EnglishEssayEssay on Science in English for Children and Students

Essay on Science in English for Children and Students

Essay on Science in English: Science is a systematic and logical study of occurrences, events, happenings etc.

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    Science is the study that logically explains the round shape of earth; it explains the twinkling of stars; why light travels faster than sound; why hawk flies higher than a crow; why the sunflower turns to the sunlight etc. Science doesn’t provide supernatural explanations; rather it gives logical conclusion to every question. Science as a subject is extremely popular with students. It’s indeed an essential subject for aspirants who want to make their career in science and related fields.

    Knowledge of science makes people more confident and well aware of their surroundings. One who knows science will not be scared of natural occurrences, knowing their origin and reason.

    On the other hand science also plays a significant role in technological development of a nation and hence also in removing growth impediments like unemployment and illiteracy.

    Long and Short Essay on Science in English

    We have provided below short and long essay on science in English for your knowledge and information.

    The essays have been wisely written to deliver to you the meaning and significance of science.

    After going through the essays you will know what is science and its importance in our day to day life, also how science helps in the development of a country.

    You can use these science essay in your school’s or college’s essay writing, debate or other similar competitions.

    Science Essay 1 (200 words)

    Science involves extensive study of the behaviour of natural and physical world. The study is conducted by way of research, observation and experimentation.

    There are several branches of science. These include the natural sciences, social sciences and formal sciences. These broad categories have further been divided into sub categories and sub-sub categories. Physics, chemistry, biology earth science and astronomy form a part of the natural sciences, history, geography, economics, political science, sociology, psychology, social studies and anthropology are a part of the social sciences and formal sciences include mathematics, logic, statistics, decision theory, system theory and computer science.

    Science has changed the world for good. There have been several scientific inventions from time to time and these have made life convenient for the human beings. Several of these inventions have become an integral part of our lives and we cannot imagine our lives without them.

    Scientists worldwide continue to experiment and keep coming up with newer inventions every now and then with some of them bringing revolution worldwide. However, as useful as it is, science has also been misused by some, mainly by those in power, for fuelling an arms race and degrading the environment.

    The ideologies of science and religion have not found any meeting ground. These seemingly contrasting ideas have given rise to several conflicts in the past and continue to do so.

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    Science Essay 2 (300 words)


    Science is a means to study, understand, analyze and experiment with the natural and physical aspects of the world and put them to use to come up with newer inventions that make life more convenient for the mankind. The observation and experimentation in the field of science is not limited to a particular aspect or idea; it is widespread.

    Uses of Science

    Almost everything we use in our daily lives is a gift of science. From cars to washing machines, from mobile phones to microwaves, from refrigerators to laptops – everything is an outcome of scientific experimentation. Here is how science impacts our everyday life:

    1. Cooking

    Not just microwaves, grillers and refrigerators, gas stoves that are commonly used to prepare food are also a scientific invention.

    1. Medical Treatments

    The treatment of several diseases and ailments has been made possible because of the advancement in science. Science thus promotes healthy living and has contributed in the increase of life span.

    1. Communication

    Mobile phones and internet connections that have become an integral part of our lives these days are all inventions of science. These inventions have made communication easier and brought the world closer.

    1. Source of Energy

    The discovery of atomic energy has given way to the invention and deployment of various forms of energies. Electricity is one of its main inventions and the way it impacts our everyday life is known to all.

    1. Variety of Food

    The variety of food has also increased. Many fruits and vegetables are now available all through the year. You do not require waiting for a particular season to enjoy a specific food. The experimentations in the field of science have led to this change.


    Science is thus a part of our everyday life. Our life would have been very different and difficult without the advancement in science. However, we cannot deny the fact that many scientific inventions have led to the degradation of the environment and have also caused numerous health problems for the mankind.

    Science Essay 3 (400 words)


    Science is basically divided into three broad branches. These include Natural Sciences, Social Sciences and Formal Sciences. These branches are further classified into sub-categories to study various aspects. Here is a detailed look at these categories and sub categories.

    Branches of Science

    1. Natural Sciences

    As the name suggests, this is the study of the natural phenomena. It studies how the world and universe works. Natural Science is further categorized into Physical Science and Life Science.

    1. a) Physical Science

    Physical science includes the following sub categories:

    • Physics: The study of properties of energy and matter.
    • Chemistry: The study of substances of which matter is made.
    • Astronomy: The study of the space and celestial bodies.
    • Ecology: The study of relation of organisms with their physical surroundings as well as with each other.
    • Geology: It deals with Earth’s physical structure and substance.
    • Earth Science: The study of Earth’s physical constitution and its atmosphere.
    • Oceanography: The study of biological and physical elements and phenomena of the sea.
    • Meteorology: It deals with the processes of the atmosphere
    1. b) Life Science

    The following sub categories form a part of the life science:

    • Biology: The study of living organisms.
    • Botany: The study of plant life.
    • Zoology: The study of animal life.
    1. Social Sciences

    This involves the study of the social pattern and human behaviour. It is further divided into various sub-categories. These include:

    • History: The study of events occurred in the past
    • Political Science: Study of systems of government and political activities.
    • Geography: Study of Earth’s physical features and atmosphere.
    • Social Studies: Study of human society.
    • Sociology: Study of development and functioning of the society.
    • Psychology: Study of human behaviour.
    • Anthropology: Study of different aspects of humans within present and past societies.
    • Economics: Study of production, consumption and circulation of wealth.
    1. Formal Sciences

    It is that branch of science that studies formal systems such as mathematics and logic. It involves the following sub-categories:

    • Mathematics: The study of numbers.
    • Logic: The study of reasoning.
    • Statistics: It deals with the analysis of numerical data.
    • Decision Theory: Mathematical study to enhance decision making ability when it comes to profit and loss.
    • Systems Theory: The study of abstract organization.
    • Computer Science: The study of experimentation and engineering to form basis for designing and use of computers.


    The experts in various branches of science have continually been studying the subject deeply and experimenting with different aspects to come up with newer theories, inventions and discoveries. These discoveries and inventions have made life easier for us; however, at the same time these have also made an irreversible damage to the environment as well as the living beings.

    Science Essay 4 (500 words)


    Science is the study of structure and behaviour of different physical and natural aspects. Scientists study these aspects, observe them thoroughly and experiment before coming to a conclusion. There have been several scientific discoveries and inventions in the past that have proved to be a boon for the mankind.

    Concepts of Science and Religion

    While a logical and systematic approach is followed in the field of science to come up with new ideas and inventions, religion, on the other hand, is purely based on belief system and faith. In science, a thorough observation, analysis and experimentation is done to derive a result whereas there is hardly any logic when it comes to religion. Their view of looking at things is thus completely different from one another.

    Conflict between Science and Religion

    Science and religion are often seen at loggerheads due to their conflicting views on certain things. Sadly, at times these conflicts lead to disturbance in the society and causes suffering to the innocent. Here are some of the major conflicts that have occurred between the advocates of religion and the believers of scientific methodologies.

    1. The Creation of World

    Many conservative Christians believe that God created the world in six days sometime between 4004 and 8000 BCE. On the other hand, the cosmologists state that the universe is as old as around 13.7 billion years and that the Earth emerged around 4.5 billion years ago.

    1. Earth as the Centre of the Universe

    This is one of the most famous conflicts. The Roman Catholic Church regarded Earth as the centre of the universe. As per them, the Sun, Moon, stars and other planets revolve around it. The conflict arose when famous Italian astronomer and mathematician, Galileo Galilei discovered the heliocentric system wherein the Sun forms the centre of the solar system and the Earth and other planets revolve around it.

    Unfortunately, Galileo was condemned as a heretic and put in house arrest for the rest of his life.

    1. Solar and Lunar Eclipse

    One of the earliest conflicts occurred in Iraq. The priests there had told the locals that lunar eclipse was caused because of the restlessness of gods. These were thought to be ominous and aimed at destroying the kings. The conflict occurred when the local astronomers came up with the scientific reason behind the eclipse.

    While the astronomers state a strong and logical reason about the occurrence of the solar and lunar eclipse, myths and superstitions surrounding the same still continue in various parts of the world.

    1. The Evolution of Species

    Taking reference from the biblical book of Genesis, the conservative Christians believe that all the species of flora and fauna were created during the six days period when God created the world. The biologists, on the other hand, argue that the various species of plants and animals evolved over hundred and millions of years via the procedures of natural selection.


    Apart from these, there are several other arenas wherein the scientists and religious advocates have contradictory views. Even though the scientists/ astronomers/ biologists have a backing for their theories most people deeply follow the religious views.

    It is not only the religious advocates who often raise voice against the scientific methodologies and ideologies, science has also been criticized by many other sections of society because its inventions are giving way to various social, political, environmental and health issues. Scientific inventions such as nuclear weapons pose a threat to the mankind. Besides, the procedures of preparation as well as the use of most scientifically designed devices are adding to the pollution, thereby making life difficult for everyone.

    Science Essay 5 (600 words)


    There have been several scientific discoveries and inventions in the last couple of decades that have made life much easier. Last decade was no exception. There were quite a few significant scientific inventions that received appreciation. Here is a look at the 10 most remarkable recent scientific inventions.

    Recent Scientific Inventions and Discoveries

    1. Control over Biomechanical Hand through Mind

    Amputee Pierpaolo Petruzziello, an Italian who lost his forearm in an unfortunate accident, learned how to control a biomechanical hand connected to his arm by way of his thoughts. The hand connected to his arm nerves via electrodes and wires. He became the first person to master the art of making movements such as finger wiggling, grabbing objects and moving fist with his thoughts.

    1. Global Positioning System

    Global Positioning System, popularly referred to as GPS, became commercially viable in the year 2005. It was embedded into the mobile devices and proved to be a boon for the travelers worldwide. Looking for directions while travelling to newer places couldn’t get easier.

    1. Prius – The Self-Driving Car

    Google initiated the self-driving car project in the year 2008 and soon Toyota introduced Prius. This car does not have brake pedal, steering wheel or accelerator. It is powered by an electric motor and does not require any user interaction to operate. It is embedded with special software, a set of sensors and accurate digital maps to ensure that the driverless experience is smooth and safe.

    1. Android

    Known to be one of the most noteworthy inventions of the decade, Android came as a revolution and took over the market that was earlier flooded with Symbian and Java powered devices. Most smart phones these days run on the Android operating system. It supports millions of applications.

    1. Computer Vision

    Computer vision includes several sub-domains such as event detection, indexing, object recognition, object pose estimation, motion estimation, image restoration, scene reconstruction, learning and video tracking. The field encompasses techniques of processing, analyzing, acquiring and comprehending images in high-dimensional data from the actual world so as to come up with symbolic information.

    1. Touch Screen Technology

    The touch screen technology seems to have taken over the world. The ease of operating makes for the popularity of the touch screen devices. These devices have become a rage worldwide.

    1. 3D Printing Technique

    The 3D printing device can make a variety of stuff including kitchenware, accessories, lamps and much more. Also known as additive manufacturing, this technique creates three-dimensional objects of any shape with the use of digital model data from electronic data source such as Additive Manufacturing File (AMF).

    1. Git Hub

    Launched in the year 2008, Git Hub is a version control repository revision control and Internet hosting service that offers features such as bug tracking, task management, feature requests and sharing of codes, apps, etc. The development of GitHub platform started in 2007 and the site was launched in 2008.

    1. Smart Watches

    Smart watches have been in the market for quite some time. However, the newer ones such as that launched by Apple have come with several added features and have gained immense popularity. These watches come with almost all the features of the smart phones and are easier to carry and operate.

    1. Crowd Funding Sites

    The introduction of crowd-funding sites such as GoFundMe, Kickstarter and Indiegogo has been a boon for the creative minds. By way of these sites, inventors, artists and other creative people get a chance to share their ideas and receive financial help they require to implement the same.


    Scientists worldwide observe and experiment continually to bring forth new scientific inventions, making life easier for people. They do not only keep coming up with newer inventions but also improvise the existing ones wherever there is a scope. While these inventions have made life easier for the man; however, the amount of environmental, social and political hazards these have caused are not hidden from you all.

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