MCQsCBSE Class 12 Marketing Management MCQ

CBSE Class 12 Marketing Management MCQ

Marketing Management MCQ: Marketing Management involves the planning, implementation, and control of marketing programs, resources, and activities to achieve organizational goals. It encompasses analyzing market opportunities, understanding consumer behavior, designing marketing strategies, and managing product development, pricing, promotion, and distribution. Marketing Management is a crucial topic covered in Class 12 Business Studies curriculum. It typically falls under the chapter titled “Marketing Management” or similar in various educational boards. This chapter delves into the fundamental principles and practices of marketing, equipping students with essential knowledge for understanding market dynamics and strategies.

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    Marketing Management MCQ Class 12

    Marketing Management MCQ for Class 12 have been carefully designed by subject matter experts to match the latest curriculum guidelines. These multiple-choice questions aim to cover essential concepts in Marketing Management, including the marketing mix, consumer behavior, market segmentation, product lifecycle, and marketing strategies. They are crafted to ensure that students receive comprehensive preparation in these areas, helping them understand and apply key principles effectively.

    Also Read: Class 12 Business Studies Previous Year Question Paper

    Marketing Management MCQ Questions with Solutions

    Question 1: Which element of the marketing mix involves decisions about product design, features, and packaging?
    A. Promotion
    B. Price
    C. Product
    D. Place
    Answer: C. Product

    Question 2: Market segmentation involves:
    A. Targeting the entire market with a single product offering
    B. Dividing the market into distinct groups based on similar characteristics
    C. Setting an initial price for a new product
    D. None of the above
    Answer: B. Dividing the market into distinct groups based on similar characteristics

    Question 3: Which stage of the product lifecycle focuses on increasing market share and maximizing profit?
    A. Introduction
    B. Growth
    C. Maturity
    D. Decline
    Answer: B. Growth

    Question 4: The process of influencing potential customers to buy a product or service is known as:
    A. Marketing strategy
    B. Consumer behavior
    C. Promotion
    D. Market research
    Answer: C. Promotion

    Question 5: Which pricing strategy involves setting a high initial price to target early adopters?
    A. Penetration pricing
    B. Skimming pricing
    C. Competitive pricing
    D. Discount pricing
    Answer: B. Skimming pricing

    Question 6: SWOT analysis stands for
    A. Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats
    B. Sales, Wants, Objectives, Targets
    C. Strategic, Worthwhile, Organizational, Trends
    D. None of the above
    Answer: A. Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats

    Question 7: Which factor does NOT influence consumer buying behavior?
    A. Cultural factors
    B. Social factors
    C. Economic factors
    D. Organizational factors
    Answer: D. Organizational factors

    Question 8: Which of the following is NOT a component of the marketing communication mix?
    A. Advertising
    B. Personal selling
    C. Pricing
    D. Sales promotion
    Answer: C. Pricing

    Marketing Management MCQ – Extra Questions

    Question 1: The concept of achieving maximum profits through increased consumer satisfaction for raised market share focuses on
    A. Product
    B. Selling
    C. Customer
    D. Production
    Answer: C. Customer
    Solution: This concept, known as customer orientation, emphasizes meeting consumer needs and preferences to enhance market position and profitability.

    Question 2: Markets which are organized and regulated by statutory measures are
    A. Regulated markets
    B. Unregulated markets
    C. World market
    D. None of these
    Answer: A. Regulated markets
    Solution: Regulated markets are governed by legal rules and regulations to ensure fair trade practices and consumer protection.

    Question 3: Which of the following are the people who purchase new products almost as soon as the products reach the market?
    A. Innovators
    B. Late majority
    C. Early majority
    D. Late adopters
    Answer: A. Innovators
    Solution: Innovators are characterized by their eagerness to adopt new products or technologies early in their lifecycle, often driving initial market acceptance and innovation diffusion.

    Question 4: In India, which pricing practice is not permissible?
    A. Penetrating pricing
    B. Skimming pricing
    C. Predatory pricing
    D. None of the above
    Answer: C. Predatory pricing
    Solution: Predatory pricing, which involves setting prices below cost to drive competitors out of the market, is prohibited in India to prevent unfair competition and safeguard consumer interests.

    Question 5: Which one of the following stages of the marketing research process is most expensive?
    A. Data analysis
    B. Data collection
    C. Developing the research plan
    D. Report writing
    Answer: A. Data analysis
    Solution: Data analysis is often the most costly stage in marketing research due to the need for specialized skills, software, and time-intensive processes to interpret and derive insights from collected data.

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