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Ayodhya Ram Mandir Distance

The Ayodhya Ram Mandir, also known as the Ram Temple, is an important religious and cultural place in Ayodhya, India. It is very special in Hinduism because it is believed to be where Lord Rama was born, a key figure in the Hindu epic Ramayana. The construction of the temple has been a topic of historical and political significance. In 2019, the Supreme Court made a landmark decision, giving the land exclusively to Hindus.

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    The temple is a symbol of the enduring faith and cultural heritage of millions of people. It shows how different beliefs can coexist peacefully. People are looking forward to the idol of Ram Lalla being placed in the temple’s inner sanctum on 22nd January 2024. The temple is expected to be completed by December 2023.

    Nearest Railway Station to Ayodhya Ram Mandir

    The nearest railway station to Ayodhya Ram Mandir is Ayodhya Dham Railway Station, which is about 6 kilometers away from the temple area. There is another train station in the city called Ayodhya Junction, which is near Faizabad Junction on the Lucknow-Ayodhya route. Ayodhya Dham Railway Station has good connections to major cities in the country, and you can easily find regular trains to Ayodhya from other big cities. Additionally, there are Uttar Pradesh Transport Corporation buses available 24/7, making it convenient to reach Ayodhya from anywhere.

    Ayodhya Junction to Ram Mandir Distance

    The distance from Ayodhya Junction to the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya is about 1.7 kilometers. You can travel this distance using different modes of transport like auto-rickshaws, e-rickshaws, or by walking, depending on what you like.

    Ayodhya Railway Station to Ram Mandir Distance

    The Ram Mandir in Ayodhya is only about 1.5 to 2 kilometers away from Ayodhya Railway Station. This makes it very easy for train travelers to reach the temple.

    Ayodhya Dham Railway Station to Ayodhya Ram Mandir Distance

    The distance between Ayodhya Dham Railway Station and Ayodhya Ram Mandir is about 7 kilometers. You can get there in different ways, like by driving. The time it takes to travel this distance depends on how you travel and which way you go. Normally, it takes around 15 to 20 minutes to drive from Ayodhya Dham Railway Station to Ayodhya Ram Mandir, assuming there’s normal traffic.

    Delhi to Ayodhya Ram Mandir Distance

    Ayodhya distance from Delhi is approximately 775 kilometers (482 miles) by road and distance between Delhi and the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya can change depending on how you travel and which way you go. However, if you drive on the usual roads, it’s about 693.8 kilometers (around 429 miles). Keep in mind that the actual distance you travel can be different based on where you start in Delhi, the route you take, the condition of the roads, and traffic.

    Faizabad to Ayodhya Ram Mandir Distance

    Ayodhya distance from Faizabad is very short, as they are essentially the same city. Ayodhya is also known as Faizabad, with the two names often used interchangeably. The distance between Faizabad and the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya is quite short because these two places are very close to each other. Faizabad and Ayodhya are neighboring cities in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. The distance from Faizabad to the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya is about 8.8 kilometers (around 4 to 6 miles), depending on where you start in Faizabad and the route you take. This means that it’s easy for people in Faizabad to travel to the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya, and it usually takes about 15 to 20 minutes by road.

    Ayodhya Cantt Railway Station to Ayodhya Ram Mandir Distance

    The distance between Ayodhya Cantt Railway Station and Ayodhya Ram Mandir is about 17.1 kilometers. You can get to the temple from the railway station using different local transportation options like auto-rickshaws, taxis, or buses. The time it takes to make this journey can vary depending on how you travel and the traffic, but it usually takes around 25 to 30 minutes. This route lets you experience the spiritual and historical significance of Ayodhya, an important city in India’s culture and religion.

    Ayodhya Ram Mandir Distance from Faridabad

    The distance from Faridabad to Ayodhya Ram Mandir in Uttar Pradesh, India, can vary depending on how you travel and the route you take. There are two main ways to measure the distance: by road and by air.

    By Road: If you travel by road, the distance between Faridabad and Ayodhya Ram Mandir is approximately 650 to 670 kilometers, depending on the specific route you choose. You can cover this distance by car, bus, or other forms of road transportation. The time it takes for the journey will depend on traffic, stops, and the route you take.

    By Air: If you’re flying, the straight-line distance (as the crow flies) between Faridabad and Ayodhya is shorter than the road distance. It’s typically around 514 kilometers. However, this distance is only relevant for air travel and doesn’t account for the actual travel distance if you’re going by road or rail.

    Ayodhya Ram Mandir Distance from Dehradun

    The distance between Ayodhya, famous for the Ram Mandir, and Dehradun, the capital of Uttarakhand in India, can vary depending on how you travel and the route you choose. If you go by road, it’s about 722 kilometers, but the exact distance depends on the specific route you take. This road trip usually takes around 13 to 14 hours, but that can change depending on traffic and where you start and finish in the cities.

    If you prefer to take the train, there are different train routes that connect Dehradun to Ayodhya is 679 kms but the travel time and distance vary depending on which train and route you pick.

    As for flying, there are no direct flights from Dehradun to Ayodhya. You’d usually need to fly to a nearby major city like Lucknow and then continue your journey to Ayodhya by road or train.

    Ayodhya Ram Mandir Distance from Kolkata

    The distance from Kolkata to Ayodhya Ram Mandir in Uttar Pradesh can change based on how you travel and the route you take. In general, if you go by road, it’s about 926 kilometers (547 miles). This distance can also be covered by either road or train, and the time it takes depends on traffic, train schedules, and other things.

    Ayodhya Ram Mandir Distance from Pune

    The distance from Pune to the Ayodhya Ram Mandir in Uttar Pradesh, India, can vary based on how you travel and which route you take. Here’s a simple breakdown:

    1. By Road: It’s about 1,572 kilometers if you go by road using National Highway 52 and National Highway 27.
    2. By Train: If you take a train, the distance can be around 1,400 to 1,500 kilometers, depending on the train route.
    3. By Air: If you fly, the straight-line distance is roughly 1,256 kilometers, but the actual flight distance can change depending on the available flight paths.

    Ayodhya Ram Mandir Distance from Varanasi

    The distance from Varanasi to Ayodhya, where the Ram Mandir is located, can vary based on how you travel and the route you take. If you go by road, it’s about 225 kilometers, and it usually takes 4hr 26 min, depending on traffic and the route you choose. You can use a car, bus, or taxi for this journey. Trains also run between Varanasi and Ayodhya, and the distance might differ because of the railway routes. Traveling by train can also take about 4 to 6 hours, depending on the train you pick. Make sure to check the current routes and transportation options for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

    Ayodhya Ram Mandir Distance from Nagpur

    The distance between Nagpur and the Ayodhya Ram Mandir can change depending on how you choose to travel and the route you take.

    By Road: If you drive, the distance between Nagpur and Ayodhya is roughly 809 kilometers, depending on the route you pick. It usually takes about 12 to 14 hours by car, but this can vary depending on traffic and any stops you make.

    By Train: You can also take a train from Nagpur to Ayodhya. The train journey may take approximately 15 to 20 hours, depending on the train you choose. Ayodhya Ram Mandir distance from Nagpur is 1154 kms.

    By Air: Distance between Nagpur to Ayodhya by Flight is 702 Kms. Although there are no direct flights between Nagpur and Ayodhya, you can fly to the nearest major airports in Lucknow or Varanasi. From there, you can continue your journey to Ayodhya by road or train. The total travel time will depend on your flight connections and waiting times.

    FAQs on Ayodhya Ram Mandir Distance

    When was Ram Mandir destroyed?

    The original Ram Mandir in Ayodhya was destroyed in 1528. This historical event is significant in the context of Ayodhya's rich and complex history.

    How to pay Ayodhya Ram Mandir donation?

    To make a donation to the Ayodhya Ram Mandir, you can visit the official website of the temple trust or use designated bank accounts. Online and offline options are available for convenience.

    How to reach Ayodhya by flight?

    To reach Ayodhya by flight, fly to the nearest major airports in Lucknow or Varanasi. From there, you can travel to Ayodhya by road or train.

    What is the time of Darshan in Ayodhya?

    The darshan time in Ayodhya Ram Mandir can vary, but generally, it's open for visitors from early morning to late evening. It's best to check the current timings before visiting.

    Can we visit Ram temple in Ayodhya?

    Yes, visitors can go to the Ram temple in Ayodhya. It's open to the public, and people from all backgrounds are welcome to visit and offer prayers.

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