EnglishNational Pledge in English

National Pledge in English

National Pledge in English: Explore a comprehensive guide on the National Pledge, including its meaning and the Preamble of the Constitution. Learn key details and insights to deepen your understanding of these important aspects of national pride and governance.

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    The National Pledge is an integral part of national pride and unity. In India, it serves as a solemn declaration of commitment to the nation and its values. In this blog, we’ll cover the details of the National Pledge in English, its significance, and its role in fostering national unity.

    National Pledge of India

    What is the National Pledge?

    The National Pledge is a declaration of loyalty and commitment to the country. It reflects the values and principles that bind citizens together. In India, the pledge is recited in schools and at official functions to instill a sense of patriotism and national pride among citizens.

    The Text of the National Pledge in English

    Here is the complete text of the National Pledge in English:

    “India is my country. All Indians are my brothers and sisters. I love my country and I am proud of its rich and varied heritage. I shall always strive to be worthy of it. I shall give my parents, teachers, and all elders respect and treat everyone with courtesy. To my country and my people, I pledge my devotion. In their well-being and prosperity alone, lies my happiness.”

    National Pledge in English with Meaning

    1. “India is my country.”

    This phrase affirms one’s identity and allegiance to India. It establishes a personal connection and sense of belonging to the nation.

    2. “All Indians are my brothers and sisters.”

    This statement emphasizes unity and fraternity among all citizens of India, irrespective of their regional, linguistic, or cultural differences. It promotes the idea of viewing every Indian as part of one large family.

    3. “I love my country and I am proud of its rich and varied heritage.”

    This part of the pledge expresses admiration and pride in India’s diverse cultural, historical, and natural heritage. It reflects a deep emotional connection and appreciation for the nation’s uniqueness.

    4. “I shall always strive to be worthy of it.”

    Here, the pledge commits to living in a manner that honors the country’s heritage and values. It implies a continuous effort to uphold the dignity and ideals of the nation.

    5. “I shall give my parents, teachers, and all elders respect and treat everyone with courtesy.”

    This segment underscores the importance of respect and good manners towards one’s elders and everyone in general. It highlights the values of respect, courtesy, and ethical behavior in daily interactions.

    6. “To my country and my people, I pledge my devotion.”

    This phrase is a solemn promise of loyalty and dedication to the nation and its people. It signifies a personal commitment to support and uphold the nation’s interests.

    7. “In their well-being and prosperity alone, lies my happiness.”

    The final statement reveals that one’s own happiness and satisfaction are intrinsically linked to the well-being and success of the country and its people. It emphasizes the idea that personal joy is derived from contributing to the nation’s progress and prosperity.

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    Historical Background of the National Pledge

    In 1962, India introduced the National Pledge, formulated by the renowned poet and scholar P. S. Jagan Mohan Reddy. The pledge aimed to promote national integration and pride and was implemented during Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru’s tenure. This initiative sought to instill a sense of patriotism among the youth.

    Significance of the National Pledge

    • Fostering Patriotism: The pledge serves as a reminder of the values and commitment towards the nation. It encourages citizens to be proud of their country and its heritage.
    • Promoting Unity: By declaring that “All Indians are my brothers and sisters,” the pledge emphasizes national unity and fraternity, transcending regional, linguistic, and cultural differences.
    • Encouraging Respect and Courtesy: The pledge underscores the importance of respect for elders and courteous behavior, which are essential for societal harmony.
    • Instilling a Sense of Duty: It highlights the importance of contributing to the well-being and prosperity of the country, thus fostering a sense of responsibility among citizens.

    When and Where is the National Pledge Recited?

    The National Pledge is recited in several key settings:

    • In Schools: Schools across India include the pledge in their morning assemblies. This daily practice helps nurture a sense of patriotism among students from an early age.
    • At Official Functions: The pledge is also recited at national events, official meetings, and public ceremonies. These occasions emphasize the values of unity and national pride.
    • During National Festivals: On significant days like Independence Day and Republic Day, the pledge is recited to celebrate and reinforce our commitment to the nation.

    How the National Pledge Influences Young Minds

    Reciting the National Pledge regularly has a profound impact on young minds. It serves as a daily affirmation of their allegiance to the country, helping them develop a sense of pride and responsibility towards their nation. Educational institutions play a crucial role in ensuring that the pledge is an integral part of student life.


    The National Pledge in English is more than just a set of words; it is a powerful statement of commitment, unity, and pride. By reciting the pledge, citizens reaffirm their dedication to the country and its values. Understanding and embracing the National Pledge helps in fostering a cohesive and proud nation.

    National Pledge in English FAQs

    Who wrote the National Pledge?

    The National Pledge was written by P. S. Jagan Mohan Reddy.

    When was the National Pledge adopted?

    It was adopted in 1962.

    Where is the National Pledge recited?

    It is recited in schools, at official functions, and during national festivals.

    What is the main message of the National Pledge?

    The main message is to promote unity, respect, and devotion to the nation.

    Why do we take National Pledge?

    The National Pledge promotes national unity, instills patriotism, encourages respect and courtesy, and reinforces personal responsibility and national values. It helps foster a sense of belonging and commitment to the country.

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