MCQsClass 6 Social Science History Kingdoms Kings and an Early Republic MCQs

Class 6 Social Science History Kingdoms Kings and an Early Republic MCQs

Understanding the history of ancient India is crucial for students in Class 6. One of the significant chapters in the curriculum is Kingdoms, Kings, and an Early Republic. This chapter delves into the evolution of kingdoms, the rise of kings, and the early republics that laid the foundation for future governance in India. To help students grasp these concepts thoroughly, we have compiled a series of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs). These MCQs are designed to test students’ knowledge, reinforce their understanding, and prepare them for their exams.

In this collection of Kingdoms, Kings, and an Early Republic MCQs, you will find questions covering various aspects of the chapter, including the roles of different kings, the establishment of kingdoms, and the early republican states. These questions are not only aligned with the CBSE curriculum but also aim to enhance the critical thinking and analytical skills of students.

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    Prepare to embark on a journey through ancient Indian history and strengthen your grasp on the key concepts of this pivotal chapter with our comprehensive set of Kingdoms, Kings, and an Early Republic MCQs.

    Kingdoms Kings and an Early Republic Class 6 MCQs

    Ques. Magadha and _________ are examples of monarchical mahajanapadas:

    (a) Shakyas

    (b) Lichchhavis

    (c) Vajji

    (d) Vatsa

    Answer: D

    Ques. Who was the central figure in the Ashvamedha sacrifice?

    (a) Ministers

    (b) Purohit

    (c) King

    (d) Soldiers

    Answer: C

    Ques. How did men become rulers around 3,000 years ago?

    (a) By choosing rulers by voting

    (b) By ashvamedha yajna

    (c) None of these

    (d) Both (a) and (b)

    Answer: B

    Ques. Why did rulers collect regular taxes?

    (a) For building huge forts

    (b) For maintaining big armies

    (c) Both (a) and (b)

    (d) None of these

    Answer: C

    Ques. Who was the son of Bimbisara?

    (a) Ashoka

    (b) Ajatshatru

    (c) Nanda

    (d) Maurya

    Answer: B

    Ques. Which of the following is not a Mahajanapadas?

    (a) Magadha

    (b) Inamgaon

    (c) Avanti

    (d) Kamboj

    Answer: B

    Ques. ____ had a large deposits of iron-ore:

    (a) Malla

    (b) Vajji

    (c) Magadha

    (d) Ujjayini

    Answer: C

    Also Check: Kingdoms, Kings and an Early Republic Class 6 Extra Questions History Chapter 6

    Ques. Amatya means:

    (a) Purohits

    (b) Kings

    (c) Ministers

    (d) Farmers

    Answer: C

    Ques. A form of government where power is held by the people or elected representatives is called:

    (a) Autocratic

    (b) Oligopoly

    (c) Republic

    (d) Military

    Answer: C

    Ques. Who was the king of Magadha who ruled between 547 to 495 B.C?

    (a) Bimbisara

    (b) Ajatshatru

    (c) Nanda

    (d) Ashoka

    Answer: A

    Ques. The ‘ashvamedha’ was the sacrifice of:

    (a) Horse

    (b) Cow

    (c) Bull

    (d) Goat

    Answer: A

    Ques. One-sixth of the produce was taken as tax from:

    (a) Farmers

    (b) Hunter-gatherers

    (c) Crafts-persons

    (d) Traders

    Answer: A

    Ques. Which of the following is not among the four varnas?

    (a) Shakti

    (b) Brahmin

    (c) Vaishyas

    (d) Kshatriyas

    Answer: A

    Ques. Spices and precious stones came to Magadha from:

    (a) Taxila

    (b) Ujjayini

    (c) South India

    (d) Punjab

    Answer: C

    Ques. Which among the following is not the capital of big cities of that period?

    (a) Pawa

    (b) Champa

    (c) Rajgriha

    (d) Anga

    Answer: D

    Ques. Who was the founder of Nanda Dynasty?

    (a) Mahanara Nanda

    (b) Mahapadma Nanda

    (c) Maha Nanda

    (d) Padma Nanda

    Answer: B

    Ques. Painted grey ware is:

    (a) Pottery

    (b) Name of an animal

    (c) Weapon

    (d) Name of a kingdom

    Answer: A

    Also Check: NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science History Chapter 6 Kingdoms, Kings and an Early Republic

    Ques. How much of the produce was collected as tax?

    (a) One-third part

    (b) One-fifth part

    (c) One-sixth part

    (d) Half part

    Answer: C

    Ques. Chhotanagpur Plateau has been rich in:

    (a) Iron-ore

    (b) Aluminium-ore

    (c) Coal-ore

    (d) Gold-ore

    Answer: A

    Ques. ____ and its tributaries flow through the kingdom of Magadha:

    (a) Indus

    (b) Yamuna

    (c) Tapi

    (d) Ganga

    Answer: D

    Ques. Who guarded the horse?

    (a) Janas

    (b) Raja’s men

    (c) Ordinary people

    (d) All of these

    Answer: B

    Ques. In what mode were the payments made?

    (a) Punch marked coins

    (b) Paper notes

    (c) Gold coins

    (d) Silver coins

    Answer: A

    Ques. Alexander lived in:

    (a) India

    (b) Macedonia

    (c) Taxila

    (d) West Asia

    Answer: B

    Ques. Who could not participate in the assemblies?

    (a) Women

    (b) Dasas

    (c) Kammakaras

    (d) All of these

    Answer: D

    Ques. Who worked as farmers in the agriculture field?

    (a) Dass, Landless people, Women

    (b) King, Purohit, Women

    (c) Dass, Shudras, Vaishyas

    (d) Dass, Brahmins, Kshatriyas

    Answer: A

    Ques. Who brought gifts for rulers?

    (a) Vaishyas

    (b) Shudras

    (c) Brahmins

    (d) None of these

    Answer: A

    Ques. About 2,500 years ago, what turned into Mahajanapadas?

    (a) Ordinary janapadas

    (b) Important janapadas

    (c) Both (a) and (b)

    (d) None of these

    Answer: B

    Also Check: Kingdoms, Kings and an Early Republic Class 6 Notes History Chapter 6

    Ques. Small states ruled by the tribals were called:

    (a) Village

    (b) Mahajanapadas

    (c) Maharuler

    (d) Janapadas

    Answer: D

    Ques. Vajji had its capital city at:

    (a) Rajagriha

    (b) Vaishali

    (c) Patna

    (d) Magadha

    Answer: B

    Ques. Classification of society into four groups based on their occupation is called:

    (a) Vajja

    (b) Vista

    (c) Varna

    (d) Vedas

    Answer: C

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