EnglishUnseen Passage for Class 6 English with Answers

Unseen Passage for Class 6 English with Answers

CBSE Unseen Passage for Class 6

Unseen passages for class 6 are a crucial aspect of Class 6 English, carrying significant weightage in the exam, typically ranging from 10 to 20 marks. These passages assess students’ reading, comprehension, and writing skills, as they must respond in their own words. This guide aims to assist students in thorough preparation for comprehension passages by offering CBSE Unseen Passages for Class 6. Each passage includes answers, enabling students to assess their exam readiness. Embrace a simplified approach to enhance your English skills effortlessly!

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    Unseen comprehension passage for 6

    Unseen Passage for Class 6 English – Passage 1

    Once upon a time, there was a beautiful forest filled with vibrant trees and lively animals. In this forest lived a wise old owl named Oliver. Oliver was known for his wisdom and was often sought after by other animals for advice. One day, a young deer named Daisy came to Oliver with a problem. She had lost her way and couldn’t find her way back to her family. Oliver, with his keen eyesight and knowledge of the forest, helped Daisy find her way back home. From that day on, Daisy always remembered to mark her path whenever she went exploring.

    Unseen Passage For Class 6 Questions And Answers

    Question 1: What is the name of the wise old owl?

    Answer: Oliver.

    Question 2: Who came to Oliver for help?

    Answer: A young deer named Daisy.

    Question 3: What was Daisy’s problem?

    Answer: She had lost her way and couldn’t find her way back to her family.

    Question 4: How did Oliver help Daisy?

    Answer: He used his keen eyesight and knowledge of the forest to help her find her way back home.

    Question 5: True or False: Daisy never went exploring again after getting lost.

    Answer: (False)

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    Unseen Passage for Class 6 English – Passage 2

    In a small village by the sea, there lived a group of fishermen who relied on the ocean for their livelihood. Every morning, they would set out in their boats, hoping to catch enough fish to feed their families and sell in the market. One day, a young fisherman named Sam decided to venture further into the sea than usual. To his surprise, he discovered a new fishing spot teeming with fish. Excited by his discovery, Sam shared the news with his fellow fishermen, and from then on, the village prospered like never before.

    Unseen Passage For Class 6 Questions And Answers

    Question 1: Where did the fishermen live?

    Answer: In a small village by the sea.

    Question 2: What did the fishermen hope to catch every morning?

    Answer: Enough fish to feed their families and sell in the market.

    Question 3: Who discovered a new fishing spot?

    Answer: A young fisherman named Sam.

    Question 4: What was special about the new fishing spot?

    Answer: It was teeming with fish.

    Question 5: Fill in the blank: The village __________ like never before after the discovery of the new fishing spot.

    Answer: prospered.

    Unseen Passage for Class 6 English – Passage 3

    Deep in the heart of the jungle, there was a hidden waterfall that was said to have magical powers. According to legend, anyone who bathed in its waters would be granted their deepest wish. Many adventurers and treasure seekers had tried to find the waterfall, but none had succeeded. One day, a curious monkey named Max decided to search for the waterfall. After days of exploring, Max finally stumbled upon the hidden waterfall. He took a dip in its waters and wished for an endless supply of bananas. To his delight, his wish came true, and he never went hungry again.

    Unseen Passage For Class 6 Questions And Answers

    Questions 1: What was said to have magical powers in the jungle?

    Answer: A hidden waterfall.

    Questions 2: What would happen to anyone who bathed in the waterfall’s waters?

    Answer: They would be granted their deepest wish.

    Questions 3: Who decided to search for the waterfall?

    Answer: A curious monkey named Max.

    Questions 4: What did Max wish for when he found the waterfall?

    Answer: An endless supply of bananas.

    Questions 5: True or False: Max went hungry again after his wish came true.

    Answer: False

    Unseen Passage for Class 6 English – Passage 4

    Long ago, in a land of dragons and knights, there was a dragon who was different from the rest. Unlike the other dragons who hoarded gold and breathed fire, this dragon, named Draco, loved to paint and create art. Draco’s cave was filled with beautiful paintings and sculptures that he had made. One day, a knight named Sir Lucas came to the land to slay the dragon. However, when he saw Draco’s art, he was amazed. Instead of fighting, Sir Lucas and Draco became friends, and together, they opened an art gallery for everyone in the land to enjoy.

    Unseen Passage For Class 6 Questions And Answers

    Question 1: What was different about Draco compared to other dragons?

    Answer: He loved to paint and create art.

    Question 2: What was Draco’s cave filled with?

    Answer: Beautiful paintings and sculptures.

    Question 3: Who came to the land to slay the dragon?

    Answer: A knight named Sir Lucas.

    Question 4: What happened when Sir Lucas saw Draco’s art?

    Answer: He was amazed, and instead of fighting, he became friends with Draco.

    Question 5: What did Sir Lucas and Draco do together?

    Answer: They opened an art gallery for everyone in the land to enjoy.

    Unseen Passage for Class 6 English – Passage 5

    In a bustling city, there was a famous inventor named Professor Gadget. He was known for his incredible inventions that made life easier for everyone. One day, he unveiled his latest creation, a robot named RoboHelper. RoboHelper was designed to help with household chores, and it could do everything from cooking and cleaning to walking the dog. The people in the city were amazed by RoboHelper, and soon, every household wanted one. Thanks to Professor Gadget, the city became known as the most advanced and efficient city in the world.

    Unseen Passage For Class 6 Questions And Answers

    Question 1: Who was known for his incredible inventions in the city?

    Answer: Professor Gadget.

    Question 2: What was the name of Professor Gadget’s latest creation?

    Answer: RoboHelper.

    Question 3: What was RoboHelper designed to do?

    Answer: Help with household chores.

    Question 4: How did the people in the city react to RoboHelper?

    Answer: They were amazed and soon every household wanted one.

    Question 5: What did the city become known as, thanks to Professor Gadget?

    Answer: The most advanced and efficient city in the world.

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    Unseen Passage for Class 6 English – Passage 6

    Once there was a village that had a very wise old man. People would come from far and wide to seek his advice. One day, a farmer approached the wise man, troubled by a problem. He said, “I have a large field, but no matter how hard I try, my crops do not grow well. What should I do?” The wise man thought for a moment and replied, “Plant trees around your field. They will protect your crops from strong winds and provide shade.” The farmer followed the advice, and soon his field was full of healthy crops.

    Unseen Passage For Class 6 Questions And Answers

    Question 1: Who was considered wise in the village?

    Answer: The old man was considered wise in the village.

    Question 2: What problem did the farmer have?

    Answer: The farmer’s crops were not growing well.

    Question 3: What advice did the wise man give to the farmer?

    Answer: The wise man advised the farmer to plant trees around his field.

    Question 4: True or False: Planting trees did not help the farmer’s crops.

    Answer: False

    Question 5: Fill in the blank: The trees provided _______ to the crops.

    Answer: shade

    Unseen Passage for Class 6 English – Passage 7

    In a dense forest, there lived a beautiful deer. The deer was known for its graceful movements and shiny coat. One day, while searching for food, the deer came across a clear, sparkling stream. It bent down to drink the cool water, but suddenly noticed its reflection. For the first time, the deer saw its own beauty and felt proud. However, pride soon turned into vanity, and the deer began to neglect its surroundings, focusing only on its appearance. One day, while admiring its reflection, it failed to notice a hunter approaching and was caught.

    Unseen Passage For Class 6 Questions And Answers

    Question 1: What was the deer known for in the forest?

    Answer: The deer was known for its graceful movements and shiny coat.

    Question 2: Where did the deer find the clear, sparkling stream?

    Answer: The deer found the stream in a dense forest.

    Question 3: What did the deer notice for the first time when it bent down to drink water?

    Answer: The deer noticed its own reflection for the first time.

    Question 4: True or False: The deer’s vanity helped it to stay safe in the forest.

    Answer: False

    Question 5: Fill in the blank: The deer’s _______ led to its capture by a hunter.

    Answer: neglect

    Unseen Passage for Class 6 English – Passage 8

    A long time ago, in a small village, there was a tradition of storytelling. Every full moon night, the villagers would gather around a bonfire, and the eldest person in the village would tell a story. These stories were not just entertaining but also carried important life lessons. One such story was about a young boy named Arun, who learned the value of honesty. Arun once found a bag of gold coins and decided to return it to its rightful owner, despite his family’s poor financial condition. His honesty was rewarded when the owner, a wealthy merchant, offered him a job and helped his family out of poverty.

    Unseen Passage For Class 6 Questions And Answers

    Question 1: What was the tradition in the small village?

    Answer: The tradition was storytelling on every full moon night.

    Question 2: Who would tell the story during the full moon night?

    Answer: The eldest person in the village would tell the story.

    Question 3: What important lesson did the story of Arun teach?

    Answer: The story of Arun taught the value of honesty.

    Question 4: True or False: Arun kept the bag of gold coins for himself.

    Answer: False

    Question 5: Fill in the blank: Arun’s honesty was _______ by the wealthy merchant.

    Answer: rewarded

    Unseen Passage for Class 6 English – Passage 9

    In a kingdom far away, there was a prince who was loved by all. He was kind, brave, and always ready to help his people. One day, the kingdom was attacked by a fierce dragon. The prince decided to face the dragon to protect his people. He fought bravely and managed to defeat the dragon. The people of the kingdom were overjoyed and celebrated the prince’s victory. The king, proud of his son’s bravery, declared a day of celebration in the kingdom.

    Unseen Passage For Class 6 Questions And Answers

    Question 1: What qualities did the prince possess?

    Answer: The prince was kind, brave, and always ready to help.

    Question 2: What challenge did the kingdom face?

    Answer: The kingdom was attacked by a fierce dragon.

    Question 3: How did the prince protect his people?

    Answer: The prince fought bravely and defeated the dragon.

    Question 4: True or False: The people of the kingdom were sad after the prince’s victory.

    Answer: False

    Question 5: Fill in the blank: The king declared a day of _______ in the kingdom.

    Answer: celebration

    Unseen Passage for Class 6 English – Passage 10

    Long ago, in a small village, there was a young girl named Maya. She had a special gift of singing beautifully. Her voice was so melodious that even the birds would stop to listen. One day, a famous musician visited the village and heard Maya singing. He was so impressed that he invited her to sing in the royal court. Maya’s performance was a great success, and she became famous throughout the land. Her talent brought joy to many, and she was loved and admired by all.

    Unseen Passage For Class 6 Questions And Answers

    Question 1: What was Maya’s special gift?

    Answer: Maya’s special gift was singing beautifully.

    Question 2: Who stopped to listen to Maya’s singing?

    Answer: Even the birds would stop to listen.

    Question 3: Who invited Maya to sing in the royal court?

    Answer: A famous musician invited her.

    Question 4: True or False: Maya’s performance in the royal court was a failure.

    Answer: False

    Question 5: Fill in the blank: Maya’s talent brought _______ to many.

    Answer: joy

    Unseen Comprehension Passage for class 6 | Passage 11

    Dry fruits are useful in various diseases of the brain, muscles and tissues. Particularly almond has got unique properties to remove brain weakness and strengthen it. Almond preserves the vitality of the brain, strengthens the muscles, and destroys diseases originating from nervous and bilious disorders.
    Walnut is another dry fruit that possesses wonderful qualities of curing brain weakness. According to Dr. Johnson, almonds, figs, grapes, dates, apples, and oranges are rich in phosphoric element and should normally be used by brain workers. Phosphorus nourishes the vital tissues of the body. It keeps the mind full of enthusiasm for more work.

    Unseen Comprehension Questions with Answers Class 6 Passage 11

    Q1: Dry fruits are useful because they

    (a) strengthen our heart
    (b) cure various diseases of the brain, muscles and tissues
    (d) give confidence to us
    (d) Empower us to do challenging tasks.

    Q2: Which one is not a property of almond?

    (a) It preserves the vitality of the brain
    (b) It strengthens the muscles
    (c) It destroys diseases originating from nervous and bilious disorders
    (d) It strengthens our digestive system.

    Q3: Phosphoric element is profusely found in

    (a) almonds, figs, grapes, dates, apples and oranges
    (b) almonds, figs, papayas, guavas and pineapples
    (c) all the green vegetables
    (d) Seasonal fruits.

    Q4: Brain workers should take fruits rich in phosphoric element because

    (a) they remove brain weakness
    (b) they nourish the vital tissues of the body
    (c) they keep the mind full of enthusiasm
    (d) All the above.

    Q5: The word unique means the same as

    (a) Ordinary
    (b) highly qualified
    (c) Unusual
    (d) enlightened.

    1. b
    2. c
    3. a
    4. d
    5. c

    Unseen Passage for Class 6 | Passage 12

    Garbage is a great environment hazard. It comes from various sources—used paper, tiffin packings, plastic bags, ice-cream wrappers, bottle caps, fallen leaves from trees and many more. Garbage makes the premises ugly, unkempt and breeds diseases. A lot of trash that is thrown away contains material that can be recycled and reused such as paper, metals and glass which can be sent to the nearest recycling centre or disposed of to the junk dealer. It also contains organic matter such as leaves which can enrich soil fertility. A compost pit can be made at a convenient location where the refuse can be placed with layers of soil and an occasional sprinkling of water. This would help decomposition to make valuable fertilizer. This would also prevent pollution that is usually caused by burning such organic waste.

    Unseen Comprehension Questions with Answers Class 6 Passage 12

    Q1: Garbage originates from

    (a) used paper, tiffin, packings, plastic bags and fallen leaves from trees
    (b) leftovers of food
    (c) fallen branches from trees
    (d) Building materials.

    Q2: Garbage can create havoc to the mankind by

    (a) spreading foul smell
    (b) slowing our vehicles on the road
    (c) Spreading several diseases
    (d) all the above.

    Q3: What happens to the disposed of material at the recycling centre?

    (a) It is thrown away
    (b) It is recycled for reuse
    (c) It is sold to the rag pickers
    (d) It is dumped into the ground.

    Q4: Fallen leaves from trees are useful because they

    (a) solve the problem of fuel wood in village households
    (b) enrich water quality
    (c) Enrich soil fertility
    (d) beautify landscape.

    .Q5: Which of these is correct with reference to a composite pit?

    (a) The refuge is placed with layers of soil with an occasional sprinkling of water
    (b) It contributes to the manufacture of useful fertilizer
    (c) It prevents pollution
    (d) All the above.


    1. a
    2. c
    3. b
    4. c
    5. d

    Unseen Comprehension Passage for Class 6 | Passage 13

    The system of education in our country is defective. It is not keeping pace with the passage of time. It follows the pattern which was valid five decades ago.
    The aim of education is to prepare students for the tough battle of life. The basic needs of life are a sound mind in a sound body, and skill to make a living. It widens the sphere of knowledge and builds our character. In short, education should turn out a strong team of responsible citizens.
    Education has to be related to life and also the needs of the nation. Not gold but only men of character make a nation great and strong.
    It is unfortunate that our policy-makers give little importance to moral education and noble values. They set up schools and colleges only to turn out an army of graduates, good for nothing. We need men with brain, we need good scientists and technicians, we need tough soldiers for the army.
    Education for all sounds sweet. But mere slogans and schemes on paper won’t take us far. Our leaders don’t have the will to serve the nation. Also schemes fail at the ground level.

    Unseen Comprehension Questions with Answers Class 6 Passage 13

    1. On the basis of the reading of the above passage, complete the following sentences:

    (a) Our education system is wrong because_______________________
    (b) The aim of education is to_____________________
    (c) Our nation needs___________________
    (d) Men of strong character alone make_____________________
    (e) All our experiments fail to improve the quality of education because

    2. Find words from the above passage that mean the opposite to

    (a) soft/delicate
    (b) sickly/weak
    (c) near
    (d) succeed.

    (a) it is outdated
    (b) prepare students for hard battle of life
    (c) responsible citizens
    (d) a nation strong and great
    (e) the policy-makers do not give importance to moral education.

    (a) tough
    (b) sound
    (c) far
    (d) fail.

    Unseen Comprehension Passage for Class 6 | Passage 14

    What causes the monsoon? The monsoon, which is essentially the seasonal reversal in wind direction, causes most of the rainfall received in India and some other parts of the world. The primary cause of monsoons is the difference between annual temperature trends over land and sea. The apparent position of the Sun with reference to the Earth oscillates from the Tropic of Cancer to the Tropic of Capricorn. Thus the low pressure region created by solar heating also changes latitude. The northeast and southeast trade winds converge in this low pressure zone, which is also known as the Intertropical Convergence Zone or ITCZ. This low pressure region sees continuous rise of moist wind from the sea surface to the upper layers of the atmosphere, where the cooling means the air can no longer hold so much moisture resulting in precipitation. The rainy seasons of East Asia, sub-Saharan Africa, Australia and the southern part of North America coincide with the shift of ITCZ towards these regions.

    Unseen Comprehension Questions with Answers Class 6 Passage 14:

    Q1: Monsoon is

    (a) A type of sea wave
    (b) a seasonal reversal in wind direction
    (c) very hot wind
    (d) Very cold wind.

    Q2: What is the full form of ITCZ?

    (a) Intertrance Convergence Zone
    (b) Intertropical Convergence Zone
    (c) Intertropical Capricorn Zone
    (d) Intertropical Conveyance Zone.

    Q3: The major cause of monsoon is the

    (a) difference between annual temperature trends over land and sea
    (b) difference between day and night temperature
    (c) moisture in the atmosphere
    (d) None of these.

    Q4: Low pressure region is created by

    (a) solar heating
    (b) lunar cooling
    (c) Moist wind
    (d) dry wind.

    Q5: It rains when

    (a) moist wind goes down
    (b) dry wind meets moist wind
    (c) the air can no longer hold moisture resulting in precipitation
    (d) Annual temperature goes down.


    1. b
    2. b
    3. a
    4. a
    5. c

    Importance of Unseen Passage for Class 6 English

    • Exam Preparation: Unseen passages are often included in Class 6 English exams. Regular practice with these passages can enhance students’ readiness for this section, increasing their likelihood of achieving high scores.
    • Understanding and Interpretation: English exams typically assess a student’s capability to grasp and interpret written material. By working with unseen passages, students can refine their skills in analyzing and understanding diverse texts.
    • Time Management: Tackling questions based on unseen passages demands efficient reading, comprehension, and response within a set timeframe. Consistent practice aids in honing time management abilities, vital for excelling in exams.
    • Marks Allocation: Unseen passages often constitute a considerable portion of the total marks in English exams. Mastery in this area can significantly elevate a student’s overall performance in the subject.
    • Analytical and Critical Thinking: The objective of exams is to evaluate a student’s analytical and critical thinking skills. Engaging with unseen passages encourages students to delve into the text, draw conclusions, and establish logical connections, all of which are crucial for academic achievement.

    Building Confidence: Frequent practice with unseen passages can bolster a student’s confidence in managing English texts. This assurance is key for optimal exam performance and minimizing exam-related stress.

    FAQs on Unseen Passage for Class 6

    What is the rule of unseen passage?

    The rule of an unseen passage is to read the text carefully, understand its meaning, and then answer the questions based on the passage without any prior knowledge of the content.

    What should we do in unseen passage?

    In an unseen passage, we should read the passage attentively, grasp the main idea and details, and then answer the questions accurately, using evidence from the text to support our answers.

    What is the difference between reading passage and unseen passage?

    The difference is that a reading passage is usually familiar or studied before, while an unseen passage is a new and unfamiliar text presented during an exam or test.

    What is the other name of unseen passage?

    The other name of an unseen passage is a reading comprehension passage, as it tests the ability to comprehend and interpret information from a previously unseen text.

    What is the main point of the unseen passages?

    The main point of unseen passages is to assess a reader's ability to understand, analyze, and interpret a new piece of text, as well as to answer questions based on the information provided in the passage.

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