WorksheetKinds of Sentences Worksheet

Kinds of Sentences Worksheet

There are four main types of sentences: statements, questions, commands, and exclamations. Knowing how each type is different and when to use them is important for learning English. Doing grammar exercises helps you understand how to form and use these different kinds of sentences.

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    Worksheet for Class 8 English

    Kinds of Sentences Worksheet Exercise

    Part 1: Identify the Sentence Type

    Read each sentence below and write whether it is declarative, interrogative, imperative, or exclamatory.

    • The sun is shining brightly. _______________________
    • Can you help me with my homework? _______________________
    • Please close the door. _______________________
    • What a beautiful day it is! _______________________
    • I love reading books. _______________________
    • Do you know the way to the park? _______________________
    • Bring me the newspaper. _______________________
    • Wow, that was an amazing performance! _______________________
    • She is going to the market. _______________________
    • Why are you late? _______________________


    • Declarative
    • Interrogative
    • Imperative
    • Exclamatory
    • Declarative
    • Interrogative
    • Imperative
    • Exclamatory
    • Declarative
    • Interrogative

    Part 2: Create Your Own Sentences

    Write one sentence of each type.

    • Declarative: _______________________________________________________
    • Interrogative: _______________________________________________________
    • Imperative: _______________________________________________________
    • Exclamatory: _______________________________________________________


    • The cat is sleeping on the windowsill.
    • What time does the meeting start?
    • Please close the door.
    • Wow, that was an amazing performance!

    Part 3: Sentence Sorting

    Sort the following sentences into the correct categories:

    • I can’t believe we won the game! _______________________
    • When is the movie starting? _______________________
    • Please pass the salt. _______________________
    • The cat is sleeping on the sofa. _______________________
    • Are you coming to the party? _______________________
    • Shut the window before it rains. _______________________


    • Exclamatory
    • Interrogative
    • Imperative
    • Declarative
    • Interrogative
    • Imperative

    Part 4: Rewrite the Sentences

    Rewrite the given sentences as directed.

    • The car is very fast. (Change to exclamatory) _______________________________________________________
    • Is she your sister? (Change to declarative) _______________________________________________________
    • Stand up. (Change to interrogative) _______________________________________________________
    • What a wonderful surprise! (Change to declarative) _______________________________________________________


    • Wow! The car is very fast!
    • She is your sister.
    • Should you stand up?
    • It is a wonderful surprise.

    Part 5: Match the Sentence to Its Type

    Match each sentence to its correct type.

    • Can you lend me a pencil?
    • It’s raining outside.
    • Clean your room.
    • Hooray! We won the match!



    • Declarative
    • Imperative
    • Exclamatory
    • Interrogative
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