TopicsGeneral TopicsAll 6 Seasons Name in India with Months in English

All 6 Seasons Name in India with Months in English

Seasons happen because of Earth’s tilted orbit around the Sun. They divide the year based on changes in weather, nature, and the amount of daylight in a certain area. There are four primary seasons 4 seasons name are Summer, Winter, Spring, and Autumn.

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    Season Name in English

    India is famous for its varied climate and geography, which create different seasons. There are main four seasons name: summer, monsoon, post-monsoon, and winter. However, in North India, they traditionally recognize six seasons, each lasting about two months: spring, summer, monsoon, autumn, winter, and pre-winter. These seasons have distinct weather, temperatures, and cultural importance. It’s important to understand each season because India has a wide range of climatic conditions across its states.

    6 Season Name

    In certain cultures, like those in the Indian subcontinent, the year gets split into six unique seasons, each with its own special features. These seasons are a big part of the culture and way of life in this region. Here are six season name:

    1. Spring (Vasant Ritu): Spring is a time when everything comes back to life. Flowers bloom, and trees get their leaves again, making the world colorful and lively. The weather is nice and warm, and it feels like a fresh start. People celebrate Holi, a festival of colors, during this season to match the vibrant nature.
    2. Summer (Grishma Ritu): Summer is when it gets really hot with strong sun. Days are long, and people try to stay in the shade or near water to cool down. It can be too hot to be outside for long. Summer is also when juicy fruits like mangoes are in season and are used in many dishes and drinks.
    3. Monsoon or Rainy Season (Varsha Ritu): After the hot summer, the monsoon season brings much-needed rain. This is when there are heavy and frequent rains that make the land green and fertile again. Rivers get bigger, and everything becomes lush. It’s a good time for farming, but it can also lead to flooding in some places.
    4. Autumn (Sharad Ritu): As the rainy season ends, autumn arrives. The weather becomes more pleasant, and the air is less humid. This season is known for clear skies and cooler temperatures. Special festivals like Navratri and Durga Puja, which celebrate good winning over evil, are celebrated during this time.
    5. Pre-Winter (Hemant Ritu): Pre-winter is a transitional period when the weather starts to get colder but isn’t extremely cold yet. People start getting their warm clothes ready for winter.
    6. Winter (Shishir or Shita Ritu): Winter is the coldest time of the year. It can be quite chilly, especially in the northern areas, although it doesn’t usually snow in most parts of the Indian subcontinent. This is when people enjoy warm foods, bonfires, and cultural celebrations like Lohri and Pongal, which mark the end of winter and the return of longer days.

    Season Name

    Etymology of Seasons Names

    The names of seasons come from different languages, traditions, and observations of seasonal changes in nature. Many cultures name seasons based on weather patterns, temperature variations, and agricultural cycles.

    • Spring: The word “spring” comes from Old English springan, meaning “to leap or burst forth,” referring to plants growing after winter. In India, this season is called Vasanta (वसंत), marking new life and seasonal festivals in India like Holi.
    • Summer: Derived from Old English sumor, related to the Proto-Germanic sumaraz, meaning “warm season.” In India, it’s Grishma (ग्रीष्म), the time of heat and seasonal activities like mango harvesting.
    • Autumn: The word comes from Latin autumnus, meaning “the time of harvest.” Some regions call it fall because leaves fall from trees. In India, it’s Sharad (शरद), a season of festivals like Durga Puja.
    • Winter: From Proto-Germanic wintruz, linked to “wet” or “snowy.” In India, Sheet (शीत) and Hemanta (हेमंत) represent different phases of cold weather.
    • Monsoon: From Arabic mawsim, meaning “season,” referring to the seasonal rhythms of heavy rains in tropical regions. In India, it’s Varsha (वर्षा), important for agriculture.
    • Pre-Winter: A transition season in some Indian traditional calendars, known as Hemanta (हेमंत), when temperatures start dropping before full winter.

    Ancient traditional calendars, like the Bengali calendar, Odia calendar, Tamil calendar, and East Asian lunisolar calendars, define six seasons in India, called Ritu (ऋतु). These align with solar terms and seasonal vocabulary linked to ecological significance, flora and fauna changes, and daily activities influenced by seasons.

    In the Northern Hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere, seasonal characteristics differ due to meteorological conditions. Modern Gregorian calendar sets fixed dates for seasons, but older systems followed nature’s cycles.

    6 Season Name in English

    Here are six seasons name in English with month and temperature

    Season Month Temperature
    Spring March-April 20o to 25o
    Summer May-June 25o to 45o
    Monsoon July-August 30o to 35o
    Autumn September-October-mid November 20o to 30o
    Pre-Winter November-December Around 27o
    Winter Mid-December -February 5o to 25o

    Seasons Name in Hindi

    भारत में छह ऋतुओं के नाम – वसंत (वसंत ऋतु), ग्रीष्म (ग्रीष्म ऋतु), पूर्व-सर्दी (हेमन्त ऋतु), मानसून (वर्षा ऋतु), पतझड़ (शरद ऋतु), और शीत ऋतु (शीत ऋतु) – प्रत्येक अपना अनूठा आकर्षण और सांस्कृतिक महत्व लाते हैं। वसंत के खिले हुए फूलों से लेकर सर्दियों के सर्द दिनों तक, ये मौसम भारत में जीवन की लय को आकार देते हैं।

    1. वसंत ऋतु (Vasant Ritu)
    2. ग्रीष्म ऋतु (Gresham Ritu)
    3. वर्षा ऋतु (Varsha Ritu)
    4. शरद ऋतु (Sharad Ritu)
    5. हेंमंत ऋतु (Hemant Ritu)
    6. शीत ऋतु (Sheet Ritu)

    Seasons Name in English and Hindi

    Below is the table which have all six seasons name in English and Hindi:

    Seasons Name in English Seasons Name in English
    Spring बसंत
    Summer गर्मी
    Monsoon मानसून
    Autumn पतझड़
    Pre-Winter हेमंत
    Winter सर्दी

    4 Seasons Name

    The idea of the four seasons name – Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter – is widely known and enjoyed in various cultures across the world. Each season has its unique features, weather patterns, and ecological changes.


    • Time: Spring usually happens from March to May in the Northern Hemisphere and from September to November in the Southern Hemisphere.
    • Features: Spring is the season of renewal and rebirth. It’s when the weather gets warmer, snow melts in cold places, and plants start to grow. Trees get their leaves back, flowers bloom, and animals become more active.
    • Cultural Importance: Many festivals and holidays during this time celebrate new life, fertility, and growth. Spring is a time for rejuvenation, fresh starts, and positivity.


    • Time: Summer covers June to August in the Northern Hemisphere and December to February in the Southern Hemisphere.
    • Features: Summer brings the hottest temperatures of the year, long days, and short nights. It’s a time for lush green landscapes, abundant wildlife, and in many areas, dry weather.
    • Cultural Significance: Summer is linked to leisure activities, vacations, and outdoor fun like going to the beach, having barbecues, and hiking. It’s a season of happiness, relaxation, and enjoying the warm weather.

    Autumn (Fall)

    • Time: Autumn goes from September to November in the Northern Hemisphere and March to May in the Southern Hemisphere.
    • Features: This season is known for its noticeable temperature drop and shorter daylight hours. Leaves change color and fall from trees, and there’s a big harvest time for many crops.
    • Cultural Importance: Autumn is often a time for looking back on the year’s growth and changes. It’s associated with harvest festivals, preparing for winter, and admiring the beautiful changing leaves. It’s a time of transition and transformation.


    • Time: Winter takes place from December to February in the Northern Hemisphere and June to August in the Southern Hemisphere.
    • Features: Winter is marked by the coldest temperatures of the year, along with snow and ice in many places, shorter days, and longer nights. The landscape often looks bare, and many animals hibernate or migrate.
    • Cultural Significance: Winter is a season of rest and reflection. It’s celebrated with holidays and festivals that often include lights and warmth, symbolizing hope and perseverance through the cold and dark days. It’s a time for taking it easy, conserving energy, and spending time with family.

    Seasons Names in Different Languages

    Seasons Names in Spanish

    • Spring – Primavera
    • Summer – Verano
    • Autumn – Otoño
    • Winter – Invierno

    Seasons Names in Telugu

    • Spring – వసంత ఋతువు (Vasanta Rutu)
    • Summer – గ్రీష్మ ఋతువు (Grishma Rutu)
    • Monsoon – వర్ష ఋతువు (Varsha Rutu)
    • Autumn – శరద్ ఋతువు (Sharad Rutu)
    • Pre-Winter – హేమంత ఋతువు (Hemanta Rutu)
    • Winter – శీత ఋతువు (Sheet Rutu)

    Seasons Names in Tamil

    • Spring – வசந்தம் (Vasantham)
    • Summer – க்ரீஷ்மம் (Grishmam)
    • Monsoon – வர்ஷா (Varshaa)
    • Autumn – சரத்காலம் (Sharathkaalam)
    • Pre-Winter – ஹேமந்தம் (Hemantam)
    • Winter – ஷீதகாலம் (Sheethakaalam)

    Seasons Names in Urdu

    • Spring – بہار (Bahaar)
    • Summer – گرمی (Garmi)
    • Monsoon – برسات (Barsaat)
    • Autumn – خزاں (Khizaan)
    • Winter – سردی (Sardi)

    Seasons Names in French

    • Spring – Printemps
    • Summer – Été
    • Autumn – Automne
    • Winter – Hiver

    Cultural Significance of Seasons Names

    Seasons have deep cultural significance across the world, shaping traditions, festivals, and daily life. Different regions experience six seasons or fewer, depending on their climate diversity and seasonal changes. Many cultures have their own names for seasons, reflecting their connection to nature’s cycles.

    In India, the traditional calendars, like the Bengali calendar, Odia calendar, and Tamil calendar, recognize six seasons (Ritu – ऋतु), each influencing seasonal activities, agriculture, and festivals. Vasanta (वसंत) marks the bloom of spring, while Grishma (ग्रीष्म) brings summer heat. The monsoon season, Varsha (वर्षा), is crucial for crops. Sharad (शरद) represents autumn, followed by Hemanta (हेमंत) and Sheet (शीत), the pre-winter and winter seasons.

    In East Asia, the lunisolar calendars and solar terms divide the year based on seasonal rhythms and weather patterns. The Gregorian calendar sets fixed dates for seasons, but traditional cultures follow nature’s signs.

    Seasonal festivals in India align with the harvest season, marking transitions between temperate regions and sub-polar regions. These seasonal variations influence flora and fauna changes, daily activities, and ecological significance. The Northern Hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere experience opposite temperature variations, showing how seasons impact different cultures globally.

    Seasonal Baby Names

    Choosing a baby name based on seasons is a beautiful way to celebrate nature’s cycles and seasonal changes. Each season has its own charm, influencing festivals, weather patterns, and cultural significance.

    Spring (Vasanta – वसंत)

    Spring is a season of new beginnings, blooming flowers, and fresh energy. Baby names inspired by Spring include:

    • Vasant (वसंत) – Inspired by the beauty of Spring
    • Blossom – Symbolizing fresh flowers
    • Flora – Representing nature’s greenery

    Summer (Grishma – ग्रीष्म)

    Summer brings warmth, brightness, and longer days. Names related to Summer include:

    • Surya (सूर्य) – The sun, shining bright
    • Leo – Zodiac sign linked to Summer
    • Samrudh (समृद्ध) – Symbolizing abundance

    Monsoon (Varsha – वर्षा)

    Monsoon is the season of rain, renewal, and growth. Beautiful Monsoon-inspired names are:

    • Varsha (वर्षा) – Meaning rain
    • Neer (नीर) – Water, representing life
    • Anaya – Bringing blessings like rain

    Autumn (Sharad – शरद)

    Autumn is a season of golden leaves, festivals, and cooling temperatures. Names reflecting Autumn include:

    • Sharad (शरद) – Representing Autumn in Hindi
    • Amber – The color of Autumn leaves
    • Reyansh (रेयांश) – Light like the golden sun

    Pre-Winter (Hemanta – हेमंत)

    The transition between Autumn and Winter, Pre-Winter has crisp air and festive vibes. Names for this season:

    • Hemant (हेमंत) – Named after the season
    • Navya (नव्या) – Symbolizing freshness
    • Esha (ईशा) – Night, as nights grow longer

    Winter (Sheet – शीत)

    Winter is peaceful, cold, and magical. Names related to Winter include:

    • Sheetal (शीतल) – Meaning cool and calm
    • Snow – Inspired by winter’s snowfall
    • Krishna (कृष्ण) – A winter solstice name in Hindu tradition

    Seasons names in media

    Just like nature, social media has its own seasons! Understanding these cycles helps brands stay relevant and plan content effectively. Here’s how the seasons of social media unfold throughout the year:

    Pre-Fall (August – September)

    • Back-to-school content
    • Fall sports promotions
    • Announcements about changing business hours

    Full-Fledged Fall & Spooky Season (October)

    • Autumn-themed posts
    • Halloween events and décor
    • Special fall promotions

    Holiday Lead-Up (Late November – December)

    • Prepping for Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa
    • Early holiday sales and offers
    • Planning content in advance before time off

    The Holidays (December – Early January)

    • Festive giveaways, celebrations, and events
    • Community involvement and charitable efforts
    • Year-end reflections and brand milestones

    New Year Lull (January – Mid-February)

    • Slower engagement period
    • Evergreen content and general updates
    • Teasers for upcoming campaigns

    Inklings of Spring (Mid-February – March)

    • Valentine’s Day specials
    • St. Patrick’s Day promos
    • Hints of warmer days ahead

    Full-Fledged Spring (April – Early May)

    • Fresh launches and seasonal campaigns
    • Easter promotions
    • Increased engagement as activity picks up

    Pre-Summer (Late May – June)

    • Vacation prep content
    • School break-related promotions
    • Community summer events

    Summer (July – Mid-August)

    • Heatwave survival tips
    • Seasonal discounts and offers
    • Travel and leisure content

    Gearing Up for Back-to-School (Mid-August – September)

    • School supply promotions
    • Tips for parents and students
    • Countdown to fall

    FAQs on Seasons Name

    What are the 6 seasons and weather?

    The six seasons, traditionally recognized in some cultures like India, include Spring (pleasant and warm), Summer (hot), Monsoon (rainy), Autumn (mild and dry), Pre-Winter (cool), and Winter (cold).

    What is season for kids?

    A season is a period in the year characterized by specific weather conditions. For kids, it's like nature's calendar, showing times when it's really cold (winter), hot (summer), pleasant (spring), or when leaves fall (autumn).

    What is India's seasons?

    India's main seasons are Summer, Monsoon, and Winter. However, some regions in India also recognize Spring, Autumn, and Pre-Winter, making up six distinct seasons due to varied climate across the country.

    What is season and examples?

    A season is a period of the year marked by specific weather patterns. Examples include Spring with blooming flowers, hot Summer, leaf-falling Autumn, cold Winter, rainy Monsoon, and cool Pre-Winter.

    Is monsoon a season?

    Yes, the monsoon is considered a season, especially in South Asian countries like India. It's characterized by heavy and frequent rainfall, usually occurring after summer.

    What is the rainy season?

    The rainy season, also known as the wet season, is a time of the year when a region experiences a significant increase in rainfall. It's often associated with the monsoon in tropical areas.

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