drink
    • refrain from -ve

    III. Self-Control : Need and Importance
    (i) great value in human behaviour
    (ii) formula for success for indv and society
    (iii)integral to social ethics
    (iv) kind of mutual adjst
    (v) lack of it leads to destruction of peace
    (vi) means of personality dev
    IV. Exercising Self-Control
    (i) ‘pre-control’ i.e. thinking
    (ii) thoughtful course of action
    (iii) marked by creative thinking
    (iv) cntrb to intellectual dev
    (v) turns man wise
    b) Summary
    Fasting is known as ‘roza’ in Islam, which means to refrain from doing something, It is obligatory for every Muslim wherein one should .refrain from using abusive language, negative thinking, food and drink. It is worship for God. Fasting basically teaches self-control, which is observed as a formula for success for individual and society. Self-control is a kind of mutual adjustment and leads to personality development. Exercising self control requires ‘pre-control, that is thinking. It contributes to intellectual development and a thoughtful course of action to lead a life.
    2. Read the following poem carefully and answer the questions that follow. (12)


    Money is our madness, our vast collective madness.
    And of course, if the multitude is mad
    The individual carries his own grain of insanity around with him.
    I doubt if any man living hands out a pound note without a pang;
    And a real tremor, if he hands out a ten-pound note.
    We quail, money makes us quail.
    It has got us down, we grovel before it in strange terror.
    And no wonder, for money has a fearful cruel power among men.
    But it is not money we are terrified of,
    it is the collective money-madness of mankind.
    For mankind says with one voice : How much is he worth?
    Has he no money? Then let him eat dirt, and go cold And if I have no money, they will given me a little bread,
    So I do not die,
    but they will make me eat dirt for it.
    I shall have to eat dirt, I shall have to eat dirt,
    If I have no money It is that I am afraid of.
    And that fear can become a delirium.
    It is fear of my money-mad fellow-man.
    We must have some money To save us from eating dirt.
    And this is wrong.
    Bread should be free,
    fire should be free
    to all and anybody, all and anybody, all over the world.
    We must regain our sanity about money before we start killing one another about it.
    It’s one thing or the other. —DH Lawrence
    (a). On the basis of your reading of the poem, answer the following questions by choosing the correct option. (1×6=6)
    (i) When does a person feel a pang?
    (a) Because of madness of money
    (b) When he parts with a pound of money
    (c) When he hands out a ten-pound note
    (d) Cannot be inferred
    Ans. (b) When he parts with a pound of money.
    (ii) What kind of feeling does money create in us?
    (a) Feeling of fear
    (b) Feeling of tremor
    (c) Feeling of happiness
    (d) Feeling of satisfaction
    Ans. (a) Feeling of fear
    (iii) Why does the poet say “we must have some money”?
    (a) To be worthy
    (b) To be happy
    (c) To have basic amenities
    (d) To fulfil our madness
    Ans. (c) To have basic amenities
    (iv) According to the poem, what does ‘eat dirt’ refer to?
    (a) Eat garbage (b) Eat spoiled food
    (c) Hearing criticism (d) Cannot be inferred
    Ans. (c) Hearing criticism
    (v) The synonym of ‘quail’ is
    (a) faint (b) feel happy
    (c) shrink with fear (d) feel content
    Ans. (c) shrink with fear
    (vi) The word opposite of ‘delirium’ is
    (a) violent excitement (b) peaceful state
    (c) passion (d) saneness
    Ans. (d) saneness
    (b) On the basis of the reading of the given poem, answer the following questions briefly (1×6=6)
    (i) What do people say about a man’s worth?
    Ans. People say that a man’s worth is only when he has money. He is judged on the basis of his worth and not for his character.
    (ii) Why does the poet repeat the words “all and anybody”?
    Ans. The poet repeats these words to emphasise that basic amenities should be’ free to all. Also, he is suggesting a remedy to lessen the money madness.
    (iii) What are the two things implied in “It’s one thing or the other”?
    Ans. It is that if we regain sanity then we will lead a harmonious existence, but if we fail, we will end up killing each other.
    (iv) What is the poet’s greatest fear?
    Ans. The poet’s greatest fear is that he will have to eat dirt if he has no money.
    (v) The word………. from the poem means sharp emotional distress.
    Ans. pang
    (vi) The word opposite of ‘madness’ is………..
    Ans. sanity

    Section B Writing and Grammar

    3.CBSE Board exams are just round the corner and as an educationist you can feel the pressure on students. Design a poster on behalf of CBSE to be displayed in various schools asking students to take the help of counsellors. (4)
    you are the Manager of Swaroop Resorts, Nainital. Write a notice to the guests cautioning them regarding the bad weather that has been forcast for your area. Invent all necessary details in not more than 50 words.

    4. Write a letter to Elite stationers limited, Kanpur, placing an order for stationery and other items to be supplied to your educational institute, Jaspal Kaur Public School, Kashmiri Gate, Kanpur. Sign in as Shubhangi/Shubham. (6)
    You are the Storekeeper and Manager of Elite sports limited. You received an order from DAV Model School, Patparganj for various sports items. Write a letter to their sports secretary giving information regarding the delay in supply of some items. (6)
    jaspal Kaur Public School
    Kashmere Gate
    nth March, 20XX
    Elite Stationers Limited Aravalli, Kanpur
    Subject Stationery and other Items Required
    Please send the goods to the school on any weekday between 8 am and 2 pm. You are also requested to send the bill after allowing the discount permissible for schools. Payment will be made after the consignment is received and checked by the school authorities
    Further, please ensure the quality of the consignment. If defects are found in the goods, the whole
    consignment will be returned without any payment
    Thanking you
    Your faithfully
    (Co-ordinator,Senior school)


    Elite Sports Limited, New Delhi Ref No.- DAV/25B/20XX 28th May, 2OXX The sports Secretary DAV Model School Patparganj, Delhi-110081
    Subject Delay in delivery of sports items against order dated 25th May, 20XX.
    With reference to your above order, we regret that two of the goods that you had ordered, i.e. footballs and cricket bats of the mentioned brand, are presently not in stock. However, we shall be receiving these items in a couple of days’ time. This would delay the delivery of the goods by just two days. All the goods will be delivered to you by 2nd june, 2OXX. The inconvenience caused is regretted.
    Please rest assured about the quality and excellent packing of the goods.
    Yours truly
    Sushant Aneja
    Storekeeper and Manager

    5. Recently Delhi Government has proposed to ban the use of diesel vehicles that are more than 10 years old. As a well-known journalist, write a speech in 150-200 words discussing the impact of the proposal. You are Venkat Rai. (10)
    You visited the Great India Place Mall, Noida, where a famous celebrity had come for the promotion of his movie. Narrate your experience in about 150-200 words. (10)
    Ans. Today I, Venkat Rai, have been asked to speak about Delhi Government’s proposal of deregistering diesel vehicles that are more than 10 years old. Every new move draws both applause and anguish from the general public. It is happening with this problem also.
    It cannot be denied that the pollution level of the city is increasing at an alarming rate. It is majorly due to the emission of the harmful gases from diesel vehicles. It is adversely affecting the health of the people. Moreover, traffic jams have a new story to tell each day. So, something has to done urgently and banning some old cars seems a reasonable move.
    We blame our system for everything; so now when the system is suggesting a way to tackle the problem, people are criticising it. True, the move will prove hard for the middle class people who cannot afford a new car. But they shouldn’t come to a conclusion in haste by just hearing one half of the story. We all should wait for the final verdict of the court in this matter, as surely they will not ignore the plea of the vehicle owners.


    Meeting a Super Star

    Yesterday I went to Great India Place, Noida to buy a gift for a friend. I had been to the mall several times, so I knew exactly where to go. I was heading straight to the store of my choice when the lift operator asked me to wait. When I said I was in hurry, he asked to me wait and added that I would be happy to have waited. I couldn’t understand his words but didn’t argue. After a minute a team of security guards entered the lift. And to my surprise, I saw superstar Hrithik Roshan standing right in front of me. I was numb and couldn’t believe my luck. I was staring at him. He looked at me said ‘Hi’ and shook hands with me. That was an experience of a lifetime. A person whom I had earlier seen only on the silver screen was standing right in front of me.
    He looked very handsome in his outfit. I thanked the lift operator for giving me this opportunity. Later I came to know that he had come for the actor promotion of his upcoming movie ‘Krrish 3’.

    6. The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction against the correct blank number. (1/2 x 8= 4)

    7. Rearrange the following words/phrases into meaningful sentences. (1×2 = 2)
    (a) communicate with/sign language/we use/impaired/the hearing/to
    (b) by Henry Ford/produced/petrol driven/the first/motor car/was
    Ans. (a) We use sign language to communicate with the hearing impaired.
    (b) The first petrol driven motor car was produced by Henry Ford.

    8. Transform the following sentences in other forms as given brackets. Sense of the sentences must not be changed. (1×4=4)
    (a) David plays the piano – he started when he was seven years old. (use ‘since’)
    (b) It’s possible that Shivam will not be here next week, (use ‘might not’)
    (c) We’ve got no money, (use ‘any’)
    (d) I went out and it was raining, (use ‘when’)
    Ans. (a) David has been playing the piano since he was seven years old.
    (b) Shivam might not be here next week.
    (c) We haven’t got any money.
    (d) When I went out, it was raining.

    Section C Literature and Long Reading Text [ 30 Marks]

    9. Read the extract carefully and answer the questions below.

    “The cardboard shows me how it was

    When the two girl cousins went paddling,

    Each one holding one of my mother’s hands ,

    And she the big girl, some twelve years or so.”

    (i) Describe the photograph described in the above stanza.
    (ii) How old is the ‘mother’ here?
    (iii) Who is the mother with, in the photograph?
    Ans. (i) The photograph depicts three girls enjoying a sea holiday, holding each others hands. The poet’s’ mother and her two young cousins can be seen in the photograph.
    (ii) The ‘mother’ is about twelve years old here.
    (iii) In the photograph, the mother is with her two young cousins.

    10. Answer any three of the following questions.(3×3 = 9)
    (i) Why couldn’t the author believe that his grandmother was once young and pretty?
    (ii) Justify the title of the story: “We’re Not Afraid to Die… if We Can All Be Together.”
    (iii) What was the reason for Zahi Hawass’ worry?
    (iv) Why was Taplow given extra work on the last day of school?
    Ans. (i) The author had always seen his grandmother as a very old woman. For the past twenty years, he had seen her face in a criss-cross of wrinkles. She used to stoop also.Hence, it was hard for the author to believe that his grandmother was once young and pretty.
    (ii) “We’re Not Afraid to Die…. If We Can All Be Together” is the story of rare courage and perseverance that was shown by the narrator, his crew and his wife and children. Everybody confronted the disaster with patience, courage and determination. Like his father, Jonathan bravely said that they were not afraid to die, but it would be better if they died together. Hence, the little is logically justified.
    (iii) Zahi Hawass was the Secretary General of Egypt’s Supreme Council of Antiquities. Tut’s mummy was already in a bad condition after what Carter did to it. Hawass was scared of inflicting more damage to it. The first ever CT scan of Tut’s mummy for an accurate forensic reconstruction was arranged. When everything went as planned, he heaved a sigh of relief.
    (iv) Mr Crocker-Harris gave Taplow extra work on the last day of school because Taplow had missed attending classes for one day last week when he was ill.
    11. Answer the following questions in about 120-150 words.
    Old people face loneliness and seclusion. Why do you think they need attention and care? How should we help them? Answer -with reference to the chapter, ‘The Portrait of a Lady.’ (6)


    Positive attitude helps even in the worst of situations. How does the story, “We’re Not Afraid to Die… if We Can All Be Together” help us understand this? (6)
    Ans. Old age is the most sensitive age of a person. The old are like little infants. They are unable to do most of the things on their own. This makes them dependent on others physically as well as emotionally. This is the age when they need full support. They need someone with whom they could share everything. But sometimes, it is the loneliness that kills them from inside.
    The same thing happened with the narrator’s grandmother. They both are living together and were very close to each other. After some years, his parents brought them to the city where they drifted apart. But the old lady accepted her seclusion and rarely talked to anyone.
    This shows that the old need proper care and attention by their loved ones. They are emotionally vulnerable and want someone to be always close to them .
    When the storm struck their boat, the captain was almost killed . The boat was nearly a wreck.
    He was injured, but held on to the wheel. Water was getting into the boat, but Larry and Herb kept pumping like madmen. They didn’t lose hope. Even the little girl was so brave that she didn’t inform her parents about her injuries. The little boy, an epitome of courage, said that he was not afraid of dying. All this gave the captain a new hope and a will to fight. He checked and calculated that their only chance of survival was a 65 km wide island in 150,000 square kilometres of ocean. Still they set sail towards it. Finally, they set foot on land and survived. All this shows that a positive attitude helps even in the worst of situations.

    Long Reading Text (Novel)

    12. The twins bring out the humour in the novel, ‘The Canterville Ghost.’ Discuss. (The Canterville Ghost) (6)
    How did the slaves get the news about fights against slavery earlier than the whites? (Up From Slavery) (6)
    Ans. In the novel, The Canterville Ghost’, Oscar Wilde transforms a horror story into a comic story. The Otis twins are lively mischievous brothers, as they enjoy playing pranks on the ghost. Instead of being scared, they scare the ghost by tripping him up, shooting peas ,at him, and even fooling him by a false ghost.
    The presence of a ghost in their house becomes a matter of enjoyment for them and to tease the ghost with innovative ideas. They even give evidence of their fearlessness as they climb the stairs after the ghost when the ghost escapes after dropping the heavy armour. But the twins play tricks on the ghost and make him depressed and desperate in turn. The ghost turns out to be a tragic and lonely character to be sympathised with.


    Often slaves came to know of the results of great battles before the white people received it: This news was usually received from the coloured man who was sent to the post office for the mail. He would linger about the place long enough to get the drift of the conversation from the group of white people who naturally congregated there to discuss the latest news.
    The mail carrier, on his way back, would share the information of the important events with other slaves before it even reached the white people. The narrator recalled the hushed discussions at night. They understood the situation because of the ‘grapevine’ telegraph. This is how the slaves throughout the South, although illiterate, yet were accurately informed about the great national questions agitating the country.

    13. How does Oscar Wilde picturise the Americans in his novel? (The CanterVIlle Ghost) (6)
    Give a brief character sketch of General Samuel C Armstrong. (Up From Slavery)
    Ans. The Canterville Ghost’ is a parody on the American culture as Oscar Wilde has aptly placed an American family in a British setting through a series of mishaps. Lord Canterville, the previous owner of the house, warns. Mr Otis that the ghost of Sir Simon de Canterville has haunted it ever since he has killed his wife lady Eleanore, many years ago. But Mr Otis dismisses the ghost story as merely an example of British traditionalism. But when the Otis’s realise that it is indeed haunted, they tease the ghost with several pranks.
    Oscar Wilde has satirised American materialism but he also pokes fun at English traditionalism. Mrs Umney faints at the roar of the thunder and Washington’s removal of the bloodstain ends up in laughter while Mr and Mrs Otis practical solutions also become equally laughable.


    General Samuel C Armstrong was the head of Hampton school. He was to Booker one of the noblest, rarest human beings he had even met. He was very unselfish and worshipped by his students because he was determined to uplift the blacks. He has the most dominant influence in Booker’s life. General Armstrong was also a of finances source when Booker’s Tuskegee Institute needed his help. He never took credit for what he had accomplished. He was as anxious about the prosperity and the happiness of the white race as the black. He cherished no bitterness against the South and was happy when an opportunity offered for manifesting his sympathy. He believed in the importance of industrial education for the coloured race. He very much admired what Booker accomplished and expressed a wish to spend the last few months of his life with him at Tuskegee.


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