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Synthetic Rubber – History, Types, Uses and FAQs

What is Synthetic Rubber?

Synthetic Rubber – History: Synthetic rubber is a polymer made from petroleum. It usually created by the reaction of butadiene and styrene in the presence of a catalyst. Synthetic rubber is usually white or off-white in color and used in a variety of applications, including tires, hoses, and also seals.

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    Synthetic Rubber - History, Types, Uses and FAQs

    About Elastomer

    Elastomers are a type of polymer that are capable of undergoing large deformations (stretching) without breaking. They made of long, repeating chains of molecules that are able to slide past one another. This ability to stretch and return to their original shape makes elastomers useful for a variety of applications, such as rubber bands, seals, and gaskets.

    History of Synthetic Rubber

    The first synthetic rubber created in 1839 by Friedrich Ludwig Klatte, who mixed natural rubber with various chemicals to create a material he called “synthetic rubber.” However, Klatte’s synthetic rubber not very successful and was not widely used.

    The first truly successful synthetic rubber created in 1892 by Charles Goodyear. Goodyear mixed natural rubber with sulfur and other chemicals to create a material he called “vulcanized rubber.” Vulcanized rubber was much more durable than natural rubber and could used for a wider variety of applications.

    Synthetic Rubber vs Natural Rubber

    It is rubber that manufactured from petrochemicals, while natural rubber is rubber that derived from latex sap of the rubber tree. Synthetic rubber is less expensive to produce than natural rubber, and it has a longer shelf life. However, synthetic rubber is not as elastic as natural rubber, and it is more prone to cracking and tearing.

    Different Types of Synthetic Rubber

    There are a variety of different types of synthetic rubber, each with their own specific properties and uses. The most common types listed below.

    Butyl Rubber

    Butyl rubber a synthetic rubber made from isobutylene and characterized by its high resistance to oils and solvents. It often used in the manufacture of tires and other automotive parts.

    Neoprene Rubber

    Neoprene rubber is a synthetic rubber made from chloroprene and is known for its high resistance to heat and ozone. It often used in the manufacture of hoses, belts, and also gaskets.

    EPDM Rubber

    EPDM rubber a synthetic rubber made from ethylene and propylene and known for its high resistance to weathering, ozone, and heat. It often used in the manufacture of roofing membranes and also automotive parts.

    Silicone Rubber

    Silicone rubber a synthetic rubber made from silicon and known for its high resistance to extreme temperatures and chemicals. It often used in the manufacture of seals, gaskets, and also medical implants.

    Uses of Synthetic Rubber

    • Synthetic rubber a material that derived from petroleum.
    • It used in a variety of products, including tires, hoses, and seals.
    • Synthetic rubber is strong and durable and can withstand a high amount of stress.
    • It is also resistant to oil and other chemicals.
    • Synthetic rubber is a good choice for products that need to be durable and withstand harsh conditions.
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