economicsTertiary sector helps the primary and secondary sector in their development.

Tertiary sector helps the primary and secondary sector in their development.

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    The Tertiary sector helps the primary and secondary sectors in their development. It supports both sectors in their production process. For example, wheat produced in the Primary Sector is transformed into wheat flour and biscuits in the secondary sector. Now, these biscuits need to be transported to the shops. Similarly, some items are required to be stored in the godowns. Sometimes, primary and secondary sector workers need credit from banks to expand their business, so they want banking services with this credit facility. Transportation, godown facilities, and banking services all come under the activities of the tertiary sector, which ultimately aids the primary and the secondary sector in their development sector and helps the primary and secondary sectors in their development. It supports both sectors in their production process. For example, wheat produced in the Primary Sector is transformed into wheat flour and biscuits in the secondary sector. Now, these biscuits need to be transported to the shops.
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