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Friedel Crafts Alkylation and Acylation – Reactions and Mechanism

What are Friedel Crafts Reactions? ;

Friedel Crafts alkylation is the substitution of an alkyl group for a hydrogen atom on an aromatic ring. The reaction is catalyzed by a Lewis acid, such as aluminum chloride. The alkyl group is usually a methyl or ethyl group.

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    Friedel Crafts Alkylation

    The Friedel Crafts alkylation is a reaction used to add an alkyl group to an aromatic ring. The reaction is performed in the presence of an acid catalyst, typically aluminum chloride. The alkyl group is added to the carbon atom adjacent to the ring nitrogen atom.

    Mechanism of Friedel Crafts Alkylation

    The Friedel Crafts alkylation reaction is a type of electrophilic substitution reaction that involves the replacement of an alkyl group with another alkyl group. The reaction is catalyzed by an acid catalyst, typically aluminum chloride, and occurs in two steps.

    In the first step, the alkyl group on the reactant molecule is protonated by the acid catalyst. This forms a carbocation that is then attacked by the other alkyl group, which displaces the original alkyl group.

    In the second step, the acid catalyst protonates the alcohol that is formed as a byproduct of the reaction. This protonation prevents the alcohol from reacting with the carbocation that is formed in the first step, and thus allows the reaction to proceed to completion.

    Friedel Crafts Acylation

    Friedel Crafts acylation is a reaction used to add an acyl group to an aromatic ring. The reaction is named for Charles Friedel and James Crafts, who first described it in 1877. The reaction involves the use of an acyl chloride or an acyl anhydride as a reactant. The acyl group is added to the aromatic ring, and the resulting product is a ketone or an ester.

    Mechanism of Friedel Crafts Acylation

    The Friedel Crafts acylation is a process used to add an acyl group to an aromatic ring. The reaction is initiated by the addition of an acyl chloride to an aromatic ring. The acyl chloride is then replaced by a nucleophile, such as an alcohol, to form an acylated aromatic ring.

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