BiologySDS Page – Principle, Functions, Protocol, Applications and FAQ

SDS Page – Principle, Functions, Protocol, Applications and FAQ

Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate-Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis

Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) is a technique used in molecular biology to separate proteins by their molecular weight. The proteins first denatured by SDS, then they electrophoresed through a polyacrylamide gel. The proteins will migrate through the gel according to their molecular weight, with the smallest proteins migrating the furthest.

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    They are stained with a dye called Coomassie blue, which binds to the protein backbone. This allows the proteins to be visualized and separated according to their molecular weight. The image of the stained gel can be used to determine the molecular weight of the proteins.

    SDS Page - Principle, Functions, Protocol, Applications and FAQ

    Principle of SDS-PAGE

    SDS-PAGE a technique used to separate proteins according to their size. It based on the principle that proteins negatively charged and will therefore migrate towards the anode (positive electrode) in an electric field. The SDS (sodium dodecyl sulfate) molecule binds to the protein, making it more negatively charged and thus causing it to migrate further from the electrode. The size of the protein can then determined by measuring the distance it has travelled.

    Function of SDS in SDS-PAGE

    SDS is a detergent that is widely used in SDS-PAGE, a technique used to separate proteins. SDS binds to proteins, causing them to unfold and exposing their peptide bonds. This exposes hydrophobic amino acids, which then interact with each other and the SDS, forming aggregates. The aggregates then separated by size during gel electrophoresis.

    Materials Required

    The materials required to make a simple wind turbine are a DC motor, a propeller, a battery, a switch, and some wire. The DC motor used to spin the propeller, which in turn generates power. The battery stores the power, and the switch used to turn the motor on and off. Wire used to connect the components together.

    Protocol of SDS-PAGE

    SDS-PAGE a technique used to separate proteins according to their molecular weight. The proteins dissolved in an aqueous solution and then mixed with an equal volume of SDS (sodium dodecyl sulfate). SDS is a detergent that denatures the proteins, causing them to unfold and exposing their peptide chains to each other. The proteins then brought to a boil, and the SDS forms a thick precipitate that traps the proteins. The proteins then separated by gel electrophoresis, a technique that uses an electric current to move the proteins through a gel. The larger proteins move more slowly through the gel than the smaller proteins, and they eventually separated into bands that can visualized and photographed.


    • A technique used to separate proteins, DNA and other molecules by size.
    • The molecule separated placed in a gel that basically made of agarose or polyacrylamide. The gel then placed in an electrophoresis chamber and an electric current applied. This causes the molecules to move through the gel. The larger molecules move more slowly than the smaller molecules.
    • The separated molecules can visualized by staining the gel with a dye.

    What do you mean by SDS PAGE?

    SDS PAGE a technique used to separate and analyze proteins. The proteins separated by their size, and the relative amounts of each protein can determined by the intensity of the band that produced.

    Why SDS PAGE used?

    SDS PAGE used to separate proteins based on their molecular weight. The proteins placed in a gel, and an electric current passed through the gel. The proteins move through the gel based on their molecular weight. Larger proteins move more slowly than smaller proteins.


    The study has some limitations. First, the study was observational and cannot prove that the use of statins causes a decrease in cancer risk. Second, the study only looked at the use of statins and did not take into account other factors that may have influenced the cancer risk, such as diet and lifestyle.

    Components Present in SDS Page

    The SDS page of a chemical product contains all the information a user needs to know in order to safely use the product. The following is a list of the key components that typically found in an SDS:

    • Product name
    • Ingredients
    • Hazards
    • First aid
    • Storage
    • Safety precautions
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