WorksheetHas and Have Worksheet

Has and Have Worksheet

Has and have are two fundamental verbs in English grammar that indicate possession. Mastering their correct usage is essential for constructing grammatically correct sentences. This article delves into the nuances of these verbs and provides comprehensive exercises through a has and have worksheet. We will explore the rules and differences between “has” and “have,” followed by various practice exercises to reinforce understanding.

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    The Basics: Has vs. Have

    1. “Has”:

    • Used with singular third-person subjects (he, she, it).
    • Example: She has a new book.

    2. “Have”:

    • Used with plural subjects (we, you, they) and first-person singular (I).
    • Example: They have two cats.

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    Has and Have Worksheet Exercises

    Exercise 1: Fill in the Blanks

    Complete the following sentences by choosing between “has” and “have.”

    1. She ___ a beautiful garden.
    2. They ___ a big house.
    3. The dog ___ a bone.
    4. I ___ an idea.
    5. He ___ a new car.
    6. We ___ a meeting today.
    7. It ___ been a long day.
    8. You ___ a nice smile.
    9. The teacher ___ a lot of patience.
    10. My friends ___ a plan.


    1. has
    2. have
    3. has
    4. have
    5. has
    6. have
    7. has
    8. have
    9. has
    10. have

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    Exercise 2: Correct the Sentences

    Identify and correct the errors in the following sentences.

    1. She have a cat.
    2. They has gone to the market.
    3. The car have new tires.
    4. He have finished his homework.
    5. We has a lot of work to do.


    1. She has a cat.
    2. They have gone to the market.
    3. The car has new tires.
    4. He has finished his homework.
    5. We have a lot of work to do.

    Exercise 3: Sentence Construction

    Construct sentences using the words given in brackets.

    1. (She, a dog) ___
    2. (They, new books) ___
    3. (The cat, a toy) ___
    4. (We, a project) ___
    5. (I, a bicycle) ___


    1. She has a dog.
    2. They have new books.
    3. The cat has a toy.
    4. We have a project.
    5. I have a bicycle.

    Also Check: Preposition of Time Worksheet

    Exercise 4: Interrogative Sentences

    Form questions using “has” or “have.”

    1. (She, a car) ___?
    2. (They, pets) ___?
    3. (He, a sister) ___?
    4. (You, a moment) ___?
    5. (The dog, a collar) ___?


    1. Does she have a car?
    2. Do they have pets?
    3. Does he have a sister?
    4. Do you have a moment?
    5. Does the dog have a collar?

    Exercise 5: Rewrite the Sentences

    Rewrite the following sentences, replacing the nouns with pronouns and using the correct form of “has” or “have.”

    1. John has a new car.
    2. The students have their books.
    3. The cat has a ball.
    4. Maria and I have a project.
    5. The teacher has a schedule.


    1. He has a new car.
    2. They have their books.
    3. It has a ball.
    4. We have a project.
    5. She has a schedule.

    Also Check: Preposition of Place Worksheet

    Exercise 6: Negative Sentences

    Make the following sentences negative using “has” or “have.”

    1. She has a pen.
    2. They have a dog.
    3. He has a job.
    4. We have a car.
    5. It has a tail.


    1. She does not have a pen.
    2. They do not have a dog.
    3. He does not have a job.
    4. We do not have a car.
    5. It does not have a tail.
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