TopicsGeneral TopicsList of 50 Water Animals Name in English and Hindi

List of 50 Water Animals Name in English and Hindi

Our planet’s water bodies are home to a fascinating variety of creatures known as water animals or aquatic animals. These beings come in different shapes and sizes and exhibit various behaviors. From the deepest parts of the ocean to calm freshwater lakes and rivers, they have adapted to thrive in watery environments.

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    The common water animals: whale, dolphin, shark, crab, octopus, jellyfish, eel, sea lion, starfish, penguin, sea urchin, seahorse, and sea anemone. Let’s explore the incredible diversity of these water animals name. By doing so, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the life that exists beneath the waves.

    List of 50 Water Animals Name

    Aquatic Animal Name or Water Animals Name in English

    Water animals, also known as aquatic creatures, are a fascinating group of organisms that live in water environments. From rivers and lakes to the vast ocean, these aquatic beings exhibit a wide range of characteristics and behaviors.

    All aquatic animals in english include fish, lobsters, dolphins, jellyfish, starfish, crabs, octopus, sharks, sea turtles, whales, seahorses, squid, swordfish, shrimp, killer whales, manta rays, otters, and oysters. Here are some aquatic animals name or water animal name:

    1. Dolphin – Known for their intelligence and playful behavior, dolphins are a popular marine life species.
    2. Shark – These feared oceanic inhabitants are crucial for maintaining the balance in marine ecosystems.
    3. Whale – Whales, the giants of the ocean, are incredible sea animals with various species like the Blue Whale and Humpback Whale.
    4. Octopus – Octopuses are remarkable for their eight tentacles and incredible problem-solving abilities, making them unique in the marine biodiversity.
    5. Sea Turtle – These ancient water-dwelling creatures are known for their long migrations and are an important part of marine fauna.
    6. Jellyfish – With their translucent bodies, jellyfish are fascinating aquatic organisms.
    7. Starfish – Starfish, or sea stars, are known for their ability to regenerate lost arms, making them intriguing subaquatic organisms.
    8. Clownfish – Popularized by movies, clownfish are colorful inhabitants of coral reefs and significant undersea organisms.
    9. Seahorse – Seahorses, with their unique shape and mode of swimming, are enchanting members of the underwater wildlife.
    10. Crab – Crabs, with their sideways walk and pincers, are a common sight in various aquatic habitats, representing the diverse water-based wildlife.

    Water Animals Name in Hindi

    Here is a list of water animals’ names in Hindi:

    1. मछली (Machhli) – Fish
    2. मगरमच्छ (Magarmachh) – Crocodile
    3. कछुआ (Kachhua) – Turtle
    4. व्हेल मछली (Whale Machhli) – Whale
    5. डॉल्फ़िन (Dolphin) – Dolphin
    6. शार्क (Shark) – Shark
    7. केकड़ा (Kekda) – Crab
    8. समुद्री घोड़ा (Samudri Ghoda) – Seahorse
    9. ऑक्टोपस (Octopus) – Octopus
    10. जेलीफ़िश (Jellyfish) – Jellyfish

    10 Water Animals Name

    Here are 10 water animals name in English:

    1. Dolphin
    2. Shark
    3. Whale
    4. Octopus
    5. Sea Turtle
    6. Jellyfish
    7. Starfish
    8. Clownfish
    9. Seahorse
    10. Crab

    Water animals name for Kids

    Here’s a list of water animals for kids with simple and fun names they can easily remember:

    1. Fish
    2. Shark
    3. Dolphin
    4. Whale
    5. Octopus
    6. Starfish
    7. Seal
    8. Crab
    9. Jellyfish
    10. Turtle
    11. Frog
    12. Seahorse
    13. Lobster
    14. Clam
    15. Squid
    16. Eel
    17. Pufferfish
    18. Crocodile (lives in water and land)
    19. Penguin (lives in icy waters)
    20. Manatee

    Scientific Classification of Water Animals

    Animal Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus & Species
    Dolphin Animalia Chordata Mammalia Cetacea Delphinidae Varies (e.g., Tursiops truncatus – Bottlenose Dolphin)
    Shark Animalia Chordata Chondrichthyes Multiple (e.g., Carcharhiniformes for tiger sharks) Varies by species Over 500 species (e.g., Carcharodon carcharias – Great White Shark)
    Whale Animalia Chordata Mammalia Cetacea Varies (e.g., Balaenopteridae for blue whales) Over 90 species (e.g., Balaenoptera musculus – Blue Whale)
    Octopus Animalia Mollusca Cephalopoda Octopoda Varies (e.g., Enteroctopodidae for the giant Pacific octopus) Over 300 species (e.g., Enteroctopus dofleini – Giant Pacific Octopus)
    Sea Turtle Animalia Chordata Reptilia Testudines Cheloniidae & Dermochelyidae Multiple species (e.g., Chelonia mydas – Green Sea Turtle)
    Jellyfish Animalia Cnidaria Scyphozoa Rhizostomeae Varies by species Over 200 species (e.g., Aurelia aurita – Moon Jellyfish)
    Starfish Animalia Echinodermata Asteroidea Multiple families Varies by species Over 2,000 species (e.g., Asterias rubens – Common Starfish)
    Clownfish Animalia Chordata Actinopterygii Pomacentridae Amphiprion Multiple species (e.g., Amphiprion percula – Orange Clownfish)
    Seahorse Animalia Chordata Actinopterygii Syngnathidae Hippocampus Over 50 species (e.g., Hippocampus kuda – Common Seahorse)
    Crab Animalia Arthropoda Malacostraca Brachyura Varies by species Over 6,800 species (e.g., Carcinus maenas – European Green Crab)

    Water Animals Name in Hindi and English

    Here is the list of Marine/Water animals name in English and Hindi for easy understanding

    Water Animals Name in English Water Animals Name Hindi
    1. Dolphin 1. डॉल्फिन
    2. Shark 2. शार्क
    3. Turtle 3. कछुआ
    4. Octopus 4. ऑक्टोपस
    5. Seahorse 5. सीहॉर्स
    6. Penguin 6. पेंगुइन
    7. Jellyfish 7. जेलीफिश
    8. Crocodile 8. मगरमच्छ
    9. Clownfish 9. क्लाउनफिश
    10. Lobster 10. लॉब्स्टर

    Water Animals Images with Names

    Water Animals Images with Names

    20 Water Animals Name

    Below is the list of 20 Oceanic/Water animals names:

    1. Dolphin
    2. Shark
    3. Whale
    4. Octopus
    5. Sea Turtle
    6. Jellyfish
    7. Starfish
    8. Clownfish
    9. Seahorse
    10. Crab
    11. Stingray
    12. Squid
    13. Walrus
    14. Sea Lion
    15. Manatee
    16. Eel
    17. Sea Urchin
    18. Lobster
    19. Coral
    20. Penguin

    50 Water Animals Name

    In this list, you will discover the names of 50 water animals in both Hindi and English, allowing you to explore the rich tapestry of aquatic life.

    50 Water Animals Name in Hindi and English
    Water Animals Name in English Water Animals Name in Hindi Water Animals Name in English Water Animals Name in Hindi
    1. Dolphin 1. डॉल्फिन 26. Stingray 26. स्टिंगरे
    2. Shark 2. शार्क 27. Lobster 27. लॉब्स्टर
    3. Turtle 3. कछुआ 28. Seahorse 28. सीहॉर्स
    4. Octopus 4. ऑक्टोपस 29. Penguin 29. पेंगुइन
    5. Seahorse 5. सीहॉर्स 30. Jellyfish 30. जेलीफिश
    6. Penguin 6. पेंगुइन 31. Crocodile 31. मगरमच्छ
    7. Jellyfish 7. जेलीफिश 32. Clownfish 32. क्लाउनफिश
    8. Crocodile 8. मगरमच्छ 33. Lobster 33. लॉब्स्टर
    9. Clownfish 9. क्लाउनफिश 34. Dolphin 34. डॉल्फिन
    10. Lobster 10. लॉब्स्टर 35. Shark 35. शार्क
    11. Stingray 11. स्टिंगरे 36. Turtle 36. कछुआ
    12. Otter 12. ऊद 37. Octopus 37. ऑक्टोपस
    13. Salmon 13. सैल्मन 38. Seahorse 38. सीहॉर्स
    14. Starfish 14. स्टारफिश 39. Penguin 39. पेंगुइन
    15. Squid 15. स्क्विड 40. Jellyfish 40. जेलीफिश
    16. Whale 16. व्हेल 41. Crocodile 41. मगरमच्छ
    17. Seahorse 17. सीहॉर्स 42. Clownfish 42. क्लाउनफिश
    18. Clownfish 18. क्लाउनफिश 43. Lobster 43. लॉब्स्टर
    19. Pufferfish 19. पफरफिश 44. Dolphin 44. डॉल्फिन
    20. Angelfish 20. एंजलफिश 45. Shark 45. शार्क
    21. Stingray 21. स्टिंगरे 46. Turtle 46. कछुआ
    22. Otter 22. ऊद 47. Octopus 47. ऑक्टोपस
    23. Salmon 23. सैल्मन 48. Seahorse 48. सीहॉर्स
    24. Starfish 24. स्टारफिश 49. Penguin 49. पेंगुइन
    25. Squid 25. स्क्विड 50. Jellyfish 50. जेलीफिश

    Fun Facts About Water Animals

    water animal names facts

    Water Animals in Different Languages

    Here’s a fascinating look at how water animals are named in different languages, including English, Hindi, Spanish, and French!

    Water Animal English Hindi (हिन्दी) Spanish (Español) French (Français)
    Fish Fish मछली (Machhli) Pez Poisson
    Shark Shark शार्क (Shark) Tiburón Requin
    Whale Whale व्हेल (Whael) Ballena Baleine
    Octopus Octopus ऑक्टोपस (Octopus) Pulpo Poulpe
    Dolphin Dolphin डॉल्फिन (Dolphin) Delfín Dauphin
    Jellyfish Jellyfish जेलीफ़िश (Jellyfish) Medusa Méduse
    Crab Crab केकड़ा (Kekda) Cangrejo Crabe
    Turtle Turtle कछुआ (Kachhua) Tortuga Tortue
    Seahorse Seahorse समुद्री घोड़ा (Samudri Ghoda) Caballito de mar Hippocampe
    Lobster Lobster झींगा मछली (Jhinga Machhli) Langosta Homard

    FAQs in Water Animals Name

    What is the 10 water animal name?

    Here are 10 water animals: Fish Shark Dolphin Whale Octopus Starfish Crab Jellyfish Turtle Seal

    How many water animals?

    There are thousands of water animal species. Scientists have identified over 230,000 marine species, and many more are yet to be discovered.

    What is water or aquatic animals?

    Water animals, also known as aquatic animals, are creatures that live and thrive in water. They can be found in oceans, rivers, lakes, and ponds. Examples include fish, dolphins, and jellyfish.

    Which animal is the king in water?

    The whale is often considered the king of the ocean due to its massive size and dominance in marine ecosystems.

    Who is the queen of water?

    The dolphin is often seen as the queen of the ocean because of its intelligence, agility, and graceful nature.

    Which is the largest water animal?

    The blue whale is the largest water animal and the biggest animal on Earth, measuring up to 100 feet long and weighing around 200 tons.

    What are 10 legs water animals?

    Some water animals with 10 legs include: Crabs Lobsters Prawns Shrimps

    What is the meaning of water animals?

    Water animals are creatures that live in or depend on water for survival. They can be marine (saltwater) or freshwater species.

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