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Planets Name

Planets Names

Planets are celestial bodies that orbit the sun. Our solar system has eight main planets, each with its own unique characteristics. These planets, in order from the closest to the sun, are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. They vary in size, color, and features. Earth, for instance, is known for its blue oceans and green land, and it is the planet we inhabit. Jupiter, on the other hand, is the largest planet and boasts a massive storm known as the Great Red Spot. Each planet in our solar system is a fascinating world with its own distinct qualities.

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    Planets Names in Order

    Here are the 8 Planets name in order and their short description:

    1. Mercury (Budh): This speedy planet orbits closest to the Sun and is named after the Roman messenger god. It’s a scorching hot world with extreme temperature variations.
    2. Venus (Shukra): Known as the “Evening Star” or “Morning Star,” Venus is Earth’s “sister” planet due to its similar size. It’s famously covered in thick clouds and has a hellish environment.
    3. Earth (Prithvi): Our home! The only planet known to support life, with diverse ecosystems and a stunning variety of life forms.
    4. Mars (Mangal or Akaash): Often referred to as the “Red Planet” due to its rusty hue, Mars has captured human imagination for centuries as a potential habitat for life.
    5. Jupiter (Brihaspati): The largest planet in our solar system, Jupiter is a gas giant with a mesmerizing system of rings and moons. It’s like a mini solar system of its own.
    6. Saturn (Shani): With its breathtaking ring system made of icy particles, Saturn is one of the most recognizable planets. It’s a favorite among stargazers.
    7. Uranus (Arun): This icy giant spins on its side, making it roll through space rather than spin like a top. It’s a quirky member of our planetary family.
    8. Neptune (Varun): Neptune is known for its striking blue color, thanks to the presence of methane in its atmosphere. It’s the most distant planet from the Sun.

    Planets Name with Pictures

    Planets Name

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    8 Planets Name in English

    Here are the 8 Planets name serial wise in our solar system in English:

    • Mercury
    • Venus
    • Earth
    • Mars
    • Jupiter
    • Saturn
    • Uranus
    • Neptune

    8 Planets name in Hindi

    हमारे सौरमंडल के 8 ग्रहों के नाम हिंदी में हैं:

    • बुध (Mercury)
    • शुक्र (Venus)
    • पृथ्वी (Earth)
    • मंगल (Mars)
    • बृहस्पति (Jupiter)
    • शनि (Saturn)
    • अरुण (Uranus)
    • वरुण (Neptune)

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    9 Planets Name in English

    In our solar system, there are 8 main planets. However, if you’re referring to the concept that used to include Pluto as the ninth planet, here are the names of all 9 planets in the order they were classified:

    1. Mercury
    2. Venus
    3. Earth
    4. Mars
    5. Jupiter
    6. Saturn
    7. Uranus
    8. Neptune
    9. Pluto

    Please note that in 2006, the International Astronomical Union redefined the criteria for what constitutes a planet, and Pluto was reclassified as a “dwarf planet.” So, while Pluto was considered the ninth planet for a long time, it is now recognized differently.

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    9 Planets Name in Hindi

    हमारे परंपरागत सौरमंडल के अनुसार, प्राथमिक रूप से 8 ग्रह होते हैं। हालांकि, यदि आप प्लूटो को नौवें ग्रह के रूप में संदर्भित कर रहे हैं, तो यहाँ उन नौ ग्रहों के नाम हैं जो क्रमशः श्रेणीबद्ध किए गए थे:

    • बुध (Mercury)
    • शुक्र (Venus)
    • पृथ्वी (Earth)
    • मंगल (Mars)
    • बृहस्पति (Jupiter)
    • शनि (Saturn)
    • अरुण (Uranus)
    • वरुण (Neptune)
    • प्लूटो (Pluto)

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    कृपया ध्यान दें कि 2006 में, अंतर्राष्ट्रीय खगोल विज्ञान संघ ने ग्रह किसे माने जाने

    के मापदंडों की परिभाषा को पुनर्निर्धारित किया, और प्लूटो को “क्षुद्र ग्रह” के रूप में पुनः श्रेणीबद्ध किया गया है। इसलिए, जबकि बहुत दिनों तक प्लूटो को नौवें ग्रह के रूप में माना गया था, अब उसे विभिन्न रूप में मान्यता दी जाती है।

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    Planets Name in Hindi and English

    Here is the list of all 8 Planets name in Hindi and English

    Planets Names in English Planets Names in Hindi
    Mercury बुध (Budh)
    Venus शुक्र (Shukra)
    Earth पृथ्वी (Prithvi)
    Mars मंगल (Mangal)
    Jupiter बृहस्पति (Brihaspati)
    Saturn शनि (Shani)
    Uranus अरुण (Arun)
    Neptune वरुण (Varun)

    Planets Name According to Their Size

    The planets in our solar system exhibit a wide range of sizes, from the smallest, Mercury, to the largest, Jupiter. Below is a list of the Planets name according to their size:

    1. Jupiter: As the largest planet in our solar system, Jupiter is a gas giant with a diameter of approximately 139,822 kilometers (86,881 miles). Notably, Jupiter features the Great Red Spot, a massive storm that has persisted for centuries.
    2. Saturn: The second-largest planet, Saturn is renowned for its spectacular rings. With a diameter of about 116,464 kilometers (72,366 miles), Saturn is another gas giant known for its striking ring system.
    3. Uranus: Ranking third in size, Uranus has a diameter of roughly 50,724 kilometers (31,518 miles). Unlike the gas giants, Uranus is an ice giant and is uniquely tilted on its side.
    4. Neptune: Neptune, the fourth-largest planet, shares a similar size to Uranus, boasting a diameter of about 49,244 kilometers (30,598 miles). Noteworthy for its deep blue hue and fierce winds, Neptune is a gas giant.
    5. Earth: As the fifth-largest planet and the largest among the terrestrial planets, Earth has a diameter of about 12,742 kilometers (7,918 miles). It is distinguished as the sole planet known to harbor life.
    6. Venus: Slightly smaller than Earth, Venus has a diameter of approximately 12,104 kilometers (7,521 miles). Recognized for its dense, toxic atmosphere and extreme surface temperatures, Venus is an inhospitable world.
    7. Mars: Referred to as the Red Planet, Mars is the second-smallest planet, boasting a diameter of about 6,779 kilometers (4,212 miles). Mars is characterized by its reddish appearance and the potential presence of past liquid water.
    8. Mercury: The smallest planet in our solar system, Mercury has a diameter of about 4,880 kilometers (3,032 miles). Proximity to the sun and a sparse atmosphere are defining features of Mercury.

    Interesting Facts About Planets Name

    Here are 10 interesting facts about the planets in our solar system:

    • Mercury: Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and has no atmosphere, which means it has extreme temperature fluctuations between day and night.
    • Venus: Venus is often called Earth’s twin because of their similar size, but its surface is covered with thick clouds of sulfuric acid, making it the hottest planet in the solar system.
    • Earth: Earth is the only planet known to support life, thanks to its liquid water and protective atmosphere.
    • Mars: Mars has the tallest volcano in the solar system, Olympus Mons, which is about three times taller than Mount Everest.
    • Jupiter: Jupiter has the Great Red Spot, a giant storm that has been raging for at least 400 years and is so large that three Earths could fit inside it.
    • Saturn: Saturn’s rings are made up of billions of ice and rock particles, some as small as grains of sand and others as large as mountains.
    • Uranus: Uranus rotates on its side, making its axis nearly perpendicular to its orbit. This unique tilt causes extreme seasonal changes.
    • Neptune: Neptune has the strongest winds in the solar system, with speeds reaching up to 2,100 kilometers per hour (1,304 miles per hour).
    • Pluto: Although no longer classified as a planet, Pluto is still an interesting celestial body. It has five known moons, with Charon being the largest.
    • Extrasolar Planets: Beyond our solar system, there are thousands of known extrasolar planets, or exoplanets, orbiting other stars. Some of these exoplanets are in the habitable zone of their star, where conditions might be right for life as we know it.

    FAQs on Planets Name

    What is the name of 9 planets?

    The 9 planets in our solar system are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto (formerly considered a planet).

    What are the 9 planets in order?

    The planets in order from the Sun are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto (dwarf planet).

    What are the 7 planet list?

    The traditional list of 7 planets from ancient times includes Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, the Moon (Earth's natural satellite), and the Sun.

    How many planets are there in the solar system? Name them.

    There are 8 recognized planets in our solar system: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Pluto, once considered the 9th planet, is now classified as a dwarf planet.

    Name the planets according to their size in decreasing order.

    Arranged by size from largest to smallest: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Earth, Venus, Mars, Mercury.

    Who is the king of 9 planets?

    Jupiter is often referred to as the king of the planets due to its massive size and dominant presence in the solar system.

    Is Planet 9 a new planet?

    Planet 9, also known as Planet X, is a hypothetical planet that hasn't been confirmed yet. Its existence is still a topic of research and debate.

    Is Planet 9 a black hole?

    No, Planet 9 is not believed to be a black hole. It's theorized to be a distant planet beyond Neptune's orbit.

    Is Planet 9 a super earth?

    The term super-Earth usually refers to an exoplanet (a planet outside our solar system) that is larger than Earth but smaller than Uranus or Neptune. Planet 9, if it exists, is not necessarily a super-Earth; its properties are still unknown.

    Is there a 9th or 10th planet?

    The existence of Planet 9 is a topic of ongoing research. While it's often referred to as the potential 9th planet, there's no widely accepted evidence for a 10th planet in our solar system.

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