MCQsClass 6 Social Science Geography Major Landforms of the Earth MCQs

Class 6 Social Science Geography Major Landforms of the Earth MCQs

Understanding the major landforms of the earth is a crucial part of the Class 6 Social Science curriculum. This chapter explains the diverse shapes and forms of the Earth’s surface, such as mountains, plateaus, and plains, which are collectively known as landforms. These natural features have distinct characteristics and play a significant role in the environment.

By studying this chapter, students will learn about the formation, importance, and examples of each landform type. The chapter aims to enhance students’ knowledge of geography and the physical world around them. To test their understanding, students can practice with the major landforms of the earth class 6 MCQ set, which includes multiple-choice questions covering key concepts from the chapter. This method of learning ensures a solid grasp of the material and prepares students for assessments.

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    Major Landforms of the Earth Class 6 Social Science MCQs

    Question: Rivers of ice are known as:

    (a) Ice cubes

    (b) Ice sheet

    (c) Ice bergs

    (d) Glaciers

    Answer: D

    Question: Which one of the following is ideal for crop cultivation?

    (a) Glaciers

    (b) River valleys

    (c) Flora and fauna

    Answer: B

    Question: The youngest folded mountain range in India is:

    (a) Himalayas

    (b) Eastern Ghats

    (c) Aravalli Hills

    (d) Western Ghats

    Answer: A

    Question: _______ are lowlands with a gradual land slope.

    (a) Mountains

    (b) Plains

    (c) Rivers

    (d) Plateau

    Answer: B

    Question: The Salt Range is located in:

    (a) Bangladesh

    (b) India

    (c) Sri Lanka

    (d) Pakistan

    Answer: D

    Also Check: Major Landforms of the Earth Class 6 Notes Geography Chapter 6

    Question: Any natural elevation of the earth’s surface is known as:

    (a) Plan

    (b) Pole

    (c) Mountain

    (d) Glaciers

    Answer: C

    Question: The term for large stretches of flat land is:

    (a) Plateau

    (b) Plain

    (c) River

    (d) Mountain

    Answer: B

    Question: The wearing away of the earth’s surface is called:

    (a) Deposition

    (b) Plateau

    (c) Mountains

    (d) Erosion

    Answer: D

    Question: The Peninsular plateau is:

    (a) Sahara

    (b) Deccan

    (c) Chotanagpur

    (d) North

    Answer: B

    Question: Which of the following areas is most useful for human habitation?

    (a) Plateaus

    (b) Mountains

    (c) Plains

    Answer: C

    Question: Forces that originate from within the earth and forces that originate from outside the earth are:

    (a) Gradational and Volcanic

    (b) Gradational and Tectonic

    (c) Volcanic and Tectonic

    (d) Tectonic and Gradational

    Answer: D

    Question: Which is not an agent of erosion and deposition?

    (a) Earthquake

    (b) Glaciers

    (c) Wind

    (d) Running water

    Answer: A

    Question: What are the two land-forming processes?

    (a) Upper processes and Lower processes

    (b) Internal processes and External processes

    (c) Block processes and Fold processes

    (d) Minor processes and Major processes

    Answer: B

    Question: Which of the following is the youngest folded mountain range in India?

    (a) Aravalli Hills

    (b) Eastern Ghats

    (c) Western Ghats

    (d) Himalayas

    Answer: D

    Also Check: NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Geography Chapter 6 Major Landforms of the Earth

    Question: The Volcanic mountain Kilimanjaro is in:

    (a) Japan

    (b) Africa

    (c) America

    (d) None of these

    Answer: B

    Question: The landforms on earth are formed by:

    (a) Gradual forces

    (b) Tectonic forces

    (c) Volcanic forces

    (d) Earth forces

    Answer: B

    Question: Glaciers are found in:

    (a) The plateaus

    (b) The hills

    (c) The plains

    (d) The mountains

    Answer: D

    Question: The Himalayan mountains and the Alps mountains are examples of:

    (a) Block mountain

    (b) Volcanic mountain

    (c) Fold mountain

    (d) None of these

    Answer: C

    Question: Mountains are very useful as they are a storehouse of:

    (a) Water

    (b) Gas

    (c) Rice

    (d) Minerals

    Answer: A

    Question: A steep hill with an elevation of more than 600 meters is called:

    (a) Hill

    (b) Mountain

    (c) Plains

    (d) Glaciers

    Answer: B

    Question: External processes lead to:

    (a) Continuous wearing down of the land surface

    (b) Sinking of the earth surface

    (c) Upliftment of earth’s surface

    (d) Continues wearing of the internal surface areas

    Answer: A

    Question: Which of the following is not a mountain?

    (a) Prairies

    (b) Alps

    (c) Rockies

    (d) Andes

    Answer: A

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