BiologyScientific Name of Mosquito

Scientific Name of Mosquito


Mosquitoes are small, flying insects that are closely related to flies. Mosquitoes are important because they can spread diseases, such as malaria, dengue fever, and West Nile virus.

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    The scientific name for a mosquito is “Culex pipiens.”

    Scientific Name of Mosquito

    Classification of Mosquitoes

    There are over 3,000 species of mosquitoes in the world, but only about 175 of them are found in the United States. Mosquitoes are placed in the family Culicidae and order Diptera. They are further classified by their physical characteristics and the way they breed.

    Some common ways to classify mosquitoes include size, color, and wing pattern. Mosquitoes can also be classified by the way they breed. Some common methods of classification are:

    1. Salt or fresh water mosquitoes: Salt water mosquitoes are those that breed in brackish or salty water, while fresh water mosquitoes breed in fresh water.

    2. Container breeders or ditch breeders: Container breeders lay their eggs in any container of water, such as a bottle, can, or tire. Ditch breeders lay their eggs in the mud along the edges of ditches and streams.

    3. Standing water or seepage water mosquitoes: Standing water mosquitoes lay their eggs in water that stands still, such as a rain puddle, while seepage water mosquitoes lay their eggs in water that is seeping out of the ground.

    4. Tree hole breeders: Tree hole breeders lay their eggs in the tiny amounts of water that collect in tree holes.

    5. Floodwater mosquitoes: Floodwater mosquitoes lay their eggs in depressions in the ground that fill with water after a rain.

    Scientific Names of Select Mosquito Species

    Aedes aegypti: Yellow fever mosquito
    Anopheles quadrimaculatus: Eastern treehole mosquito
    Culex pipiens: Northern house mosquito
    Aedes albopictus: Asian tiger mosquito


    Mosquitoes are small, flying insects that are found all over the world. They are most active at night and feed on the blood of animals, including people. Mosquitoes can spread diseases, such as malaria, dengue fever, and yellow fever.

    Mosquito Facts:

    They are most well-known for their ability to transmit diseases, such as malaria, dengue fever, and yellow fever. Female mosquitoes bite humans and other animals in order to drink their blood.

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