WorksheetPunctuation Marks Worksheet

Punctuation Marks Worksheet

Punctuation marks are symbols used in writing to help make the meaning of sentences clear. They show where sentences start and end, indicate pauses, and separate different parts of a sentence. Learning about punctuation marks helps you write more clearly and understand what you read.

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    Singular and Plural Worksheet

    Types of Punctuation Marks:

    1. Period (.): Shows the end of a sentence.
    2. Comma (,): Indicates a small pause, separates items in a list, or separates parts of a sentence.
    3. Question Mark (?): Shows the end of a question.
    4. Exclamation Mark (!): Shows excitement, surprise, or a strong feeling.
    5. Apostrophe (‘): Shows possession or makes contractions.
    6. Quotation Marks (” “): Show what someone says or to highlight a specific word or phrase.
    7. Colon (:): Introduces a list or explanation.
    8. Semicolon (;): Connects closely related sentences or items in a list with internal commas.
    9. Parentheses ( () ): Add extra information or an afterthought.
    10. Dash (—): Indicates a pause or range.
    11. Hyphen (-): Joins words or parts of words together.

    Kinds of Sentence Worksheet

    Punctuation Marks Worksheet

    Practice 1: Periods and Commas


    I have a dog. (Period)
    I bought apples, oranges, and bananas. (Comma)


    • She likes to read write and draw
    • The sun is shining
    • We are going to the park to play
    • He has a cat a dog and a fish

    Answer Key:

    • She likes to read, write, and draw.
    • The sun is shining.
    • We are going to the park to play.
    • He has a cat, a dog, and a fish.

    Practice 2: Question Marks and Exclamation Marks


    Are you coming? (Question mark)
    Wow, that is amazing! (Exclamation mark)


    • What time is it
    • That is a beautiful painting
    • Can you help me with this
    • Watch out for the car

    Answer Key:

    • What time is it?
    • That is a beautiful painting!
    • Can you help me with this?
    • Watch out for the car!

    Practice 3: Quotation Marks


    She said, “Hello.”
    “Can you come here?” he asked.


    • I love the song Let It Go said Anna
    • Please sit down said the teacher
    • Can you believe it he exclaimed
    • What do you want to eat she asked

    Answer Key:

    • “I love the song ‘Let It Go’,” said Anna.
    • “Please sit down,” said the teacher.
    • “Can you believe it?” he exclaimed.
    • “What do you want to eat?” she asked.

    Practice 4: Apostrophes


    This is Sarah’s book. (Possession)
    Don’t forget to bring your homework. (Contraction)


    • The cats toy is on the floor
    • She cant come to the party
    • Its raining outside
    • Thats Johns bike

    Answer Key:

    • The cat’s toy is on the floor.
    • She can’t come to the party.
    • It’s raining outside.
    • That’s John’s bike.

    Practice 5: Colons and Semicolons


    I need the following items: bread, milk, and eggs. (Colon)
    I wanted to go for a walk; however, it started to rain. (Semicolon)


    • She brought three things a book a pen and a notebook
    • I have a big test tomorrow I can’t go out tonight
    • He loves playing football however he hates running
    • There are two choices stay home or go out

    Answer Key:

    • She brought three things: a book, a pen, and a notebook.
    • I have a big test tomorrow; I can’t go out tonight.
    • He loves playing football; however, he hates running.
    • There are two choices: stay home or go out.
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