BiologyAllantois – Function, Application, Parts, Structure and Significance

Allantois – Function, Application, Parts, Structure and Significance

Allantois Definition

The allantois is a membranous sac-like structure that forms during fetal development and is attached to the embryo near the umbilical cord. The allantois helps to provide a route for the transfer of nutrients and oxygen from the mother to the embryo and fetus, and also helps to remove wastes. In some species, the allantois also functions as a temporary storage site for fetal urine.

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    Allantois - Function, Application, Parts, Structure and Significance

    Allantois Function

    • The allantois is a part of the embryo that becomes the bladder in the adult.
    • It is a thin-walled outpocketing of the hindgut that develops in the embryo and grows rapidly.
    • The allantois functions in the transport of wastes and carbon dioxide from the embryo to the outside world.

    Amniotic Membrane

    The amniotic membrane is the sac that surrounds the fetus in the womb. The membrane is composed of two layers: the amnion and the other is chorion. The amnion is the inner layer and is composed of delicate and transparent tissue. The chorion is the tough, outer layer that contains the fetus’s blood vessels. The amniotic membrane also helps to protect the fetus from injury and also provides a moist environment to grow.

    About Amnion

    An amnion is a fluid-filled sac that surrounds the developing embryo in the uterus. The amnion helps to protect the embryo and helps to regulate the temperature of the embryo. The amnion also helps to cushion the embryo from bumps and shocks.

    Clinical Significance of Amnion

    The amnion is a thin membrane that surrounds the fetus and encloses the amniotic fluid. The amnion is important because it helps protect the fetus from infection and provides a moist environment for the fetus to grow. However the amnion also helps the fetus move around in the uterus.

    Amnion in Animals

    The amnion is a thin membrane that surrounds the embryo and the amniotic fluid in animals. It not only protects the embryo and also it helps regulate the temperature of the fluid. The amnion also helps the embryo move around inside the uterus.

    Application of Amnion

    The amnion is a thin, transparent membrane that surrounds the fetus in the uterus. It helps protect the fetus from injury and regulates the temperature of the fetus’ environment. The amnion also helps the fetus breathe and excrete wastes.


    The chorion is a membranous sac that not only surrounds the embryo and but also surrounds the amniotic sac. It is formed from the trophoblast, the layer of cells that surrounds the embryo. The chorion helps to protect the embryo and to provide nutrients.

    Structure of Chorion

    The chorion is a thin membrane that covers the fetal side of the placenta. It is made up of two layers: the amnion and the chorion.

    • The amnion is a thin membrane that surrounds the fetus and also surrounds the amniotic fluid.
    • The chorion is a thin membrane that surrounds the amnion and the amniotic fluid.

    Growth of Chorion

    The chorion is the outermost membrane of the embryo and the first one to form. It compose of two layers: the trophoblast and the chorion. The trophoblast layer composed of cells that will become the placenta. The chorion layer composed of cells that will become the fetal membranes. The chorion grows by cell division and also by the expansion of its surface area.

    Parts of Chorion

    The chorion is a membrane that surrounds the embryo and forms the fetal portion of the placenta. The chorion made up of three layers: the amnion, the chorion, and the decidua.

    Monochorionic Twins

    Monochorionic twins are identical twins who share the same placenta. And most importantly it occurs when the fertilized egg splits into two and each half develops into an embryo. The two embryos share the same blood supply and nutrients from the placenta.

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