EnglishparagraphParagraph on Science – Long and Short Paragraphs

Paragraph on Science – Long and Short Paragraphs

Science deals with the study of the processes and occurrences that we see in the natural world around us. Scientific study is undertaken through observation and experiment. It deals with the study of facts that are verifiable. When observed facts are studied systematically it becomes a science. A scientific study is made possible through experiments. Experiments may be conducted in the real world or in laboratories under controlled conditions. A science allows for experiments to be conducted and results to be verified repeatedly. There are many different streams of sciences such as physics, chemistry, zoology, botany, geology, meteorology and astronomy.

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    You will find here below a number of long and short paragraphs on Science of varying word lengths. We hope these Science paragraphs will help students in completing their school assignments. These will also help children write and read out Science paragraph in simple words and with small sentences. Students can select any paragraph on Science according to their particular requirement.

    Long and Short Paragraphs on Science in English

    Science Paragraph 100 Words

    Short Paragraph on Science for Children

    We enjoy discovering interesting occurrences around us in the natural world. The study of the various sciences helps us understand many of these phenomena that we witness. Through experimentation we learn about various scientific processes. There are laboratories where scientific experiments can be conducted under certain controlled conditions.

    Physics, chemistry and biology are the sciences that are taught at school. The scientific aspects of light, sound, electricity and magnetism are studied in physics. In chemistry we learn about chemical properties of various elements and metals, and about chemical reactions. Biology teaches us the physiology and functioning of various life forms.

    Science Paragraph 150 Words

    Short Paragraph on Science for Children

    Science revolves around studying observations made of the natural world around us, and engaging in experimentation. Scientific studies are based on conducting experiments in the real world, and in laboratories. Experiments in laboratories are usually conducted under controlled conditions that may not be similar to the real-world conditions. Such, experiments, however are useful in understanding phenomena that occur in the real world.

    Scientific experiments can be conducted over and over again, and yield the same results. Scientific studies are, therefore, mostly objective and universal. Scientific theories based on findings of experiments are verifiable repeatedly.

    There are different streams of sciences that deal with different areas of study of the world around us. For example, while geology deals with the study of the Earth and its formation, in meteorology the study of the atmosphere around the Earth and weather patterns is undertaken. On the other hand, astronomy studies the heavenly objects.

    Paragraph on Importance of Science in Students Life

    Science Paragraph 200 Words

    Science is integral to education and the advancement of knowledge of the world around us. Scientific studies are based on observations and facts that are then analyzed and understood through experiments. The natural occurrences in the world that we see around us have scientific explanations. For example, the natural phenomenon of rainfall can be explained through principles of heat, evaporation and condensation. Likewise, the formation of the rainbow after a rain is a phenomenon based on principles of light.

    Science education is important. Developing a scientific temper among children, the youth and people in general is essential. The various sciences are introduced to children as part of formal school education. Physics, chemistry, and biology are the streams of sciences introduced to children at school. Scientific experiments make the study of the different sciences interesting and easy to understand. They also help to make children more aware of and inquisitive to learn more of the world around them.

    Scientific studies and experimentation help in making technological discoveries that are adapted to create products and techniques to make our day-to-day life more easy and comfortable. Technological advancement helps in carrying out various processes and activities in a quicker and more reliable way.

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    Long Paragraph on Role of Science and Technology in Development

    Science Paragraph 250 Words

    Science education is important. It helps in developing a scientific approach. A scientific approach involves the systematic study of observations and facts, and their analysis and understanding by conducting experiments. Scientific experiments may be conducted in the real world under real-world conditions. They may also be undertaken in laboratories under certain controlled conditions. Scientific research is based on scientific experiments.

    A study is said to be scientific when the experiments in the subject can be conducted over and over again, and the results and theories verified repeatedly. This makes a scientific study objective and universal.

    Scientific experimentation and study allows for technological discoveries to be made. Technology helps in modernization of activities and processes through various products and techniques that make life more easy and comfortable.

    Scientific and technological advancement also has a flipside to it. Products and techniques that have been generated as a consequence of scientific knowledge must be used with wisdom. For example, nuclear physics has enabled us to learn a great deal about the atom, its structure, and properties.

    As a result, the nuclear reaction in the sun that makes it a ball of fire has been studied. This has advanced the frontiers of human knowledge. On the other hand, the atom bomb is also the result of the knowledge of the power of the atom. The atom bomb is a highly destructive product of scientific discovery if used. It must, therefore, not be used, as life on Planet Earth is precious and must be protected.

    Science Paragraph 300 Words

    Long Paragraph on Advantages of Science

    Science is an interesting stream of study. Instead of being restricted to text books one can work practically and conduct experiments. A science allows experimentation. Observations and facts of the physical world are studied under various streams of sciences.

    Science Deals with the Physical World Around us

    The study of the different parts of the physical world comes under the various sciences. The physical world includes the Earth where humans and all other life forms live, the plant and animal kingdoms on our planet, and the celestial bodies in the heavens above. Various phenomena and occurrences that we observe around us are studied in the different sciences.

    Geology is a science that helps us learn about the Earth and its many layers, and about their formation. Physics and chemistry help us understand many of the phenomena we observe around us. The occurrence of lightning and thunder, for example, can be understood by the study of physics and chemistry.

    Likewise, the phenomena of light, sound, heat and electricity are explained through various principles of physics. Chemistry also helps us understand the different chemical reactions, and the products created thereof. Zoology and botany help us learn about the animals and plants that we see around us. Medicine is also a science that helps us discover how the physiology of man works.

    Various Instruments help in Scientific Studies

    There is a large variety of instruments that helps us in scientific study. The instruments help us in making observations, and understanding facts by conducting experiments either in the real world or in laboratories. Microscopes are instruments that help us study about very small life forms as also the invisible life forms like bacteria.

    On the other end, there are telescopes that help us learn more about the heavenly objects like stars, planets and galaxies in the skies above that are very far away and very massive in size.

    Science Paragraph 350 Words

    Paragraph on Importance of Science in Evolution of New Experiments

    Science plays a great role in the evolution of new experiments from time to time. It helps in making amazing and surprising inventions by the scientists in different fields of life. There are many different streams of sciences we study.

    Science has Certain Characteristic Features

    There are certain features that make a study or subject a science. A systematic study of a subject based on observations and facts of the natural world around us is referred to as a scientific study. A science is a stream of study where observations and facts of the physical world can be studied through experiments.

    The experiments conducted in a scientific study are such that they can be repeated over and over again, and the results and findings can be recorded. The existing theories may be proved right through such experimentation. A science also allows for experiments to prove a finding of an earlier experiment to be wrong. Such experiments need to be repeated to prove the truth of the new findings. These are then established as new theories.

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    There are Many Different Streams of Sciences

    Physics, chemistry, zoology and botany are sciences. Medicine is also a science. There are other sciences too such as geology, archaeology, meteorology and astronomy. The sciences deal with certain specific areas of study and experimentation. Therefore, spirituality is also referred to as a science.

    Physics deals with the study of phenomena related to light, sound, magnetism, electricity and heat. In chemistry the study of the structure and properties of atoms, molecules and compounds is undertaken. The study of chemical reactions is also part of chemistry. Biology deals with the study of life forms. While zoology deals with study of animal world, botany studies plants and trees that make up the vegetation on Earth.

    Science has Many Branches of Study

    Each science has many different branches of study within it. For instance, chemistry has organic and inorganic branches of study. Often, the different sciences overlap. The study and experimentation that one undertakes may involve physics and chemistry, or physics and biology. It, therefore, becomes an inter-disciplinary scientific study.

    We can observe this in simple phenomena too. For example, the human eye works as a lens, and helps us form images of the outside world that we can recognize. By studying the principles of light in physics, we can understand the working of the human eye, which is studied in biology.

    Science Paragraph 400 Words

    Long Paragraph on Value of Science

    Any stream of science deals with the study of the physical and natural world through the medium of observation and experiment.

    Any Science has Certain Typical Features

    Science deals with the study of facts that are verifiable. When observed facts are studied systematically it becomes a science. These facts are from the world around us. A science is a stream of study that can be studied through experiments. There are scientific laboratories where experiments and studies can be conducted under controlled conditions.

    Theories and inferences are drawn based on experiments. A science also allows for tests to be conducted and results to be verified repeatedly. As against the sciences, there are streams of study where experiments cannot be conducted in laboratories under controlled conditions.

    There are Many Branches of the Sciences and Scientific Study

    There are many different streams of scientific study. Physics, chemistry, zoology, botany, geology, meteorology and astronomy are some of the sciences. In physics topics related to light, sound, magnetism and electrical energy are studied. In chemistry the structures and properties of compounds are studied.

    While zoology deals with the study of animals and their classification and physiology, botany is related to the study of plants. Astronomy is the study of the innumerable heavenly bodies such as the galaxies, planets and stars. Geology, on the other hand, is the study of the Earth and its layers and their formation.

    Various instruments are used to conduct experiments, study phenomena and measure readings in the sciences. Barometers, thermometers, microscopes and telescopes are only some of the scientific instruments used for studying scientific phenomena. There are numerous other machines and instruments used to conduct scientific experiments. Scientific study requires precision.

    Scientific Studies Enable Technological Discoveries

    Scientific studies lead to the advancement of our knowledge of the world around us. Important discoveries result from the study of the various sciences. Technological advancement and discoveries also depend on science and scientific study. Technology translates scientific studies and discoveries into real-life products that are usable by the people.

    It helps in the creation of various gadgets, processes and systems that serve to make our life easier and more comfortable. Technology also helps in the carrying out of various activities and processes with greater reliability, precision and speed. Thus, time can be saved and better quality can be ensured of the various activities carried out in industries and in homes.

    The study of the various sciences should be encouraged. Inquisitive and creative minds enjoy the study of the various sciences, and the development of technologies.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Science

    What is branch of science?

    A branch of science refers to a specialized discipline of knowledge, such as biology, physics, or chemistry.

    How old science is?

    Science, as a systematic pursuit of knowledge, dates back thousands of years to ancient civilizations.

    Who is the first scientist?

    The title 'first scientist' is subjective, but many consider Thales of Miletus from ancient Greece as one of the first known scientists.

    Why is it called science?

    The term 'science' comes from the Latin word 'scientia', meaning 'knowledge'. It represents systematic study and organized knowledge.

    Who is father of science?

    Galileo Galilei is often referred to as the 'Father of Modern Science' due to his major contributions and challenging of classical views.

    What is science full?

    Science is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe.

    What do you mean science?

    Science refers to the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.

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