MCQsCBSE Class 9 MCQs for Chapter 4 Forest Society and Colonialism

CBSE Class 9 MCQs for Chapter 4 Forest Society and Colonialism

Forest Society and Colonialism is an integral chapter in the Class 9 Social Science curriculum, exploring the impact of colonial forest policies on indigenous communities and the environment. This chapter delves into how British colonial rule transformed forest management in India, leading to significant socio-economic and ecological changes. It covers the imposition of scientific forestry, the displacement of tribal communities, and the introduction of new laws that restricted traditional practices.

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    MCQ Questions for Class 9 Chapter 4 Forest Society and Colonialism

    To help students in their exam preparation and deepen their understanding, here are 30 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) based on the key concepts of this chapter. Each question is designed to test students’ knowledge and critical thinking about the historical transformations in forest society during the colonial period. Answers are provided to facilitate self-assessment and ensure a comprehensive grasp of the subject matter.

    MCQ Questions for Class 9 Chapter 4 Forest Society and Colonialism with Answers

    Q. What was the main reason for the British to introduce scientific forestry in India?

    (a) To increase agricultural production

    (b) To ensure a regular supply of timber for the British industries

    (c) To provide employment to local people

    (d) To conserve wildlife

    Answer: (b) To ensure a regular supply of timber for the British industries

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    Q. Who were the forest dwellers during the colonial period in India?

    (a) British officials

    (b) European settlers

    (c) Indigenous tribal communities

    (d) Urban merchants

    Answer: (c) Indigenous tribal communities

    Q. What was the main objective of the Indian Forest Act of 1865?

    (a) To clear forests for agriculture

    (b) To regulate the usage of forest resources and control timber trade

    (c) To provide land to the farmers

    (d) To promote wildlife tourism

    Answer: (b) To regulate the usage of forest resources and control timber trade

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    Q. Which of the following was NOT a consequence of the British forest policies in India?

    (a) Displacement of tribal communities

    (b) Increased agricultural productivity

    (c) Restriction on traditional forest usage

    (d) Introduction of commercial forestry

    Answer: (b) Increased agricultural productivity

    Q. The Forest Act of 1878 classified forests into how many categories?

    (a) One

    (b) Two

    (c) Three

    (d) Four

    Answer: (c) Three

    Q. Which of the following was a significant impact of colonial forest laws on Indian peasants?

    (a) Enhanced rights to forest land

    (b) Increased agricultural land

    (c) Restricted access to forest resources

    (d) Financial assistance for farming

    Answer: (c) Restricted access to forest resources

    Q. What was the primary purpose of the Forest Department established by the British in India?

    (a) To provide employment opportunities

    (b) To manage forest resources and control deforestation

    (c) To promote tourism in forests

    (d) To conduct agricultural research

    Answer: (b) To manage forest resources and control deforestation

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    Q. Which forest product was crucial for the British railway network in India?

    (a) Bamboo

    (b) Teak

    (c) Sal

    (d) Sandalwood

    Answer: (b) Teak

    Q. What is ‘scientific forestry’?

    (a) Planting trees for medicinal purposes

    (b) The systematic planting and management of trees to yield timber

    (c) Growing forests for recreational purposes

    (d) Converting forests into agricultural land

    Answer: (b) The systematic planting and management of trees to yield timber

    Q. Which of the following was NOT an effect of the British forest laws on the environment?

    (a) Deforestation

    (b) Soil erosion

    (c) Increase in wildlife population

    (d) Decrease in biodiversity

    Answer: (c) Increase in wildlife population

    Q. What was ‘Blandongdiensten’?

    (a) A system of forced labor in Java to cut and transport timber

    (b) A traditional method of forest conservation

    (c) A type of forest-dwelling tribe

    (d) A Dutch colonial official

    Answer: (a) A system of forced labor in Java to cut and transport timber

    Q. In which year was the Forest Act of 1878 enacted?

    (a) 1858

    (b) 1878

    (c) 1885

    (d) 1890

    Answer: (b) 1878

    Q. Which British official is associated with the introduction of scientific forestry in India?

    (a) Lord Curzon

    (b) Lord Dalhousie

    (c) Dietrich Brandis

    (d) Warren Hastings

    Answer: (c) Dietrich Brandis

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    Q. What was the main reason for the decline in the traditional hunting practices of tribal communities?

    (a) Introduction of modern weapons

    (b) British laws restricting hunting

    (c) Lack of interest in hunting

    (d) Increase in wildlife

    Answer: (b) British laws restricting hunting

    Q. The colonial government took over forests under which belief?

    (a) Forests belonged to the tribal people

    (b) Forests should be used for agriculture

    (c) Forests should be used for commercial purposes

    (d) Forests should be preserved for future generations

    Answer: (c) Forests should be used for commercial purposes

    Q. What was the major impact of the Forest Act on the tribals?

    (a) Provided more employment opportunities

    (b) Restricted their traditional rights and access to forests

    (c) Improved their living conditions

    (d) Allowed them to sell timber freely

    Answer: (b) Restricted their traditional rights and access to forests

    Q. Which type of forest was considered most valuable by the British?

    (a) Evergreen forests

    (b) Deciduous forests

    (c) Commercially valuable timber forests

    (d) Mangrove forests

    Answer: (c) Commercially valuable timber forests

    Q. Which of the following statements about shifting cultivation is true?

    (a) It involves permanent settlement

    (b) It is a sustainable agricultural practice

    (c) It was encouraged by the British

    (d) It involves clearing a patch of forest for agriculture

    Answer: (d) It involves clearing a patch of forest for agriculture

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    Q. Which of the following was NOT a category under the Forest Act of 1878?

    (a) Reserved forests

    (b) Protected forests

    (c) Village forests

    (d) Commercial forests

    Answer: (d) Commercial forests

    Q. What was the main reason for the British to encourage the plantation of trees like teak and sal?

    (a) They were medicinal plants

    (b) They were used in making paper

    (c) They were valuable for timber

    (d) They were easy to grow

    Answer: (c) They were valuable for timber

    Q. What was the ‘Taungya’ system?

    (a) A traditional method of rice cultivation

    (b) A system of shifting cultivation

    (c) A method of planting trees alongside crops

    (d) A form of protest against British forest policies

    Answer: (c) A method of planting trees alongside crops

    Q. Which community in India is known for their traditional forest conservation practices?

    (a) Santhals

    (b) Bhils

    (c) Bishnois

    (d) Todas

    Answer: (c) Bishnois

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    Q. What was the main objective of the commercial forestry introduced by the British?

    (a) Conservation of forests

    (b) Plantation of fruit trees

    (c) Extraction of timber for trade

    (d) Promotion of wildlife tourism

    Answer: (c) Extraction of timber for trade

    Q. What role did the tribal people play in the forest economy during the colonial period?

    (a) They were the primary forest officials

    (b) They were involved in the collection of forest produce

    (c) They owned large tracts of forest land

    (d) They were unaffected by forest policies

    Answer: (b) They were involved in the collection of forest produce

    Q. Which colonial power was associated with the ‘Blandongdiensten’ system?

    (a) British

    (b) French

    (c) Dutch

    (d) Portuguese

    Answer: (c) Dutch

    Q. Which Act introduced the concept of ‘scientific forestry’ in India?

    (a) Forest Act of 1865

    (b) Forest Act of 1878

    (c) Forest Act of 1894

    (d) Forest Act of 1927

    Answer: (b) Forest Act of 1878

    Also Refer

    Q. Which forest product was crucial for the making of railway sleepers during the British period?

    (a) Bamboo

    (b) Teak

    (c) Sandalwood

    (d) Rosewood

    Answer: (b) Teak

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