Study MaterialsNCERT Exemplar SolutionsClass 11PhysicsNCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 11 Physics Chapter 7 – Systems of Particles and Rotational Motion

NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 11 Physics Chapter 7 – Systems of Particles and Rotational Motion

Subject specialists have created NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 11 Physics Chapter 7 System of Particles and Rotational Motion, which includes thorough solutions for reference. All of the unsolved questions from the textbook’s exercises are answered here. The NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 11 provide useful solutions for improving conceptual knowledge and help in entrance examinations like JEE mains and NEET.

The solutions are carefully solved using student-friendly terms while still adhering to the norms that must be followed when solving NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 11. Practicing these answers can be incredibly advantageous not only in terms of exams but also in terms of helping Class 11 pupils perform well in upcoming competitive exams.

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    The approaches for answering have been given special consideration to stay on target while not deviating from the intended answer. Because time is so important in exams, excellent time management when answering questions is essential for getting the best results.

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      It contains NCERT Exemplar problems, Worksheets, MCQs, and short answer questions that can greatly aid you in your graduate entrance examination preparation. Students should practise the questions in this chapter to gain a better understanding of the subject. Students are also exposed to the types of questions that will be asked in the first term assessment. Students in Class 11 should practise the questions in order to do well in the term I exams. Students get a quick overview of rotational motion in Chapter 7 of NCERT Exemplar Solutions. To help students ace the term – I examination, all of the relevant terminology, numerical formulas, and minute concepts are addressed.

      Introduction of Chapter

      A rigid body is one in which the distances between its various particles do not vary despite the application of force. Only rotational motion is possible for a rigid body fixed at one point or along a line. Pure translation or a combination of translation and rotation can be achieved by a rigid body that is not fixed in any way. The following are some significant points of the System of Particles and Rotational Motion.

      • It is necessary to determine the motion of a system’s centre of mass without knowledge of the system’s internal forces. We simply need to know the external forces on the body for this.
      • Newton’s Second Law and Newton’s Third Law for particles are the foundations of Newton’s Second Law for finite-sized substances (or systems of particles).
      • When the total external force is zero, the total torque on a system is independent of the origin.

      Any genuine body that we come into contact with on a regular basis has a finite size. The idealised concept of a particle is insufficient when dealing with the motion of extended bodies (bodies of finite size). One of the best resources for Class 11 Physics is NCERT Exemplar Solutions. The chapter on Particles and Rotational Motion in the CBSE Class 11 Syllabus is quite important. Students must study this chapter thoroughly in order to do well on their term – I exams. The solutions are provided below so that students can fully comprehend the concepts presented in this chapter.

      The NCERT Exemplar Solutions presented here are based on the CBSE Syllabus 2021-22 and have been developed by subject specialists. For all NCERT classes, Infinity Learn also provides notes, study resources, previous year question papers, sample papers, and tips & techniques.

      Frequently Asked Questions

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      Q. What will I learn from Chapter 7 Systems of Particles and Rotational Motion of NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 11 Physics?

      Ans: Following are the concepts explained in chapter 7 Systems of Particles and Rotational Motion of NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 11 Physics:

      1. It is necessary to determine the motion of a system’s centre of mass without knowledge of the system’s internal forces. We simply need to know the external forces on the body for this.
      2. Newton’s Second Law is based on Newton’s Second Law as well as Newton’s Third Law for particles for finite-sized substances (or systems of particles).
      3. A system’s total torque is unaffected by the origin of the total external force, which is zero.

      Q. Why should I download the Infinity learn NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 11 Physics Chapter 7 PDF?


      1. The NCERT Exemplar Solutions are written in simple language to help students do well in their first-term exams.
      2. The solutions will be useful not just for term-based CBSE exams, but also for a variety of competitive and JEE exams.
      3. The fully completed solutions reduce students’ worries about NCERT textbooks.
      4. Subject specialists create answers that are accurate and real in order to boost student confidence.
      5. The extensive solutions to all of the questions assist students in preparing for their first-term exams.

      Q. How to answer difficult questions regarding Chapter 7 of NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 11 Physics?

      Ans: Students must initially focus on mastering the fundamental concepts in order to solve difficult queries. Core sections should be given higher emphasis than other areas. A clear understanding of the chapter not only aids students in answering problems but also in implementing new ideas in the future.

      Q. Why Opt for Infinity Learn?

      Ans: In this chapter Infinity Learn provides videos, notes, NCERT text book solutions, other practice book solutions and assignments that help you learn the concepts and to memorise the concepts for entrance exams and board exams. Most important, Infinity learn provide instant doubt support by subject experts.

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