TopicsGeneral TopicsShapes Name – List of All Shapes Name

Shapes Name – List of All Shapes Name

All Shapes Name

Shapes are everywhere around us, from the objects we use daily to the patterns we see in nature. Learning different shapes name is essential for understanding geometry and recognizing patterns in the world. Whether in school, at home, or in daily life, knowing the shapes name helps in describing objects accurately and improves spatial awareness.

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    Shapes are categorized into two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) figures. 2D shapes include circles, squares, rectangles, and triangles, while 3D shapes include cubes, spheres, cylinders, and pyramids. Each shapes name represents a unique structure with specific properties like the number of sides, edges, and angles.

    Why is Learning Shapes Name Important?

    Understanding different shapes name is fundamental in early education and beyond. It helps children and students develop visual perception and problem-solving skills. Identifying and naming shapes also enhances mathematical abilities, as geometry is an essential part of learning. For example, recognizing a square and distinguishing it from a rectangle helps in understanding concepts like symmetry and area.

    In daily life, knowing shapes name is useful for various professions, such as architecture, engineering, graphic design, and art. For instance, architects use shapes name to design buildings, while graphic designers work with shapes to create visual elements. Even in fashion and interior design, different shapes name play a crucial role in aesthetics and style.

    Types of Shapes and Names of Shapes

    Shapes can be divided into two main groups: open and closed shapes. Open shapes are figures where the lines or curves do not connect, while closed shapes are shapes where the lines or curves start and end at the same point, forming an enclosed figure. Closed geometric shapes can be further categorized into two types: two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional shapes. Two-dimensional shapes are flat, while three-dimensional shapes are solid and have length, width, and depth.

    5 Shapes Name

    Below are the 5 shapes in maths:

    1. Circle
    2. Triangle
    3. Square
    4. Rectangle
    5. Pentagon

    Shapes Name in English

    Here are some shapes in maths of the various shapes found in the English language. This collection comprises 2D and 3D shapes, with each one having its distinct features and qualities.

    • Square
    • Rectangle
    • Triangle
    • Circle
    • Oval
    • Sphere
    • Cylinder
    • Cube
    • Cone
    • Pyramid

    Names of Shapes with Pictures

    Below we have provided shapes name with picture:

    Shapes Name with Picture

    10 Shapes Name

    Here is the 10 shapes name for kids to learn about shapes and forms:

    1. Circle
    2. Square
    3. Triangle
    4. Rectangle
    5. Pentagon
    6. Hexagon
    7. Octagon
    8. Sphere
    9. Cylinder
    10. Cone

    Shapes Name in Maths

    It’s crucial to know the shapes name in maths for academic and non-academic purpose when you’re learning about geometry. 2D shapes like squares, rectangles, circles, triangles, pentagons, and hexagons are important because they’re like the building blocks for recognizing and working with different figures. Similarly, 3D shapes such as spheres, cylinders, cubes, cones, and pyramids help us understand shapes in a more three-dimensional way.

    We can classify the shapes on the basis of their dimension there are mainly 2 types of shapes on the basis on dimensions fist one is 2D Shapes and second is 3D Shapes, Below have listed some 2D and 3D shapes name:

    2D Shapes Name in Maths

    2d shapes names are the shapes in math are basic parts of geometry. They can be put into groups like quadrilaterals, polygons, and circles. Some common names for 2D shapes are:

    • Square
    • Rectangle
    • Circle
    • Oval
    • Triangle
    • Pentagon
    • Hexagon
    • Octagon

    Each of these shapes has special properties and features. They help us understand geometry. Teaching 2D shape names is important because it helps kids recognize and organize what they see, find patterns, and get better at solving problems.

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    3D Shapes Namein Maths

    We have 3D shapes names in Math, also known as three-dimensional shapes. These shapes are solid objects with three dimensions: length, width, and height. Some common 3D shapes are:

    • Sphere: It’s like a 3D circle, similar to a ball.
    • Cube: Imagine a 3D square, like a box.
    • Pyramid: It’s a 3D triangle.
    • Cuboid: This is a 3D solid rectangular structure with six rectangular faces, 12 edges, and eight corners.
    • Cylinder: It’s a 3D shape with two parallel circular bases.

    These shapes take up space, which we measure using volume. Unlike flat, 2D shapes, 3D shapes have height, which is like their thickness or depth.

    50 Shapes Name

    Here are all 50 shapes name provided in the table format for easy understanding and visual representation:

    50 Shapes Name
    Apple Banana Orange Grape Strawberry
    Mango Watermelon Pineapple Kiwi Blueberry
    Cherry Peach Lemon Pear Plum
    Avocado Raspberry Blackberry Papaya Cranberry
    Apricot Pomegranate Lime Melon Coconut
    Fig Kumquat Guava Nectarine Tangerine
    Durian Passion Fruit Lychee Dragon Fruit Mulberry
    Rhubarb Starfruit Kiwi Peach Apricot
    Pomegranate Lime Melon Coconut Fig

    Shapes Name in Hindi

    Here is the list of the shapes name in Hindi:

    1. वृत्त (Vratt) – Circle
    2. वर्ग (Varg) – Square
    3. त्रिभुज (Tribhuj) – Triangle
    4. आयत (Aayat) – Rectangle
    5. पंचभुज (Panchbhuj) – Pentagon
    6. षट्कोण (Shatkone) – Hexagon
    7. अष्टकोण (Ashtakone) – Octagon
    8. गोला (Gola) – Sphere
    9. बेलन (Belan) – Cylinder
    10. शंकु (Shanku) – Cone

    Shapes and Their Names and Number of Sides

    Below is the Names of shapes and their number of side including 2D and 3D shapes:

    Shape Name Number of Sides/Faces
    Circle (2D) 0 sides
    Triangle (2D) 3 sides
    Square (2D) 4 sides
    Rectangle (2D) 4 sides
    Pentagon (2D) 5 sides
    Hexagon (2D) 6 sides
    Octagon (2D) 8 sides
    Rhombus (2D) 4 sides
    Parallelogram (2D) 4 sides
    Trapezoid (2D) 4 sides
    Sphere (3D) 0 sides
    Cube (3D) 6 faces
    Cylinder (3D) 2 circular faces and 1 curved side
    Cone (3D) 1 circular face and 1 curved side
    Pyramid (3D) 4 triangular faces (in most cases) and 1 base
    Cuboid (Rectangular Prism) (3D) 6 faces
    Tetrahedron (3D) 4 triangular faces
    Dodecahedron (3D) 12 faces
    Icosahedron (3D) 20 faces
    Cylinder (3D) 2 circular bases and 1 curved side

    Geometric Shapes Names

    Geometry is a branch of mathematics that focuses on the study of shapes, sizes, properties, and the relationships between different objects in space. Geometric shapes play a crucial role in both math and our everyday surroundings. They come in two main types: 2D and 3D shapes. Some familiar 2D geometric shapes are circles, ovals, squares, and rectangles, while common 3D geometric shapes include cubes, spheres, and cylinders.

    Here is the list of Geometric Shapes and their names:

    1. Circle
    2. Triangle
    3. Square
    4. Rectangle
    5. Pentagon
    6. Hexagon
    7. Octagon
    8. Sphere
    9. Cube
    10. Cylinder
    11. Cone
    12. Pyramid
    13. Oval
    14. Diamond
    15. Trapezoid

    20 Shapes Name

    Below is the list of 20 shapes names which is visible in everyday life and has huge importance in math:

    1. Circle
    2. Square
    3. Triangle
    4. Rectangle
    5. Pentagon
    6. Hexagon
    7. Octagon
    8. Sphere
    9. Cylinder
    10. Cone
    11. Oval
    12. Rhombus
    13. Parallelogram
    14. Trapezoid
    15. Diamond
    16. Crescent
    17. Heart
    18. Star
    19. Cross
    20. Arrow

    Shapes Name in English and Hindi

    Below is the list of shapes name in English and Hindi:

    Shape Name in English Shape Name in Hindi
    Circle वृत्त
    Square वर्ग
    Rectangle आयत
    Triangle त्रिभुज
    Pentagon पंचभुज
    Hexagon षट्कोण
    Octagon अष्टकोण
    Sphere गोला
    Cylinder बेलन
    Cone शंकु
    Triangle (musical instrument) त्रिभुज

    Examples of Objects and Their Shapes

    Objects can have different shapes, and some examples of objects and their shapes are:

    Object Shape
    Box Cube or Cuboid
    Television screen Rectangle
    Ring Circle
    Jar Cylinder
    Ice cream cone Cone
    Birthday hat Cone
    Sun Sphere
    Moon Sphere
    Earth Sphere
    Triangle (musical instrument) Triangle

    FAQs on Shapes Name

    What are the names of shapes?

    Shapes can be named based on their characteristics. Common shapes include circle, square, triangle, and more.

    What are the names of 2D shapes?

    Common 2D shapes are circle, square, triangle, rectangle, pentagon, hexagon, octagon, and more.

    What shape has 2 sides?

    In Euclidean geometry, where we study flat surfaces, its impossible to have a shape with only two sides. The simplest shape here is a triangle, which has three sides. This is because in Euclidean geometry, shapes must have closed boundaries. However, in spherical geometry, which deals with curved surfaces like a sphere, two-sided shapes are possible. We call such a shape a digon, which forms when two great circle arcs connect two vertices on a sphere. Unlike in flat geometry, the spheres curvature allows these arcs to bend away from each other, allowing the digon to enclose an area.

    What is the name of all the shapes?

    There are many shapes, but some common ones include circle, square, triangle, rectangle, pentagon, hexagon, and octagon.

    What are the 8 basic shapes?

    The 8 basic shapes include circle, square, triangle, rectangle, pentagon, hexagon, octagon, and oval.

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