UncategorizedLPG Gas Composition – Composition Percentage and FAQs

LPG Gas Composition – Composition Percentage and FAQs


LPG is a mixture of propane and butane. The proportions of propane and butane vary depending on the geographical location and the season. In general, LPG consists of about 50% propane and 50% butane.

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    What is the Pressure inside an LPG Cylinder?

    The pressure inside an LPG cylinder is a result of the gas inside being compressed. The pressure will be highest at the top of the cylinder and decrease as you move down the cylinder.

    LPG Composition

    LPG is a mixture of propane and butane. The propane component is heavier than the butane component and so LPG will sink in air. The butane component is a gas at room temperature and so LPG will rise in air.

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