BiologyUnani Medicine – Explanation, Principles and FAQs

Unani Medicine – Explanation, Principles and FAQs

Principles of Unani System of Medicine;

The principles of Unani Medicine are based on the concept of the four humors: black bile, yellow bile, blood, and phlegm. These humors are believed to be the basic substances that make up the body and must be in balance for good health. Treatment is aimed at restoring this balance.

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    Unani Medicine also relies on the use of herbs, minerals, and animal products. These are used to treat a variety of health problems, including:

    -Respiratory problems
    -Digestive problems
    -Skin problems
    -Muscle and joint pain
    -Heart disease
    -Female reproductive problems
    -Male reproductive problems

    What is Unani?

    Unani is a form of traditional medicine that originated in Greece and is based on the principles of Hippocrates. It is also known as Greco-Arab medicine. Unani medicine is used to treat a wide range of conditions, including respiratory problems, skin conditions, and digestive problems.

    What are the Unani Medicine Principles?

    Unani medicine is a form of traditional medicine that originated in Greece and Persia. The principles of unani medicine are based on the theory of the five elements: earth, water, fire, air, and ether. According to this theory, health is achieved when the elements are in balance. Unani medicine also incorporates the principles of herbalism, aromatherapy, and nutrition.

    What is the Difference Between Unani and Modern Medicine?

    There are many differences between Unani and modern medicine. The most fundamental difference is that Unani is based on the principles of natural healing, while modern medicine is based on the principles of scientific and technological advancement. Unani medicine is holistic, while modern medicine is reductionist. Unani medicine considers the body, mind, and spirit as one unit, while modern medicine considers them as separate entities. Unani medicine uses natural herbs and minerals, while modern medicine uses synthetic drugs. Unani medicine is preventive, while modern medicine is curative. Finally, Unani medicine is holistic and considers the body, mind, and spirit as one unit, while modern medicine is reductionist and considers the body and mind as separate entities.

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