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7 Wonders of the World

The concept of the “Seven Wonders of the World” has evolved through the ages, reflecting humanity’s quest to recognize extraordinary achievements. From ancient monuments to modern marvels and natural wonders, these lists capture the essence of human creativity and nature’s grandeur.

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    7 Wonders of the Ancient World

    The original list, known as the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, celebrated architectural and artistic feats of the classical era. These wonders, documented by ancient scholars, include:

    1. Great Pyramid of Giza (Egypt) – The only surviving wonder, this colossal pyramid was built as a tomb for Pharaoh Khufu.
    2. Hanging Gardens of Babylon (Iraq) – Described as lush terraced gardens, their existence and location remain debated.
    3. Statue of Zeus at Olympia (Greece) – A magnificent statue of Zeus, created by sculptor Phidias, adorned the Temple of Zeus.
    4. Temple of Artemis at Ephesus (Turkey) – This grand temple, dedicated to the goddess Artemis, was renowned for its size and artistry.
    5. Mausoleum at Halicarnassus (Turkey) – A monumental tomb built for Mausolus, a Persian satrap, known for its elaborate design.
    6. Colossus of Rhodes (Greece) – A towering statue of the sun god Helios, it stood at the entrance of the harbor of Rhodes.
    7. Lighthouse of Alexandria (Egypt) – Constructed on the island of Pharos, it guided sailors with its towering beacon.

    7 wonders of the world image

    7 wonders of the world

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    New Seven wonders of the world images with names

    New 7 Wonders of the World were selected in 2007 through a global poll organized by the New 7Wonders Foundation. These wonders represent modern architectural achievements and cultural heritage sites that continue to inspire awe and admiration. Here’s a brief overview:

    1. Great Wall of China (China)

    Great Wall of China

    The Great Wall is an ancient series of fortifications made of various materials, extending over 13,000 miles. It was constructed to protect Chinese states from invasions and raids. Its sheer length and historical significance make it a symbol of China’s strength and perseverance.

    2. Petra (Jordan)

    Petra (Jordan)

    Petra, often referred to as the “Rose City” due to its rock-cut architecture, is an ancient city carved into sandstone cliffs. Founded by the Nabataeans around the 5th century BC, Petra is renowned for its impressive structures, including the Treasury and Monastery, and its role as a major trading hub.

    3. Christ the Redeemer (Brazil)

    Christ the Redeemer

    The Christ the Redeemer statue stands 98 feet tall atop Corcovado Mountain in Rio de Janeiro. Completed in 1931, this iconic statue of Jesus Christ has become a global symbol of peace and Christianity, offering panoramic views of the city.

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    4. Machu Picchu (Peru)

    Machu Picchu (Peru)

    Machu Picchu is a well-preserved Incan city located high in the Andes Mountains. Built in the 15th century, it was abandoned during the Spanish Conquest. Known for its stunning terraces and complex architecture, it is a testament to Incan engineering and culture.

    5. Chichen Itza (Mexico)

    Chichen Itza (Mexico)

    Chichen Itza is a major archaeological site of the Maya civilization, featuring the Pyramid of Kukulcán (El Castillo). This ancient city, which flourished between the 7th and 10th centuries, is renowned for its astronomical significance and architectural complexity.

    6. Roman Colosseum (Italy)

    Roman Colosseum (Italy)

    The Colosseum in Rome, completed in AD 80, is an ancient amphitheater that once hosted gladiatorial games and public spectacles. Its colossal structure and innovative engineering techniques make it a symbol of ancient Rome’s grandeur and entertainment culture.

    7. Taj Mahal (India)

    Taj Mahal (India)

    The Taj Mahal, built by Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan in the 17th century, is a white marble mausoleum dedicated to his wife Mumtaz Mahal. Its exquisite design and intricate craftsmanship make it one of the most celebrated examples of Mughal architecture and a symbol of eternal love.

    7 Natural Wonders of the World

    The natural world also boasts wonders that highlight the planet’s geological and ecological splendors:

    1. Grand Canyon (USA) – A colossal canyon carved by the Colorado River, showcasing dramatic rock formations and geological history.
    2. Great Barrier Reef (Australia) – The world’s largest coral reef system, teeming with marine biodiversity.
    3. Mount Everest (Nepal/China) – The highest peak on Earth, symbolizing the ultimate challenge for climbers.
    4. Victoria Falls (Zambia/Zimbabwe) – One of the largest and most powerful waterfalls, renowned for its breathtaking beauty.
    5. Amazon Rainforest (South America) – A vast and diverse rainforest, crucial for global biodiversity and climate regulation.
    6. Mount Kilimanjaro (Tanzania) – The highest peak in Africa, known for its distinct snow-capped summit and diverse ecosystems.
    7. Iguazu Falls (Argentina/Brazil) – A massive and scenic waterfall system with over 275 individual falls.

    7 Wonders Of The World And Their Location

    Wonder Location
    Great Wall of China China
    Petra Jordan
    Christ the Redeemer Brazil
    Machu Picchu Peru
    Chichen Itza Mexico
    Roman Colosseum Italy
    Taj Mahal India

    FAQs on 7 Wonders of the World

    What is official 7 Wonders of the World?

    The official 7 Wonders of the World are the Great Wall of China, Petra, Christ the Redeemer, Machu Picchu, Chichen Itza, the Roman Colosseum, and the Taj Mahal.

    What is the 7 Wonders full name?

    The full name is the New Seven Wonders of the World, designated through a global poll conducted by the New7Wonders Foundation.

    Which of the original 7 Wonders still exist?

    The only original Wonder still in existence is the Great Pyramid of Giza.

    What are the first 7 wonders?

    The original Seven Wonders are the Great Pyramid of Giza, Hanging Gardens of Babylon, Statue of Zeus at Olympia, Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, Colossus of Rhodes, and Lighthouse of Alexandria.

    Is the Eiffel Tower a wonder?

    The Eiffel Tower is not one of the Seven Wonders of the World, but it's an iconic landmark and architectural marvel.

    Is Burj Khalifa a wonder of the world?

    The Burj Khalifa is not officially listed as one of the Seven Wonders, though it's recognized as the world's tallest building.

    Which is the 8th wonder of the world?

    The term Eighth Wonder of the World is often used informally to describe extraordinary structures or landmarks, but no official eighth wonder exists.

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