MCQsClass 6 Social Science History From Hunting-Gathering to Growing Food MCQ

Class 6 Social Science History From Hunting-Gathering to Growing Food MCQ

The transition from hunting and gathering to growing food is one of the most significant changes in human history. This shift marked the beginning of settled life and the foundation of civilizations. For students in Class 6 studying Social Science History, understanding this transformation is crucial. It not only highlights how early humans adapted to their environment but also how these changes influenced their social, economic, and cultural lives.

The chapter From Hunting Gathering to Growing Food in Class 6 Social Science History delves into this important period. It explains how early humans, who initially lived as nomads, hunting animals and gathering fruits, gradually began to cultivate crops and domesticate animals. This new way of life led to the establishment of permanent settlements, the development of agriculture, and the creation of surplus food supplies. As a result, populations grew, and communities became more complex.

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    To help students grasp these concepts better, multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are an effective tool. They test the understanding of key points and encourage critical thinking. The From Hunting Gathering to Growing Food MCQ section provides a variety of questions that cover the essential aspects of this topic. By practicing these MCQs, students can reinforce their learning, identify areas that need more focus, and prepare effectively for their exams.

    In summary, the Class 6 Social Science History chapter From Hunting Gathering to Growing Food offers a comprehensive overview of how early humans transitioned from a nomadic lifestyle to settled farming. The accompanying MCQs serve as an excellent resource for students to test their knowledge and deepen their understanding of this pivotal chapter in human history.

    Class 6 Social Science History Chapter 2 MCQ

    Question: Where are Garo hills located?

    (a) North-west

    (b) South-east

    (c) South-west

    (d) North-east

    Answer: D

    Question: Which river did people live along in ancient times?

    (a) Ganga

    (b) Narmada

    (c) Satluj

    (d) None of these

    Answer: B

    Question: How did merchants travel?

    (a) With Caravans

    (b) By Ships

    (c) Both (a) and (b)

    (d) None of these

    Answer: C

    Question: How did people on Andaman Islands get their food?

    (a) Fishing

    (b) Hunting

    (c) Collecting forest products

    (d) All of these

    Answer: D

    Question: The art of making pictures and symbols by carving on stone is called:

    (a) Sculpture

    (b) Architecture

    (c) Music

    (d) Farming

    Answer: A

    Question: Which metal was first discovered?

    (a) Copper

    (b) Gold

    (c) Silver

    (d) Iron

    Answer: A

    Also Check: From Gathering to Growing Food Class 6 Notes History Chapter 3

    Question: When did agriculture start?

    (a) 4700 years ago

    (b) 2500 years ago

    (c) 8000 years ago

    (d) 5500 years ago

    Answer: C

    Question: The person who studies ancient objects is called:

    (a) Archaeologist

    (b) Writer

    (c) Farmer

    (d) Christian

    Answer: A

    Question: Where were manuscripts kept safe?

    (a) Temples and monasteries

    (b) Museums

    (c) Both (a) and (b)

    (d) None of these

    Answer: A

    Question: Who are called Hindos or Indos?

    (a) Iranians and Chinese

    (b) Iranians and Turks

    (c) Americans and Greeks

    (d) Iranians and Greeks

    Answer: D

    Question: The earliest domesticated animals were:

    (a) Sheep and Goat

    (b) Cow and Goat

    (c) Cow and Donkey

    (d) Sheep and Cow

    Answer: A

    Question: From where did the Iranians and Greeks come?

    (a) Southeast

    (b) Northeast

    (c) Southwest

    (d) Northwest

    Answer: D

    Question: Pages of manuscript books were made of:

    (a) Palm leaves

    (b) Peepal leaves

    (c) Tulsi leaves

    (d) Neem leaves

    Answer: A

    Question: Prakrit language was used by:

    (a) Poor people

    (b) Common people

    (c) King only

    (d) Rich people

    Answer: B

    Question: The period with no written records is known as:

    (a) History

    (b) Herodotus

    (c) Pre-History

    (d) None of the above

    Answer: C

    Question: Years after the birth of Jesus Christ are counted:

    (a) Forward

    (b) Backward

    (c) Upward

    (d) Downward

    Answer: A

    Also Check: MCQ for Class 6 History Chapter 1

    Question: What do we call people who lived in the subcontinent 20 million years ago?

    (a) Hunter-Gatherers

    (b) Primitive man

    (c) Farmer

    (d) Cattle

    Answer: A

    Question: The first cities of the Indus civilization were made how many years ago?

    (a) 8000 years ago

    (b) 4700 years ago

    (c) 2500 years ago

    (d) 2000 years ago

    Answer: B

    Question: The Iranians and Greeks came through the:

    (a) Southeast

    (b) Northeast

    (c) Southwest

    (d) Northwest

    Answer: D

    Question: Which hills are located in the North-east?

    (a) Vindhya Hills

    (b) Garo Hills

    (c) Narmada Hills

    (d) Satpura Hills

    Answer: B

    Question: This inscription, dating to about 2250 years ago, was found in Kandahar, Afghanistan, and was ordered by:

    (a) Akbar

    (b) Ashoka

    (c) Ajatshatru

    (d) Bimbisara

    Answer: B

    Question: Crops first grown by men and women were:

    (a) Sugar and Barley

    (b) Wheat and Sugar

    (c) Wheat and Barley

    (d) Rice and Barley

    Answer: C

    Question: The place where rice was first grown is:

    (a) Kirthar

    (b) Garo Hills

    (c) Sulaiman

    (d) Vindhyas Hills

    Answer: D

    Question: What is the process of growing plants and taking care of animals called?

    (a) Domestication

    (b) Farming

    (c) Herding

    (d) Microliths

    Answer: C

    Question: Domestication means:

    (a) Process in which people look after animals

    (b) Process in which people grow plants and lived in communities

    (c) Process in which people grow plants and look after animals

    (d) Process in which people grow plants

    Answer: C

    Question: Tools like copper and hand axes were used in:

    (a) Mesolithic age

    (b) Upper stone age

    (c) Old stone age

    (d) Middle stone age

    Answer: C

    Question: People began using pots for:

    (a) Cooking food

    (b) Making stones

    (c) Preserving animal flesh

    (d) Preserving soil

    Answer: A

    Also Check: NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science History Chapter 3 From Gathering to Growing Food

    Question: Barter system is:

    (a) Exchange of money

    (b) Exchange of articles

    (c) Exchange of money for services

    (d) Exchange of articles for money

    Answer: B

    Question: Who found the things obtained from excavation?

    (a) Psychologist

    (b) Archaeologist

    (c) Doctor

    (d) Teacher

    Answer: B

    Question: The art of making pots is called:

    (a) Pottories

    (b) Poetries

    (c) Patys

    (d) Pottery

    Answer: D

    Question: Which was the first animal to be tamed?

    (a) Cattle

    (b) Dog

    (c) Sheep

    (d) Goat

    Answer: B

    Question: Hallur is in present-day:

    (a) Uttar Pradesh

    (b) Karnataka

    (c) Gujarat

    (d) Kashmir

    Answer: B

    Question: Bhimbetka caves & rock shelters are close to:

    (a) Ganga valley

    (b) Narmada valley

    (c) Bhim valley

    (d) None of these

    Answer: B

    Question: The place where rice was first grown is:

    (a) Yangtze River valley

    (b) Sulaiman Hills

    (c) Banks of Ganga

    (d) Garo Hills

    Answer: A

    Question: Name an important Neolithic site in Assam:

    (a) Mehrgarh

    (b) Burzahom

    (c) Daojali Hading

    (d) Mahargarh

    Answer: C

    Question: Crops cultivated in Paiyampalli were:

    (a) Lentil and Millet

    (b) Green gram and Millet

    (c) Black gram and Green Gram

    (d) Black gram and Millet

    Answer: D

    Question: Place where many families choose to live together for mutual cooperation and better protection:

    (a) State

    (b) Block

    (c) Village

    (d) District

    Answer: C

    Question: How did people of Andaman Islands get their food?

    (a) Fishing

    (b) Hunting

    (c) Collecting forest products

    (d) All of these

    Answer: D

    Question: What is the time of the Mesolithic period?

    (a) 12000 to 10000

    (b) 20000 to 4700

    (c) 15000 to 12000

    (d) 10000 to 1200

    Answer: A

    Question: This place is now part of Pakistan, close to Bolan Pass, which was an important route to Iran and Afghanistan:

    (a) Burzahom

    (b) Mehrgarh

    (c) Bhimbetka

    (d) Hunsgi

    Answer: B

    Question: Jadeite stone was brought from:

    (a) Burma

    (b) China

    (c) Iran

    (d) Mehrgarh

    Answer: B

    Question: Tools of points, crescentic blades, and scrapers were used in which stone age?

    (a) Middle stone age

    (b) Upper stone age

    (c) Neolithic age

    (d) Old stone age

    Answer: B

    Question: Meso in Mesolithic age means:

    (a) Micro

    (b) Must

    (c) Middle

    (d) Macro

    Answer: C

    Question: Microliths were made during which period?

    (a) Chalcolithic

    (b) Mesolithic

    (c) Neolithic

    (d) Palaeolithic

    Answer: B

    Question: People who lived in the subcontinent 20 million years ago are called:

    (a) Hunter-Gatherers

    (b) Primitive man

    (c) Farmer

    (d) Cattle

    Answer: A

    Question: Neolithic man lived in:

    (a) Small communities like villages

    (b) In pairs near river banks

    (c) Alone in the forest

    (d) Alone by the river

    Answer: A

    Question: Presently, the site ‘Paiyampalli’ is situated in:

    (a) Uttar Pradesh

    (b) Bihar

    (c) Kashmir

    (d) Andhra Pradesh

    Answer: D

    Question: The art of making pots is called:

    (a) Pottories

    (b) Poetries

    (c) Patys

    (d) Pottery

    Answer: D

    Question: Domestication means:

    (a) Process in which people look after animals

    (b) Process in which people grow plants and live in communities

    (c) Process in which people grow plants and look after animals

    (d) Process in which people grow plants

    Answer: C

    Question: The barter system is:

    (a) Exchange of money

    (b) Exchange of articles

    (c) Exchange of money for services

    (d) Exchange of articles for money

    Answer: B

    Question: Copper was discovered by which age man?

    (a) Mesolithic

    (b) Neolithic

    (c) Palaeolithic

    (d) Chalcolithic

    Answer: D

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