BiologyBiological Classification MCQ For NEET And Boards Examination

Biological Classification MCQ For NEET And Boards Examination

What is Biological Classification?

Biological classification is a system used to categorize and group living things. The system is based on shared physical and genetic characteristics. Organisms are placed in groups based on their relationships with each other. Biological classification categorizes organisms into groups based on their physical and genetic similarities. Organisms are placed into a hierarchy of categories, starting with the kingdom and then descending into the phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species. This system helps scientists to understand the relationships between different organisms and to classify new species.

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    Biological classification is the orderly naming and grouping of organisms into categories based on their similarities. The first step in biological classification is to group organisms into kingdoms. Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, Animalia, and Eubacteria are six kingdoms. Each kingdom is then divided into smaller groups called phyla. Phyla are then divided into classes, which are divided into orders, families, genera, and species. The smallest group is the species, the only group whose physical features can classify.

    Biological Classification MCQ For NEET

    FAQs Questions on Biological Classification

    What is the scientific study of the classification of living things?

    Biological classification is the scientific study of the classification of living things.

    What is the goal of biological classification?

    Biological classification aims to group living things into categories based on their similarities and differences.

    How are living things classified?

    Living things are classified by their physical characteristics, genetic makeup, and evolutionary history.

    What is the most fundamental level of classification?

    The most fundamental level of classification is the species.

    What are the major categories of classification?

    The major categories of classification are the domain, the kingdom, the phylum, the class, the order, the family, and the genus.

    What is the domain?

    The domain is the broadest category of classification. It includes all living things that are not viruses.

    What are the three domains of life?

    The three domains of life are the Archaea, the Bacteria, and the Eukarya.

    What is the kingdom?

    The kingdom is the next broadest category of classification. It includes all living things that are not in the domain of Archaea.

    What are the five kingdoms of life?

    The five kingdoms of life are the Archaea, the Bacteria, the Protista, and the Fungi.

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