WorksheetCBSE Class 7 Science Nutrition in Animals Worksheets

CBSE Class 7 Science Nutrition in Animals Worksheets

Key Questions for class 7 Chapter 2 Nutrition in Animals covers the main topics students might encounter in exams. The chapter discusses various terms and facts. These questions, along with reference notes, are prepared by subject experts at IL. They offer a detailed understanding of the chapter. Many students have found these additional questions helpful. You can access the free PDF of these important questions for CBSE class 7 Chapter 2 on IL’s official website and download them onto any device.

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    Class 7 Science Nutrition in Animals Worksheets – PDF

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      Class 7 Science Nutrition in Animals Worksheets

      Worksheet 1: Digestive System

      The process of breaking down food into smaller pieces in the mouth is called ________________.
      Answer: chewing or mastication

      The food pipe that carries food from the mouth to the stomach is called the ________________.
      Answer: esophagus

      The digestive juice found in the stomach that helps in the breakdown of food is called ________________.
      Answer: gastric juice

      The small finger-like projections in the small intestine that absorb nutrients from the digested food are called ________________.
      Answer: villi

      The waste material that is left after the digestion of food is called ________________.
      Answer: feces or excreta

      Worksheet 2: Types of Teeth

      The type of teeth that are sharp and pointed, used for tearing and cutting food are called ________________ teeth.
      Answer: incisors

      The teeth that are flat and used for grinding and crushing food are called ________________ teeth.
      Answer: molars

      The teeth that are cone-shaped and help in tearing and shredding food are called ________________ teeth.
      Answer: canines or cuspids

      The teeth that are found in between the incisors and molars, used for tearing and grinding food, are called ________________ teeth.
      Answer: premolars or bicuspids

      The total number of milk teeth in a human child is ________________.
      Answer: 20

      Worksheet 3: Food Digestion Process

      Food digestion starts in the ________________.
      Answer: mouth

      The enzyme present in saliva that helps in the digestion of carbohydrates is called ________________.
      Answer: amylase

      The partially digested food that moves from the stomach to the small intestine is called ________________.
      Answer: chyme

      The organ where most of the digestion and absorption of nutrients takes place is the ________________.
      Answer: small intestine

      The waste material that is stored in the rectum before being eliminated from the body is called ________________.
      Answer: feces

      Worksheet 4: Digestive System Organs

      The largest gland in the human body that produces bile is called the ________________.
      Answer: liver

      The organ that stores bile and releases it into the small intestine to help in the digestion of fats is called the ________________.
      Answer: gallbladder

      The organ that secretes digestive enzymes and bicarbonate into the small intestine is called the ________________.
      Answer: pancreas

      The part of the digestive system where water is absorbed from the undigested food and the remaining waste is compacted into feces is called the ________________.
      Answer: large intestine or colon

      The opening at the end of the digestive tract through which feces are eliminated from the body is called the ________________.
      Answer: anus

      Class 7 Science: Nutrition in Animals Worksheets

      Worksheet 1: Digestive System

      Question: Label the Parts of the Digestive System

      a) Mouth
      b) Esophagus
      c) Stomach
      d) Small Intestine
      e) Large Intestine

      Question: True or False

      a) The stomach breaks down food into smaller pieces. (True/False)
      b) The small intestine absorbs nutrients from the digested food. (True/False)
      c) The large intestine absorbs water from undigested food. (True/False)
      d) Digestion starts in the small intestine. (True/False)

      a) True
      b) True
      c) True
      d) False

      Question: Match the Columns

      Match the digestive system organ with its function.

      Mouth a) Absorbs nutrients
      Stomach b) Absorbs water
      Small Intestine c) Breaks down food mechanically
      Large Intestine d) Breaks down food chemically


      Worksheet 2: Types of Teeth and their Functions

      Question: Label the Types of Teeth

      a) Incisors
      b) Canines
      c) Premolars
      d) Molars

      Question: Matching Exercise

      Match the type of teeth with their function.

      Incisors a) Grinding and crushing food
      Canines b) Tearing food
      Premolars c) Cutting and biting food
      Molars d) Holding and tearing food

      Worksheet 3: Food and its Nutrients

      Fill in the Blanks

      a) ___________ is the main source of energy for our body.
      b) ___________ helps in building and repairing tissues.
      c) ___________ helps in keeping our skin healthy.
      d) ___________ is needed for the proper functioning of our brain and nerves.

      a) Carbohydrates
      b) Proteins
      c) Vitamins
      d) Fats

      Question: True or False

      a) Carbohydrates are found in foods like bread and rice. (True/False)
      b) Proteins are important for the growth and repair of body tissues. (True/False)
      c) Fats provide quick energy to the body. (True/False)
      d) Vitamins and minerals are only found in non-vegetarian foods. (True/False)

      a) True
      b) True
      c) False
      d) False

      Class 7 Science Nutrition in Animals Worksheets FAQ’s

      Q: What nutrients do animals need to survive?

      A: Animals need nutrients like carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals to survive.

      Q: How many stages of nutrition are found in animals?

      A: There are two stages of nutrition in animals: ingestion, where they take in food, and digestion, where food is broken down.

      Q: What type of nutrition do animals have?

      A: Animals have heterotrophic nutrition, meaning they rely on consuming other organisms for their food.

      Q: How does nutrition in animals take place?

      A: Nutrition in animals happens through the process of ingestion, digestion, absorption of nutrients, and elimination of waste.

      Q: How many types of nutrition are in animals?

      A: There are two types of nutrition in animals: autotrophic nutrition, where they make their own food, and heterotrophic nutrition, where they consume other organisms for food.

      Q: How many stages of nutrition are found in animals?

      A: Animals have two stages of nutrition: ingestion, where they take in food, and digestion, where food is broken down.

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