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Synthesis – Meaning, Factors Affecting, Example and Facts

What is Synthesis in Chemistry?

Synthesis – Meaning: Synthesis is the process of creating a compound from two or more simpler substances. In chemistry, this usually involves combining two or more elements to form a new molecule.

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    Synthesis - Meaning, Factors Affecting, Example and Facts

    Synthesis Meaning in Science

    In science, synthesis refers to the combining of two or more substances to create a new substance. This can be done physically, such as when two different elements are combined to create a new compound, or chemically, when two or more molecules are combined to create a new molecule. Synthesis can also refer to the creation of a new idea or theory from the combination of two or more existing ideas.

    What as a Synthesis Reaction?

    A synthesis reaction is a chemical reaction in which two or more substances combine to form a new compound. The substances involved in a synthesis reaction are called reactants, and the new compound formed is called a product. In a synthesis reaction, the reactants are usually atoms or molecules, and the product is a new molecule composed of those atoms or molecules.

    Factors Affecting Synthesis Process

    The factors affecting synthesis process are:

    1. Temperature: The temperature affects the rate of the synthesis process. The higher the temperature, the faster the reaction will occur.

    2. Concentration: The concentration of the reactants also affect the rate of the reaction. The higher the concentration, the faster the reaction will occur.

    3. Catalyst: A catalyst can speed up the reaction rate by providing an alternate pathway for the reaction to occur.

    4. Surface Area: The surface area of the reactants also affect the reaction rate. The higher the surface area, the faster the reaction will occur.

    Synthesis Reaction Example

    To illustrate the synthesis reaction, consider the following equation:

    • Al + Cl 2 ® AlCl 3
    • In this equation, aluminum (Al) reacts with chlorine gas (Cl 2 ) to form aluminum chloride (AlCl 3 ).
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