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Separation of Substances

Separation of Substances

Separation of substances is a process that separates two or more substances from each other. This can be done using a variety of methods, including filtration, distillation, and chromatography.

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    Separation of Substances – Explanation, Filtration of Sedimentation and Decantation

    Various Techniques Of Separation

    There are many different techniques of separation that can be used to separate mixtures. The most common methods are distillation, filtration, and chromatography.

    • Distillation is a process that uses heat to vaporize a liquid and then condense the vapor back into a liquid. The vaporized liquid is more volatile than the original liquid and can be separated from the original liquid by distillation.
    • Filtration is a process that uses a filter to separate particles from a liquid or gas. The particles are too large to pass through the filter and are separated from the liquid or gas.
    • Chromatography is a process that uses a chromatograph to separate molecules. The chromatograph uses a column of material that separates the molecules. The molecules are separated based on their size, shape, and polarity.


    It is a technique used to separate the components of a mixture. The mixture is placed on a sheet of paper or glass and a solvent is then applied. The components of the mixture will move at different speeds through the solvent and will be separated.


    It is the process of a liquid turning into a gas. The liquid will turn into a gas if it has a higher vapor pressure than the atmospheric pressure. The vapor pressure is the pressure of the vapor above the liquid. The higher the vapor pressure, the faster the liquid will turn into a gas.


    Distillation is a process that separates the components or substances from a liquid mixture by selective evaporation and condensation.


    It is the process that water vapor undergoes when it changes from a gas to a liquid. Condensation is responsible for the formation of clouds, fog, and rain.


    The process of slowly pouring a liquid from one container to another in order to separate the solid material from the liquid. This is often done by using a funnel to pour the liquid from one container to another with a small hole at the bottom


    The settling of particles to the bottom of a liquid, often as a result of gravity.


    • The first step in water treatment is filtration. Filtration removes solid particles from water. The most common type of filter is a sand filter. Sand filters use sand to remove particles from water.
    • The water is passed through a tank filled with sand. The sand removes the particles from the water. The water is then passed through a filter to remove the sand.
    • The water is then ready to be used.


    When two or more substances are combined, they form a mixture. The substances in a mixture still present, but they not evenly distributed. The different substances can separated by physical methods such as filtering or centrifuging. Mixtures can also separated by chemical methods, such as distillation.

    A common example of a mixture is a solution. A solution is a mixture of a solvent (such as water) and a solute (such as salt). The solvent is the substance that is present in the greatest quantity, and the solute is the substance that is present in the smallest quantity.


    A handpicking strategy a technique used by hedge funds to identify and invest in individual stocks. The strategy also known as fundamental analysis.

    Under this strategy, the hedge fund manager looks at a company’s financial statements and fundamental indicators to identify undervalued or overvalued stocks. The manager then buys or sells shares of these companies based on his or her analysis.

    Threshing Floor

    The threshing floor was an important part of ancient agricultural life. It was a large, flat area where farmers would bring their harvested crops to threshed, or separated from the stalks and husks. The threshing floor would usually located on the edge of the village, so that the chaff and straw could easily disposed of.

    Winnowing out the wheat

    The first step in making flour from wheat is to remove the chaff, or the lightweight, inedible parts of the grain. This done by winnowing. Winnowing is the process of blowing air through the wheat to separate the chaff from the grain.


    In order to separate the smaller particles from the larger ones in a mixture, a sieve can used. Sieves are mesh-like screens with different-sized holes. The smaller particles will pass through the holes, while the larger ones will left on top.

    Filtration of Sedimentation and Decantation

    • Filtration is the process of separating solids from liquids using a filter. A filter is a device that allows liquids to pass through while trapping solids.
    • Sedimentation is the process of settling solid particles from a liquid. This can done by gravity or by using a filter.
    • Decantation is the process of pouring a liquid off the top of a sediment layer. This can done by gravity or by using a filter.


    Sedimentation is the process by which solid particles in suspension separated from the liquid in which they dispersed. The particles may be of organic or inorganic origin. The process often used in water and wastewater treatment to remove suspended solids.

    The rate of sedimentation is a function of the particle size, the density of the particle, the density of the liquid, the viscosity of the liquid, and the gravitational force. The particle size is the most important parameter in determining the rate of sedimentation. The smaller the particle size, the faster the sedimentation rate. The density of the particle is also important, but to a lesser extent than the particle size. The density of the liquid is also important, but to a lesser extent than the particle size and the density of the particle. The viscosity of the liquid is the least important parameter in determining the rate of sedimentation.

    The gravitational force is the dominant force in sedimentation. The greater the gravitational force, the faster the sedimentation rate.

    The rate of sedimentation can increased by adding a clarifying agent to the liquid. A clarifying agent is a substance that causes the particles to aggregate and fall out of suspension more quickly. The most common clarifying agents are alum and lime.


    This is a process of transferring a liquid from one container to another, leaving the solids behind.

    Condensation on an optical surface

    On an optical surface can form an image of the environment surrounding the optical surface. This is because as the temperature of an object or surface decreases, the number of water molecules that are in a gaseous state decreases. This decrease in the number of gas molecules means that the number of liquid molecules increases, and because liquid molecules are closer together than gas molecules, they take up less space. This decrease in the amount of space between the molecules means that the pressure of the gas decreases, and when the pressure of a gas decreases, it can cause the gas to convert into a liquid.


    The process by which a liquid converted to a gas.


    The process of exchanging atoms, ions, or molecules between two substances.

    External respiration

    The process of exchanging oxygen and carbon dioxide between the lungs and the blood.


    The process of removing solid particles from a liquid or gas.


    A substance that can flow and change shape easily.

    Fluid dynamics

    The study of the motion of fluids.

    Fluid mechanics

    The study of the behavior of fluids under various conditions.


    A push or a pull.


    The number of times a sound or vibration occurs per second.


    A substance that is not solid or liquid and that takes the shape of its container.


    The force that attracts objects toward the center of the Earth.


    The energy that transferred between substances due to a difference in temperature.

    Henry’s law

    The principle that states that the amount of a gas that dissolves in a liquid is proportional to the partial pressure of the gas.


    An atom that has lost or gained one or more electrons and has become a charged particle.

    Kinetic energy

    The energy of motion.


    The process of converting a gas to a liquid

    Saturated Solution

    A saturated solution is a solution in which the maximum amount of solute has dissolved in the solvent at a given temperature.

    For more visit Seperation and Substances

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