Table of Contents
Introduction to Parietal Cells
Parietal cells are located in the stomach lining and play an important role in the digestive process. They produce hydrochloric acid, which helps to break down food in the stomach. Parietal cells also secrete intrinsic factor, which is necessary for the absorption of vitamin B12.
Parietal cells are located in the stomach and are responsible for the secretion of hydrochloric acid (HCl), which is necessary for the digestion of food. The HCl helps to break down proteins into smaller peptides and amino acids, as well as to kill bacteria. The parietal cells also secrete intrinsic factor, which is necessary for the absorption of vitamin B12.
Structure and Location of Parietal Cells
The parietal cells are located in the stomach lining, in the region between the stomach and the small intestine. They are responsible for secreting hydrochloric acid and intrinsic factor, both of which are necessary for the digestion of food. The cells are arranged in clusters, and each cluster is surrounded by a network of small blood vessels.
Function of Oxyntic Cells
The function of oxyntic cells is to produce and secrete hydrochloric acid (HCl) and pepsinogen. HCl is responsible for digesting food in the stomach while pepsinogen converted into pepsin, which is responsible for digesting proteins.
Regulation of Parietal Cells
The parietal cells in the stomach lining produce hydrochloric acid, which helps to digest food. The acid regulated by the hormone gastrin, which has released by the cells of the stomach’s lining in response to the presence of food. When gastrin levels are high, the parietal cells produce more acid; when they are low, the cells produce less acid,