

Life thrives all across our planet, from the icy Arctic to the scorching Sahara. With over 8.7 million known species, Earth stands as the only known abode of life in the universe. Advancements in technology have provided new insights into life and its components. For example, the discovery of viruses has challenged traditional definitions, prompting scientists to adopt fresh perspectives.

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    History of Biology

    Before the term “biology” emerged, other words described the study of plants and animals. “Natural History” described the observation of life forms in their natural habitats. It was not an experimental field but rather an observational one, leading to individuals called natural historians or naturalists. “Natural Theology” and “Natural Philosophy” were also used.

    The modern sense of “Biology” was introduced by Michael Christoph Hanow in 1766, and later independently by Thomas Beddoes (1799), Karl Friedrich Burdach (1800), Gottfried Reinhold Treviranus (1802), and Jean-Baptiste Lamarck (1802).

    Exploring the Beginnings of a Subject

    For early humans, understanding plants and animals meant survival. Knowledge about species, behavior, and anatomy was passed down through generations. The shift from hunters and gatherers to farmers marked a significant development in biological knowledge as agriculture was perfected.

    Over time, traditions of medicine, insights from physicians, and the contributions of historical figures like Aristotle merged into the field we now know as biology. The 19th century saw major breakthroughs and technological advancements in biology.

    Free Biology Study Materials

    NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Biology

    NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Biology offer easy-to-understand answers and explanations for students. These solutions, specifically designed for the 12th-grade biology curriculum, provide clarity on complex topics, helping students excel in their studies. Whether you’re preparing for exams or seeking a better grasp of biology concepts, these NCERT solutions are your trusted companion.

    With clear explanations and step-by-step guidance, Class 12 Biology becomes more accessible and enjoyable. Boost your confidence and score well in your biology exams with these reliable NCERT solutions tailored for your academic success.

    1. Chapter 1: Reproduction in Organisms
    2. Chapter 2: Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants
    3. Chapter 3: Human Reproduction
    4. Chapter 4: Reproductive Health
    5. Chapter 5: Principles of Inheritance and Variation
    6. Chapter 6: Molecular Basis of Inheritance
    7. Chapter 7: Evolution
    8. Chapter 8: Human Health and Diseases
    9. Chapter 9: Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production
    10. Chapter 10: Microbes in Human Welfare
    11. Chapter 11: Biotechnology Principles and Processes
    12. Chapter 12: Biotechnology: and its application
    13. Chapter 13: Organisms and Populations
    14. Chapter 14: Ecosystem
    15. Chapter 15: Biodiversity and Conservation
    16. Chapter 16: Environmental Issues

    NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology

    NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology are like helpful guides. They are like answers to questions that come from your Biology textbook. These solutions make studying Biology easier. They explain things in a simple way. So, if you get stuck on a tricky question or need help with understanding a concept, these solutions can come to your rescue.

    They cover all the chapters and topics in your Class 11 Biology book. With these solutions, you can learn and score better in your exams. They are like a reliable friend, always there to assist you in your Biology journey.

    1. Chapter 1: The Living World
    2. Chapter 2: Biological Classification
    3. Chapter 3: Plant Kingdom
    4. Chapter 4: Animal Kingdom
    5. Chapter 5: Morphology of Flowering Plants
    6. Chapter 6: Anatomy of Flowering Plants
    7. Chapter 7: Structural Organization in Animals
    8. Chapter 8: Cell The Unit of Life
    9. Chapter 9: Biomolecules
    10. Chapter 10: Cell Cycle and Cell Division
    11. Chapter 11: Transport in Plants
    12. Chapter 12: Mineral Nutrition
    13. Chapter 13: Photosynthesis in Higher Plants
    14. Chapter 14: Respiration in Plants
    15. Chapter 15: Plant Growth and Development
    16. Chapter 16: Digestion and Absorption
    17. Chapter 17: Breathing and Exchange of Gases
    18. Chapter 18: Body Fluids and Circulation
    19. Chapter 19: Excretory Products and their Elimination
    20. Chapter 20: Locomotion and Movement
    21. Chapter 21: Neural Control and Coordination
    22. Chapter 22: Chemical Coordination and integration

    Biology Articles

    Biology articles provide valuable information about living things. These easy-to-read texts cover topics like animals, plants, and cells. They explain how organisms work, reproduce, and adapt to their environment. Whether you’re a student, a curious mind, or a scientist, biology articles offer insights into the natural world. You can learn about ecosystems, genetics, and even the smallest organisms like bacteria. Dive into the fascinating world of biology through these articles and gain a better understanding of the life that surrounds us.

    Botany Zoology
    Rabi and Kharif Crops Rainwater Harvesting Ecology Homeostasis
    Plants Food Adulteration Environment
    Water Cycle Types of soil Difference Between Cold-Blooded and Warm-Blooded Animals Renewable & Non-Renewable Resources
    Soil Carbon Cycle Heart Human Body Anatomy
    Vegetative Propagation How do Organisms Reproduce Soil Erosion Diseases
    Fragmentation Asexual Reproduction Digestive System Kidney
    budding Binary Fission Vermicomposting Types of Pollution
    Amoeba Heterotrophic Nutrition Tissue Metabolism
    Root System Plant Kingdom Natural disasters Omnivores
    Fertilizers Irrigation Wildlife Sanctuary Biotic and Abiotic
    Nutrtion in Amoeba Manures and Fertilizers Air Pollution Ozone Layer Depletion
    Manure Oxygen Cycle Adaptation Types of Teeth
    Protoplasm Scientific Names of Animals & Plants Human Lungs Biodiversity
    Cytoplasm Water Cycle Energy Flow in Ecosystem Endemic Species
    Transpiration Reproduction Types of Ecological Pyramids Blood
    Respiration Osmosis Human Brain Green House Effect
    Eukaryotic Cells Photosynthesis Calorific Values Water Pollution
    Prokaryotic Cell Cells Porifera Male Reproductive System
    Flower Diffusion Biosphere Reserve Animal Tissue
    Sources of Water Living Things Food Chain Structure of Eye
    Nucleus Glycolysis Neuron Ecosystem
    Algae Endoplasmic Reticulum Spinal Cord Sense organs
    Meristematic Tissue Difference Between Cell Wall and Cell Membrane Amniocentesis Adrenal Gland
    DNA Golgi Appratus Phylum Annelida Apiculture(Bee keeping)
    Lysosomes Difference b/w Monocotyledon and Dicotyledon Female Reproductive System Animal Husbandry
    Protists Aerobic and Anaerobic Respiration Areolar Tissue Ribosomes
    Gymnosperms Fermentation Difference Betweem Xylem & Phloem Difference Between Arteries & Veins
    Cell organelles Pteridophytes Arthropoda Alimentary canal
    Dihybrid Cross Cell wall Asthma Biodiversity Conservation
    Aerobic Respiration Plastids Adolescence And Drug Abuse Amoebiasis
    Difference between DNA and RNA Chloroplast Tongue Adaptive Radiation Evolution
    Leaf Morphology Types of pollination Aves Calorific Values
    Mitosis vs Meiosis Monera Cardiac Cycles Energy Flow in Ecosystem
    Plasmolysis Calvin Cycle Biomagnification AIDS
    Fluid Mosaic Model Living and Non-Living Things ACTH Hormones Hormones of Heart, Kidney & GIT
    Kingdom Fungi Mitosis Cardiac Output Coronary Artery Disease
    Plant Cell Electron Transport Chain Mechanism of breathing Synovial Joints
    Ecological Succession Double Fertilisation in Angiosperms Urine Formation DNA Fingerprinting

    Biology Topics

    Biology topics cover various aspects of living things. They include subjects like plants, animals, cells, and ecosystems. Studying biology topics helps us understand how life works and how living organisms interact with their environment. Whether you’re curious about genetics, ecology, or human biology, exploring these topics can provide valuable insights into the fascinating world of living creatures and their processes

    Difference Between Articles in Biology

    The difference between articles in biology is how they explain and share information. Some articles give detailed research findings, while others offer overviews. Some are written for scientists, using complex language, while others are for the general public, using simpler words. Understanding these differences can help you find the right biology article for your needs, whether it’s for research, learning, or just satisfying your curiosity about the natural world.

    Important Biology Topics

    Important biology topics cover fundamental concepts like genetics, cells, evolution, and ecology. Understanding these areas helps unlock the mysteries of life, from how living organisms are made up of cells to how they adapt and change over time. Exploring these topics is essential for anyone interested in the fascinating world of biology.

    FAQs on Biology

    What is called a biology?

    Biology is a science that focuses on living things and how they work. It includes many different areas like studying plants, animals, genes, and more.

    What are the 5 types of biology?

    Biology is divided into different sections to make it easier to learn, but all these sections have some basic rules in common. Some of the sections in biology include botany, genetics, marine biology, microbiology, and molecular biology.

    Who first called biology?

    The word 'biology' was first coined by the renowned scientists Lamarck and Treviranus in 1802. It has its roots in the Greek language, where 'bios' means life, and 'logos' means study or discourse. Biology is the scientific exploration of various life forms, their development, growth, and the environments they inhabit.

    Who is father of biology?

    Aristotle is known as the Father of Biology and Zoology. He began sorting living things into two groups: Animals and Plants.

    Who discovered the cell?

    In 1665, a British scientist named Robert Hooke made a remarkable discovery. Using his own microscope, he looked at a slice of cork and saw tiny compartments that looked like honeycombs. He called these compartments 'cells.' The word 'cell' comes from the Latin word 'cellula,' which means a hollow space.

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