Table of Contents
Application for Correction in Marksheet
Why all the fuss about getting every detail right in your marksheet? Well, it’s because your marksheet is more than a reflection of your academic performance; it’s a key that unlocks your next level – be it further education, a job, or even travel opportunities. Imagine going for a job interview or university admission, and you’re held back because your father’s name is misspelled or your scores are incorrectly entered. These tiny details could shake trust in your profile or lead to unnecessary delays. That’s why knowing how to navigate the correction process, especially in official documents like your board exam marksheet or university records, is not just helpful but essential. It’s about ensuring your records are an accurate representation of you.
Correction in Marksheet can seem daunting. It’s something most students face, and yet, the path forward isn’t always clear. You’ve realized there’s a mistake in your marksheet, maybe a spelling error in your name or a discrepancy in your scores, and now you’re about to dive into the correction process. Whether your marksheet is from a university, college, or your school, each detail it carries is significant. It’s not merely a statement of your scores; it’s a testament to your hard work, identity, and future opportunities.

How to Write an application for correction in marksheet?
Mistakes happen, and sometimes they find their way into important documents like your marksheet. But worry not, as these errors can be corrected with a well-drafted application for correction in marksheet. Here’s a simple guide on how to articulate your request effectively:
- Initiate with Essential Details: Your application should start with fundamental information, including your full name, the course enrolled, and the educational institution’s specifics. This is crucial, whether you’re making an application for correction in marksheet in college or for board examinations.
- Identify the Specific Error: Highlight the exact mistake that occurred. It could range from a simple spelling error to more complex issues like a discrepancy in your scores. For instance, if you’re writing an application for correction in marksheet name, explicitly state the incorrect and correct names.
- Correct Information Submission: After identifying the error, present the accurate details. In scenarios like application for father name correction in marksheet, provide the correct name, ensuring no further discrepancies.
- Attach Supporting Documents: Strengthen your application by including proof of the correct information. This step is vital, especially in cases like application for correction of marksheet in university, where they adhere to strict verification processes.
- Adopt a Formal Tone: While drafting your application for marks correction in marksheet, maintain a polite and formal tone. Being courteous in your request facilitates smoother processing.
- Comply with Institutional Norms: Institutions have specific protocols for handling requests, including those for application for correction in degree marksheet. Make sure you’re aware of these and follow them meticulously.
- Review Before Submission: Errors in your application can delay the correction process. Ensure a thorough proofread before submitting your request for correction in marksheet.
- Document All Correspondence: Retain copies of your application and any supporting documents. This practice is beneficial, especially when dealing with procedural necessities like application for correction of marksheet in university settings.
By following these steps, you can ensure that your application for correction in marksheet is clear, comprehensive, and likely to be processed without delays. Remember, this is about ensuring that your academic records reflect your true identity and achievements without any discrepancies.
Application for Marksheet Correction Format
Your Full Name
Your Roll Number/Student ID
Your Current Address
City, State, Zip Code
Email Address
Principal’s Full Name/Registrar’s Full Name
School/College/University Name
Institution’s Address
City, State, Zip Code
Subject: Application for Correction in Marksheet
Respected Sir/Madam,
I hope this message finds you in good health. I am John Doe, a student of class 10, with the roll number 123456. I recently received my marksheet and found a discrepancy that I hope can be rectified at the earliest.
The error is in the spelling of my name, wrongly printed as ‘Jon Doe’. This mistake could lead to issues in future academic and official records. Attached to this letter are copies of my identification documents that confirm the correct spelling as ‘John Doe’.
I kindly request the necessary corrections be made as soon as possible since I need the updated marksheet for upcoming educational opportunities.
I apologize for any trouble caused and appreciate your immediate attention to this matter.
Thank you for your understanding and assistance.
John Doe
Sample for Applications for Marksheet Correction
Here are two sample applications for marksheet correction. These examples illustrate how you might requests for different types of corrections.
Sample 1: Application for Name Correction in Marksheet
Date: October 19, 2023
The Principal
ABC High School
47 School Avenue, Green Park
Cityville, State, 12345
Subject: Request for Correction of Name in Marksheet
Respected Sir/Madam,
I am writing to inform you of an error in my recently issued marksheet. I am Rita Singh, a student of Class 12, Science stream, with the roll number 112233. It has come to my notice that my name has been misspelled on the marksheet as “Rita Sinh,” missing the letter “g” in my surname.
This mistake could potentially cause complications in my academic records and future endeavors. Therefore, I request the swift correction of this error. I have attached a copy of my Aadhar Card and school identity card as proof of my correct name.
I respectfully ask for the necessary actions to be taken at the earliest convenience to avoid any inconvenience in my upcoming university admissions.
Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. I apologize for any disturbance caused due to this oversight.
Yours sincerely,
Rita Singh
Roll No: 112233
Aadhar Card
School Identity Card
Sample 2: Application for Correction of Father Name in Marksheet
Date: October 19, 2023
The Registrar
XYZ University
123 University Lane, Red District
Cityville, State, 12345
Subject: Application for Correction of Father’s Name in Marksheet
Dear Sir/Madam,
I hope this letter finds you well. I am Alex Johnson, a recent graduate of the Bachelor of Arts program, with the student ID number 445566. I am writing to request a correction in my university marksheet.
Upon receipt of my official documents, I noticed an error in my father’s name. Instead of “Michael Johnson,” it has been incorrectly listed as “Micheal Johnston.” This discrepancy is significant as it mismatches the name listed on all other legal documents and family records.
I understand that such rectifications require verification, and for this purpose, I am enclosing copies of my father’s official identification documents along with my birth certificate.
Given the importance of accurate personal information in official records and the potential implications of such an error, I kindly urge the university administration to address and rectify this mistake promptly.
I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and sincerely thank you for your immediate attention to this important matter.
Alex Johnson
Student ID: 445566
Father’s Identification Document
Birth Certificate
Application for Name Correction in 10th Marksheet
Date: October 19, 2023
The Principal
Alpha High School
Subject: Correction of Name in 10th Marksheet
Respected Sir/Madam,
I am Jamie Khanna, Roll No: 007, from the 10th standard. My marksheet has a mistake in my name, showing “Jammie Khanna” instead of “Jamie Khanna.”
I request a quick correction because I need the right marksheet for new school applications. I am attaching my birth certificate and school ID for proof of the right name.
Thank you for helping me with this issue.
Jamie Khanna
Roll No: 007
Birth Certificate
School ID
Application for Correction of Marksheet in University
Date: October 19, 2023
The Registrar
Delta University
Subject: Request for Marksheet Correction
Dear Sir/Madam,
I’m writing as a student of Delta University, pursuing my Bachelor’s in Computer Science. I recently received my marksheet and noticed a discrepancy that needs correction.
My name, supposed to be registered as “Chris Patton,” is incorrectly listed as “Cris Paton.” This error is concerning, as it conflicts with my other official documents and may complicate my academic and professional records.
I kindly request the necessary correction in my marksheet. For your reference, I have attached a copy of my university ID and other identification documents demonstrating the correct spelling of my name. I understand there might be a formal procedure for such corrections, and I am ready to comply as required.
I appreciate your prompt attention to this matter and look forward to the swift resolution of this issue.
Thank you for your assistance.
Best Regards,
Chris Patton
Student ID: BCS-00123
University ID
Additional identification documents
Marksheet Correction Application in Hindi
>मार्कशीट में नाम सुधारने के लिए एप्लीकेशन 2023
दिनांक: 19 अक्टूबर, 2023
बीटा हाई स्कूल
विषय: मार्कशीट में नाम सुधार के लिए आवेदन
सदर नमन। मैं, जेमी खन्ना, कक्षा 10 का छात्र/छात्रा, यह पत्र लिखकर आपकी ध्यान दिलाना चाहता/चाहती हूँ कि मेरी मार्कशीट में मेरा नाम गलत ढंग से अंकित किया गया है। मेरा सही नाम “जेमी खन्ना” है, जो मार्कशीट में “जैमी खन्ना” के रूप में दिखाई दे रहा है।
मेरी आपसे विनती है कि इस त्रुटि को सुधारने का कष्ट करें। यह गलती मेरे आगामी शैक्षिक प्रस्तुतियों के लिए समस्या पैदा कर सकती है। सही नाम का समर्थन करते हुए मैंने अपना जन्म प्रमाणपत्र और स्कूल पहचान पत्र संलग्न किया है।
आपसे अनुरोध है कि इस मामले को चरम संज्ञान में लेते हुए जल्द से जल्द सुधार करने का कष्ट करें।
आपकी सहायता के लिए धन्यवाद।
आपका विश्वासी,
जेमी खन्ना
अनुक्रमांक: 007
जन्म प्रमाणपत्र
स्कूल पहचान पत्र
Application for Correction of Marksheet in University in Hindi
दिनांक: 19 अक्टूबर, 2023
डेल्टा विश्वविद्यालय,
विषय: मार्कशीट में सुधार के लिए आवेदन
सविनय निवेदन यह है कि मैं डेल्टा विश्वविद्यालय का छात्र/छात्रा हूँ और मेरी मुख्य परीक्षा की मार्कशीट में कुछ त्रुटि पाई गई है। मेरा नाम “क्रिस पैटन” के बजाय “क्रिस पेटन” के रूप में अंकित किया गया है, जो कि गलत है।
मैंने इस त्रुटि को ठीक कराने के लिए आवश्यक सभी दस्तावेज संलग्न किए हैं। मुझे उम्मीद है कि आप मेरी समस्या को समझेंगे और जल्द से जल्द इसमें सुधार करेंगे।
इस असुविधा के लिए मुझे खेद है, और मैं आपके सहयोग के लिए आभारी हूँ। कृपया मुझे सुधारित मार्कशीट प्राप्त करने की प्रक्रिया के बारे में सूचित करें।
आपका विश्वासी,
क्रिस पैटन
छात्र/छात्रा संख्या: BCS-00123
विश्वविद्यालय पहचान पत्र
अन्य पहचान संलग्न दस्तावेज
Application for Correction of Marksheet in University
Certainly, here’s how you can structure an application for correction in a university marksheet in English:
Date: October 19, 2023
The Registrar,
Delta University,
Subject: Application for Correction in Marksheet
Respected Sir/Madam,
I am writing this letter to bring to your kind attention a discrepancy in my official university marksheet. I am a student of Delta University, and I have recently noticed that my name has been incorrectly spelled in the university’s records. Instead of “Chris Paton,” it has been printed as “Chris Peton,” which is incorrect.
Enclosed with this letter, you will find copies of my identification documents that verify my correct name, including my university ID and other supporting documents. I request the concerned department to kindly address this error at the earliest and issue a corrected marksheet. I understand that these official documents are of paramount importance for my academic and professional records, and having incorrect information could lead to unnecessary complications.
I apologize for any inconvenience caused due to this oversight and appreciate your prompt action to resolve this matter. Please inform me about any necessary procedures I need to follow to receive the corrected marksheet or if any further documentation is required from my end.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Chris Paton
Student ID: BCS-00123
University ID card
Additional supporting documents
Application for Name Correction in 12th Marksheet
Date: October 19, 2023
The Principal,
Alpha High School,
77 Education Lane,
Subject: Request for Name Correction in 12th-Grade Marksheet
Respected Sir/Madam,
I hope this letter finds you in the best of your health and spirits. I am Jamie Dawson, a recent 12th-grade graduate from Alpha High School (Batch of 2023), writing to inform you of a critical error in my school-leaving marksheet. My correct name is “Jamie Dawson,” but, regrettably, it is printed as “Jamie Dorson” in the marksheet, which is a significant discrepancy.
I have attached copies of my official school identification and other relevant documents that confirm my correct name. Given the importance of this document for my future academic pursuits and professional life, it is imperative that my name is accurate in all official records.
I respectfully request the administrative staff’s prompt assistance in rectifying this mistake and issuing a corrected marksheet. I am prepared to follow any formalities required as part of this process or provide additional documentation if necessary. Please advise me on the steps I need to undertake to expedite this correction.
I apologize for any inconvenience my request might cause and sincerely appreciate your immediate attention to this matter. Your assistance in helping me correct this error is invaluable.
Thank you for your understanding and support.
Yours sincerely,
Jamie Dawson
Roll Number: AH12345
School Identification Card
Birth Certificate
Previous school records confirming the correct name
Application for Requesting a Correction in a Marksheet Due to a Spelling Mistake
Date: October 19, 2023
The Registrar,
Omega Academy
Subject: Correction of Spelling Mistake in Marksheet
Respected Sir/Madam,
I, Alex Johnson (Student ID: OA-00987), recently received my final exam marksheet and found a spelling error in my name (“Alex Jonson” instead of “Alex Johnson”). This mistake is significant for my academic and future professional records.
I have attached proofs of my identity and previous records to confirm my correct name. I request a prompt correction of this error and the issue of a revised marksheet.
Please let me know of any further steps or documentation required on my part.
Thank you for addressing this matter swiftly.
Alex Johnson
Identity proof
Previous records
Current marksheet
Application for Requesting a Correction in a Marksheet When there is a Mistake in the Marks
Date: October 19, 2023
The Examination Board,
Beta Learning Institute
Subject: Request for Rectification of Marks in Marksheet
Respected Sir/Madam,
I am Taylor Smith, Roll No. BLI-5566, from the Science stream. Post-evaluation of my recent marksheet, I identified an inconsistency in the Chemistry marks awarded to me, which significantly deviates from my exam performance and expectations.
Enclosed are my exam answer sheets (if available) and other relevant assessments, affirming my projected grade trajectory. I kindly urge a re-evaluation of my Chemistry paper to rectify this critical issue and ensure the marksheet reflects my genuine performance.
I am available for any discussions or further submissions required in this regard. Prompt attention to this pressing concern would be highly appreciated.
Thank you for your understanding and swift action.
Yours sincerely,
Taylor Smith
Relevant assessment records
Answer sheets (if applicable)
Disputed marksheet
Guidelines and Tips: Application for Mark Sheet Correction
- Spot the Mistake: Check your marksheet carefully to find any errors in your name, personal details, or marks.
- Prepare Your Proof: Collect all documents like ID, previous marksheets, or test papers that prove the mistake on the marksheet.
- Write a Clear Application: Create a short letter explaining the mistake and what needs to be corrected. Keep it simple and polite.
- Know the Rules: Different schools and universities have their own rules for fixing mistakes on marksheets. Make sure you know and follow them.
- Double-Check Everything: Look over your application and documents again to make sure everything is right before you send them.
- Stay in Touch: After you submit your application, remember to follow up. This keeps you informed about the progress and shows you’re serious about getting the issue resolved quickly.
Frequently Asked Questions on Mark Sheet Correction
How do I write an application for mother name correction in school?
To correct your mother's name in school records, write a clear application to your school authority, stating the mistake and the actual spelling of your mother's name. Attach proof like her ID for verification and request a prompt correction in the marksheet.
How can I write a letter to my Marksheet?
If you're addressing issues related to your marksheet, draft a letter directed to your educational institution's examination board. Clearly describe the problem, provide evidence (like your exam details), and request the specific correction.
How do I write an application letter for name correction?
For a name correction, submit an application indicating the exact issue and the correct spelling of your name. Include any legal documents (like a birth certificate) confirming your correct name, and politely ask for a revised marksheet.
How to write an application letter?
Application letters require you to state your purpose clearly at the beginning, provide any necessary details, and make a request. Be concise, formal, and polite, ensuring you include relevant personal details and any necessary documentation as support.
How do you write a letter of correction?
A correction letter should identify the error accurately, provide the correct information, and formally request that the changes be made. It's essential to be clear and precise, providing valid supporting documents for the correction.
How can I change my name in 10th Marksheet?
To change your name in the 10th marksheet, you'll need to submit an application to your school or the relevant examination board, providing legal documentation (like a name change affidavit) and request the necessary amendments in your marksheet.
Can I change my name on Marksheet after graduation?
Yes, but it involves a formal process. You'll need to apply through your university's administration, providing legal proof of your name change, and follow their procedures for updating your marksheet and other records.
How can I correct my parents' name in 10th Marksheet?
Correcting your parents' name involves writing an application to the school board or relevant authorities, detailing the error, and providing the correct information with supporting documents like your parents' IDs for verification in the marksheet.
Is it possible to change the name in educational certificates?
Yes, you can request a name change on educational certificates. However, you must provide legal evidence supporting the change and comply with the specific procedures established by the educational institution or examination board.
Does CBSE allow name change?
CBSE does permit name changes but under strict regulatory guidelines. You'd need to submit a formal application, complete with supporting legal documents, to the CBSE board and comply with their procedural requirements for name changes in the marksheet and other certificates.