HomeSocial ScienceAP SSC 10th class Social Studies 1 Model paper 2015-16 English Medium Set 4

AP SSC 10th class Social Studies 1 Model paper 2015-16 English Medium Set 4

AP SSC 10th class Social Studies 1 Model paper 2015-16 English Medium Set 4


Group – A
1. What is known as “Onset of monsoon” ?
2. Study the paragraph below and answer the question.
The formation of the Himalayas influences the climate in various ways. These act as barriers protecting the great plains of India from the cold winds of central Asia during severe winter. The Himalayas are reason for summer rains and mon­soon type of climate in regions that are beyond the western ghats of India. In its absence this region would have remained drier. The Himalayan Rivers have a pe­rennial flow since these are fed by the glaciers and bring a lot of silt, making these plains very fertile.
3.Study the paragraph below and answer the questions.
Q: What is the importance of the Himalayas?
Ford Motors, an American company, is one of the world’s largest automobile manufacturers with production spread over 26 countries of the world. Ford Motors came to India in 1995 and spent Rs. 1700 crore to set up a large plant near Chennai. This was done in collaboration with Mahindra and Mahindra, a major Indian manufacturer of jeeps and trucks. By the year 2004, Ford Motors was selling 27,000 cars in the Indian markets, while 24,000 cars were exported from India to South Africa, Mexico and Brazil. The company wants to develop Ford India as a component supplying base for its other plants across the globe.
1) Would you say Ford Motors is an MNC? Why?
2) What is foreign investment? How much did Ford Motors invest in India?
4. Observe the map and answer the following questions.
1) Name any two tributaries of the Ganges.
2) What is the name of the Brahmaputra in Tibet ?

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    Group -B
    5. What is sustainable development ?
    6. Water, a natural resource for production, particularly agricultural production, now requires greater capital for its use. Can you explain the statement ?
    7. Suggest any two measures to create more employment in rural India. _
    8. ‘Money cannot buy all the goods and services that one needs to live well.” Explain.


    9. Why are the Himalayan rivers perennial ?
    10. How is an agriculture labourer different from a cultivator?
    11. What are aerotropolis ?
    12. Why have some states lesser Infant Mortality Rate ?
    14. What was called ‘Arab Spring’ ?
    15. What is multiple cropping ?


    Group – A
    16. How does deforestation affect global warming ?
    17. “The groundwater laws are both outdated and inappropriate.” Explain the statement in brief.
    17. Read the paragraph given below and answer the questions that follow.
    Construction sites in most urban areas depend on migrant workers. It is also common to see migrants selling plastic goods, vegetables, and engage in other petty businesses and casual labour. A large section of such migrants are from tribal communities and from drought-prone areas of the state. Seasonal migrants are not only poor but have little or no land at their native place.
    1) Who depend on migrant workers ?
    2) What is also common to see ?
    3) Where are a large section of such migrants from ?
    4) How are the seasonal migrants ?
    18. List out the impacts on society if sex ratio is too low or too high.

    Group -B
    19. What do you understand by underemployment? Explain with an example each from the urban and rural areas.
    20. What do you think would be the environmental and human costs of rapid growth in mining’ ?
    21. Give reasons to argue for the following statement “Public Distribution System can ensure better food security for people”.
    22. Read the paragraphs given below and answer the questions that follow.
    Chinese manufacturers started exporting plastic toys to India. Buyers in India now have the option of choosing between Indian and the Chinese toys. Because of the cheaper prices and new designs, Chinese toys became popular in the Indian markets. Within a year, 70 to 80 percent of the toy shops have replaced Indian toys with Chinese toys. Toys are now cheaper in the Indian markets than earlier.
    For the Chinese toy makers, this trade provided an opportunity to expand their business. The opposite is true for Indian toy makers. Competition has forced some of the Indian producers to innovate, whereas others have perished.Who started exporting plastic toys to India ?
    1) Why did the Chinese toys become popular ?
    2) Why have the toy shops replaced Indian toys with Chinese toys ?
    3) Why have the toy shops replaced Indian toys with Chinese toys ?
    4) What is the opportunity for Chinese toy makers ?


    Group – A
    23. Locate the following in the Indian map.
    1) The Ganges river system 2) Capital city of P.
    3) Visakhapatnam 4) Berhampur 5) The Arabain Sea
    Group -B
    1) The Godavari Delta 2) Delhi
    3) bengaluru 4) Odisha 5) Arunachal Pradesh




    Group – A
    1. What is known as “Onset of monsoon” ?
    A. The Arabian Sea branch arrives at the west coast of India and moves northward. Both the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal branches reach India by the beginning of June, which is known as ‘Onset of monsoon’.

    2. What is the importance of the Himalayas?
    A.1) The formation of the Himalayas influences the climate in various ways.
    2) These act as barriers protecting the great plains of India from the cold winds of central Asia during severe winter.
    3) The Himalayas are reason for summer rains and monsoon type climate in regions that are beyond the Western Ghats of India.
    4) The Himalayan rivers have a perennial flow since these are fed by the glaciers.

    3. 1) Would you say Ford Motors is an MNC? Why?
    A. Yes, we can say Ford Motors is an MNC, because its production units have spread over 26 countries of the world. This is the most important feature of an MNC.
    2). What is foreign investment? How much did Ford Motors invest in India?
    A.1) Foreign investment : Private capital investment by firms of one country into those of another country is called foreign investment.
    2) Ford Motor invested Rs. 1,700 crores in India. ‘

    4. 1) Name any two tributaries of the Ganges.
    1. Gomati, Ghaghra.
    2) What is the name of the Brahmaputra in Tibet ?
    1. Tsangpo.

    Group -B
    5. What is sustainable development ?
    A. Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. In other words, a better quality of life for everyone – now and for generations to come.

    6. Water, a natural resource for production, particularly agricultural production, now requires greater capital for its use. Can you explain the statement ?
    A. 1) Agriculture is a major user of water resources and the consumption of water is increasing day by day.
    2) Indian agriculture mainly depends on rains which are unpredictable.
    3) As a result the agriculture has to depend on irrigation facilities such as dams, anicuts, checkdams, bunds, pools, etc. which are most expensive to construct.
    4) On the other hand, the farmers are depending on groundwater resources. Lifting the groundwater to surface is also very expensive.
    So I can say that water, a natural resource for production, particularly agricultural production now requires greater capital for its use.

    7. Suggest any two measures to create more employment in rural India.
    A. Some measures to create more employment in rural India :
    1) Irrigation facilities should be improved.
    2) Roads should be constructed.
    3) More education and health facilities should be provided.
    4) Agro-based industries should be encouraged.

    8. ‘Money cannot buy all the goods and services that one needs to live well.’ Explain.
    A. 1) Even though per capita income is high in many states, education and health facilities are still lacking.
    2) Money or high per capita income cannot buy a pollution free environment or good health.
    3) Money cannot buy peace and democracy.


    9. Why are the Himalayan rivers perennial ?
    A. The Himalayan rivers are perennial because they are supplied on rainfall as well as the melting snow.

    10. How is an agriculture labourer different from a cultivator?
    A. Cultivators are farmers who farm or supervise the land that they own or take on rent.
    Agricultural labourers are those who work on another’s farm for wages in cash or kind.

    11. What are aerotropolis ?
    A. A new kind of settlement is occurring in many countries, including India. These settlements around large airports are called Aerotropolis.

    12. Why have some states lesser Infant Mortality Rate ?
    A. Some states have lesser Infant Mortality Rate because they have adequate provision of basic health and educational facilities.

    13. What was called ‘Arab Spring’ ?
    A. In 2013 several nations in Western Asia and Northern Africa like Tunisia, Egypt were influenced by each other’s revolutions and uprooting of dictators. This was called ‘Arab Spring’ in the media

    14. What is multiple cropping ?
    To grow more than one crop on a piece of land during the same year is called multiple cropping.


    Group – A
    15. How does deforestation affect global warming ?
    A. Forests through photosynthesis absorb carbon dioxide (C02) and release oxygen (02). The timber of the trees also sequesters carbon. Deforestation means the tim­ber may be used and eventually converted to carbon dioxide, or left to rot, which also means that it is converted to C02, a green house gas responsible for global warming. Similarly the green leaves no longer act as carbon sinks to suck in C02. Either way, deforestation contributes to the global warming process.
    Deforestation = Fewer trees = More C02 = Enhanced greenhouse effect = Global warming.

    16. “The groundwater laws are both outdated and inappropriate.” Explain the statement in brief.
    A. Groundwater has become the main source of water for all the main uses of water. This tremendous increase has significant impacts on water availability and on access to water. The current regulatory regime is in large part still based on principles inherited from the colonial period. These are both outdated and inappropriate. They are outdated because they were developed at a time when groundwater was a marginal source of water and when humans were not able to affect the level of the ground water table through their use which was largely limited to drawing water from wells.
    They are inappropriate because the basic nexus between access to groundwater and land ownership on which these rules are based make common law rules socially inequitable and environmentally unsustainable.

    17. 1) Who depend on migrant workers ?
    A. Construction sites in most urban areas depend on migrant workers.
    2) What is also common to see ?
    A. It is also common to see migrants selling plastic goods, vegetables, and engage in other petty businesses and casual labour.
    3) Where are a large section of such migrants from ?
    A. A large section of such migrants are from tribal communities and from drought- prone areas of the state.
    4) How are the seasonal migrants ?
    A. Seasonal migrants are not only poor but have little or no land at their native place.

    18. List out the impacts on society if sex ratio is too low or too high.
    A. 1) The unbalanced sex ratios should be reflected in various social settings, including the modern college campus.
    2) This ratio impacts the distribution of wealth, alters who sits in board rooms and at the executive levels of corporation and what governments do over time.
    3) A high sex ratio can have many implications, including on crime.
    4) When there is a shortage of women in the marriage market the women can “marry up”, inevitably leaving the least desirable men with marriage prospectus.
    5) Gender imbalance will lead to a reduction in birth rate.

    Group -B
    19. What do you understand by underemployment? Explain with an example each from the urban and rural areas.
    A. Disguised unemployment is a kind of unemployment in which there are people who are visibly employed but are actually unemployed. This is also known as Hidden Unemployment. In such a situation more people are engaged in a work than required.
    In rural areas, this type of unemployment is generally found in agricultural sector, e.g.: In a family of 8 people all are engaged in the same agricultural plot. But 3 people are withdrawn from it. There will be no reduction in output. So these 3 people are actually disguisedly in unemployment.
    In urban areas, this type of unemployment can be seen mostly in service sectors such as in a family all numbers are engaged in one petty shop or a small business which can be managed by less number of persons.

    20. What do you think would be the environmental and human costs of rapid growth in mining ?
    A. 1) Rapid growth in mining would have a negative impact on the environment as well as at the human cost.
    2) Mines are dug deep, so the layers of earth become weak.
    3) They may cause landslides, avalanches, earthquakes, etc.
    4) Most of the water is used in the process of digging and later process also.
    5) Post liberalisation era brought private people (companies) into mining activities.
    6) Accidents may occur, tunnel may fall down, or get flooded with water or there can be fire and suffocation due to gases – these dangers may be faced in mining.
    7) With the motto of earning profits, these companies do not take proper measures of safety.
    8) Thus, there may be many human losses in rapid extractions of minerals.

    21. Give reasons to argue for the following statement “Public Distribution System can ensure better food security for people”.
    A. It is a joint responsibility of central government, state government and union territory administration to ensure the smooth functioning of the PDS.
    While the responsibility of central government is to procure, store and transport it from purchase points to central godowns, the responsibility of state government and union territory administrations is to lift these commodities from the central godowns and distribute them to consumers through the network of fair price shops. FC1 procures and distributes foodgrains, to provide subsidized food to the poor to mitigate regional inequalities through moving the surplus food to deficit areas and to stabilize agricultural prices.
    The universal coverage of PDS was replaced by Targeted real Public Distribution system in 1997 in order to achieve the objective of food security through sale of foodgrains to APT householders at economic cost and confirming the food subsidy bill toward the identified BPL families whose number crossed 97 million families in 2007.

    22. 1) Who started exporting plastic toys to India? ‘
    A. Chinese manufacturers.
    2) Why did the Chinese toys become popular ?
    A. Because of the cheaper prices and new designs, Chinese toys became popular in the Indian markets. ‘
    3) Why have the toy shops replaced Indian toys with Chinese toys ?
    A. Selling Chinese toys is profitable for the shopkeepers.
    4) What is the opportunity for Chinese toy makers ?
    A. For the Chinese toy makers, this trade provided an opportunity to expand their business. .


    Group – A
    23. Locate the following places on the given outline map of India
    1) The Ganges river system
    2) Capital city of A.P.
    3) Visakhapatnam
    4) Berhampur
    5) The Arabian Sea

    Group -B
    1) The Godavari Delta
    2) Delhi
    3) Bengaluru
    4) Odisha
    5) Arunachal Pradesh


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