ArithmeticOut of  Rs.50,000 that a man has, he lends Rs.8000 at 5½ per annum simple interest and Rs.24,000 at 6% per annum simple interest. He lends the remaining money at a certain rate of interest so that the gets total annual interest of Rs.3680. The rate of interest per annum, at which the remaining money is lent, is

Out of  Rs.50,000 that a man has, he lends Rs.8000 at 5½ per annum simple interest and Rs.24,000 at 6% per annum simple interest. He lends the remaining money at a certain rate of interest so that the gets total annual interest of Rs.3680. The rate of interest per annum, at which the remaining money is lent, is

  1. A


  2. B


  3. C


  4. D


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    8000×1×112100+24000×6×1100+18000×R100=3680(11×40)+1440+180R=3680180R=3680[1440+(11×40)]180R=36801880=1800R=1800180=10,  R=10%

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