MCQsClass 8 Civics Chapter 1 MCQs – The Indian Constitution Questions with Answers

Class 8 Civics Chapter 1 MCQs – The Indian Constitution Questions with Answers

Welcome to the exciting world of Class 8 Civics chapter 1 mcq with answers In this chapter, we’ll explore the foundation of our Class 8 Civics nation the Indian Constitution. The Constitution is the supreme law of the land, and it outlines the rights, duties, and responsibilities of every citizen, as well as the structure and functioning of the government.

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    Through a series of engaging MCQs Questions, we’ll provide into the key aspects of the Constitution. These MCQs will not only test your understanding but also help you develop a deeper appreciation for the principles and values that shape our democratic society.

    Whether you’re a student preparing for exams or simply curious about the workings of the Indian government, this chapter promises to be a captivating and informative journey. You can find comprehensive MCQ questions for Class 8 Civics Chapter 1, along with detailed answers, to help you ace your exams. Additionally, you can refer to the NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Social Science Civics to gain a deeper understanding of the subject.

    The Indian Constitution Questions for Class 8 with Answers MCQs PDF

    Understanding the Indian Constitution Class 8 Civics Chapter 1 MCQs PDF is crucial for every citizen. This comprehensive guide provides Class 8 students with a detailed overview of the Constitution’s key provisions, including its history, structure, and significant articles. Download the MCQs PDF to test your knowledge and prepare for exams

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      The Indian Constitution Questions for Class 8 with Answers MCQs PDF

      The Indian Constitution Questions for Class 8 Civics Chapter 1 MCQs with Answers

      Part 1: History and Structure

      Ques. When was the Indian Constitution adopted?

      a) November 26, 1949

      b) January 26, 1950

      c) August 15, 1947

      d) October 31, 1952

      Ans: a) November 26, 1949

      Explanation: The Indian Constitution was adopted on November 26, 1949, and came into effect on January 26, 1950.

      Ques. How many parts does the Indian Constitution have?

      a) 15

      b) 22

      c) 25

      d) 30

      Ans: b) 22

      Explanation: The Indian Constitution has 22 parts.

      Ques. What is the Preamble of the Indian Constitution?

      a) The introductory statement that sets out the guiding principles and values of the Constitution

      b) The final statement that summarizes the Constitution

      c) The first article of the Constitution

      d) The last article of the Constitution

      Ans: a) The introductory statement that sets out the guiding principles and values of the Constitution

      Explanation: The Preamble is the introductory statement that sets out the guiding principles and values of the Constitution.

      Part 2: Key Features

      Ques. What is the key feature of the Indian Constitution that ensures the separation of powers?

      a) Federalism

      b) Parliamentary system of government

      c) Independent judiciary

      d) Separation of powers

      Ans: d) Separation of powers

      Explanation: The key feature of the Indian Constitution that ensures the separation of powers is the division of power between the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of the government.

      Ques. What is the key feature of the Indian Constitution that ensures the representation of states in the government?

      a) Federalism

      b) Parliamentary system of government

      c) Independent judiciary

      d) Separation of powers

      Ans: a) Federalism

      Explanation: The key feature of the Indian Constitution that ensures the representation of states in the government is federalism.

      Part 3: Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles

      Ques. What are the Fundamental Rights guaranteed by the Indian Constitution?

      a) Right to equality, right to freedom, right against exploitation, right to freedom of religion, cultural and educational rights, and right

      to constitutional remedies

      b) Right to life, right to liberty, right to property, right to freedom of speech, and right to assembly

      c) Right to education, right to healthcare, right to employment, and right to social security

      d) Right to vote, right to run for office, right to hold public office, and right to participate in government

      Ans: a) Right to equality, right to freedom, right against exploitation, right to freedom of religion, cultural and educational rights, and right to constitutional remedies.

      Explanation: The Fundamental Rights guaranteed by the Indian Constitution include the right to equality, right to freedom, right against exploitation, right to freedom of religion, cultural and educational rights, and right to constitutional remedies.

      Ques. What are the Directive Principles of State Policy?

      a) Guidelines for the government to follow in order to promote the welfare of the people and achieve social, economic, and political justice

      b) Laws that the government must pass to ensure the welfare of the people

      c) Rights that the government must provide to the citizens

      d) Duties that the citizens must perform

      Ans: a) Guidelines for the government to follow in order to promote the welfare of the people and achieve social, economic, and political justice

      Explanation: The Directive Principles of State Policy are guidelines for the government to follow in order to promote the welfare of the people and achieve social, economic, and political justice.

      Part 4: Government and Institutions

      Ques. What is the role of the President in the Indian Constitution?

      a) Head of the state and the supreme commander of the armed forces

      b) Head of the government and the leader of the majority party or coalition in the Lok Sabha

      c) Head of the judiciary and the chief justice of the Supreme Court

      d) Head of the legislature and the speaker of the Lok Sabha

      Ans: a) Head of the state and the supreme commander of the armed forces

      Explanation: The President is the head of the state and the supreme commander of the armed forces.

      Ques. What is the role of the Prime Minister in the Indian Constitution?

      a) Head of the state and the supreme commander of the armed forces

      b) Head of the government and the leader of the majority party or coalition in the Lok Sabha

      c) Head of the judiciary and the chief justice of the Supreme Court

      d) Head of the legislature and the speaker of the Lok Sabha

      Ans: b) Head of the government and the leader of the majority party or coalition in the Lok Sabha

      Explanation: The Prime Minister is the head of the government and the leader of the majority party or coalition in the Lok Sabha.

      Part 5: Amendments and Interpretation

      Ques. What is the process of amending the Indian Constitution?

      a) A simple majority in both houses of Parliament

      b) A two-thirds majority in both houses of Parliament and the ratification of at least half of the state legislatures

      c) A simple majority in the Lok Sabha and a two-thirds majority in the Rajya Sabha

      d) A two-thirds majority in the Lok Sabha and a simple majority in the Rajya Sabha

      Ans: b) A two-thirds majority in both houses of Parliament and the ratification of at least half of the state legislatures

      Explanation: The process of amending the Indian Constitution requires a two-thirds majority in both houses of Parliament and the ratification of at least half of the state legislatures.

      Ques. What is the role of the Supreme Court in the Indian Constitution?

      a) To interpret the Constitution and ensure that the laws and actions of the government are in accordance with the Constitution

      b) To pass laws and regulations

      c) To appoint the Prime Minister and the President

      d) To conduct elections

      Ans: a) To interpret the Constitution and ensure that the laws and actions of the government are in accordance with the Constitution

      Explanation: The role of the Supreme Court is to interpret the Constitution and ensure that the laws and actions of the government are in accordance with the Constitution.

      Part 6: Miscellaneous

      Ques. What is the significance of the Preamble in the Indian Constitution?

      a) It sets out the guiding principles and values of the Constitution

      b) It is the first article of the Constitution

      c) It is the last article of the Constitution

      d) It is a non-justiciable provision

      Ans: a) It sets out the guiding principles and values of the Constitution

      Explanation: The Preamble sets out the guiding principles and values of the Constitution.

      Ques. What are the Fundamental Duties in the Indian Constitution?

      a) Duties that every citizen of India is expected to perform in order to promote the unity and integrity of the country, and to uphold

      the values of the Constitution

      b) Rights that every citizen of India is entitled to

      c) Laws that the government must pass to ensure the welfare of the people

      d) Guidelines for the government to follow in order to promote the welfare of the people and achieve social, economic, and political justice

      Ans: a) Duties that every citizen of India is expected to perform in order to promote the unity and integrity of the country, and to uphold the values of the Constitution

      Explanation: The Fundamental Duties are duties that every citizen of India is expected to perform in order to promote the unity and integrity of the country, and to uphold the values of the Constitution.

      Ques. What is the role of the Election Commission in the Indian Constitution?

      a) To conduct free and fair elections

      b) To appoint the Prime Minister and the President

      c) To pass laws and regulations

      d) To interpret the Constitution

      Ans: a) To conduct free and fair elections

      Explanation: The role of the Election Commission is to conduct free and fair elections.

      Part 7: Review Questions

      Ques. What is the key feature of the Indian Constitution that ensures the representation of states in the government?

      a) Federalism

      b) Parliamentary system of government

      c) Independent judiciary

      d) Separation of powers

      Ans: a) Federalism

      Explanation: The key feature of the Indian Constitution that ensures the representation of states in the government is federalism.

      Ques. What are the Fundamental Rights guaranteed by the Indian Constitution?

      a) Right to equality, right to freedom, right against exploitation, right to freedom of religion, cultural and educational rights, and right to constitutional remedies

      b) Right to life, right to liberty, right to property, right to freedom of speech, and right to assembly

      c) Right to education, right to healthcare, right to employment, and right to social security

      d) Right to vote, right to run for office, right to hold public office, and right to participate in government

      Ans: a) Right to equality, right to freedom, right against exploitation, right to freedom of religion, cultural and educational rights, and right to constitutional remedies

      Explanation: The Fundamental Rights guaranteed by the Indian Constitution include the right to equality, right to freedom, right against exploitation, right to freedom of religion, cultural and educational rights, and right to constitutional remedies.

      Ques. What are the Directive Principles of State Policy?

      a) Guidelines for the government to follow in order to promote the welfare of the people and achieve social, economic, and political justice

      b) Laws that the government must pass to ensure the welfare of the people

      c) Rights that the government must provide to the citizens

      d) Duties that the citizens must perform

      Ans: a) Guidelines for the government to follow in order to promote the welfare of the people and achieve social, economic, and political justice

      Explanation: The Directive Principles of State Policy are guidelines for the government to follow in order to promote the welfare of the people and achieve social, economic, and political justice.

      Ques. What is the role of the President in the Indian Constitution?

      a) Head of the state and the supreme commander of the armed forces

      b) Head of the government and the leader of the majority party or coalition in the Lok Sabha

      c) Head of the judiciary and the chief justice of the Supreme Court

      d) Head of the legislature and the speaker of the Lok Sabha

      Ans: a) Head of the state and the supreme commander of the armed forces

      Explanation: The President is the head of the state and the supreme commander of the armed forces.

      Ques. What is the role of the Prime Minister in the Indian Constitution?

      a) Head of the state and the supreme commander of the armed forces

      b) Head of the government and the leader of the majority party or coalition in the Lok Sabha

      c) Head of the judiciary and the chief justice of the Supreme Court

      d) Head of the legislature and the speaker of the Lok Sabha

      Ans: b) Head of the government and the leader of the majority party or coalition in the Lok Sabha

      Explanation: The Prime Minister is the head of the government and the leader of the majority party or coalition in the Lok Sabha.

      Ques. What is the process of amending the Indian Constitution?

      a) A simple majority in both houses of Parliament

      b) A two-thirds majority in both houses of Parliament and the ratification of at least half of the state legislatures

      c) A simple majority in the Lok Sabha and a two-thirds majority in the Rajya Sabha

      d) A two-thirds majority in the Lok Sabha and a simple majority in the Rajya Sabha

      Ans: b) A two-thirds majority in both houses of Parliament and the ratification of at least half of the state legislatures

      Explanation: The process of amending the Indian Constitution requires a two-thirds majority in both houses of Parliament and the ratification of at least half of the state legislatures.

      Class 8 Civics Chapter 1 FAQs

      What is the main purpose of the Indian Constitution?

      The main purpose of the Indian Constitution is to establish a democratic government and ensure the rights and freedoms of all citizens.

      Who drafted the Indian Constitution?

      The Indian Constitution was drafted by a Constituent Assembly, which consisted of representatives from various states and regions.

      What are the three main parts of the Indian Constitution?

      The three main parts of the Indian Constitution are the Preamble, the Union, and the States.

      What is the significance of the Preamble in the Indian Constitution?

      The Preamble sets out the fundamental principles and objectives of the Constitution, including the establishment of a sovereign, socialist, secular, and democratic republic.

      What are the key features of the Indian Constitution?

      Key features of the Indian Constitution include the separation of powers, federalism, and the protection of fundamental rights and freedoms.

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