BiologyCancellous Bone – Explanation, Structure, Function and FAQs

Cancellous Bone – Explanation, Structure, Function and FAQs

Introduction to Cancellous Bone

Cancellous Bone – Explanation: Cancellous Bone is a type of bone that has a spongy texture. It found in the interior of bones and is responsible for supporting the bone’s weight. Cancellous bone made up of small pieces of bone called trabeculae. These trabeculae arranged in a lattice-like pattern and held together by connective tissue. Cancellous bone is found in the skull, ribs, vertebrae, and hips.

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    Cancellous bone is a type of bone that has a spongy texture. It found in the interior of bones and is responsible for supporting the bone’s weight. Cancellous bone made up of small pieces of bone called trabeculae. These trabeculae arranged in a lattice-like pattern and held together by connective tissue. Cancellous bone found in the skull, ribs, vertebrae, and hips.

    Cancellous bone is different from cortical bone, which is the type of bone that makes up the exterior of bones. Cortical bone is dense and strong, while cancellous bone is lightweight and porous. This makes cancellous bone ideal for supporting the weight of the body.

    Cancellous Bone - Explanation, Structure, Function and FAQs

    Cancellous Bone Meaning

    It is the spongy, porous inner bone tissue found in the trabeculae and Haversian canals of compact bone. Cancellous bone also known as trabecular bone. This type of bone tissue found in the ends of long bones, in the vertebrae, and in the skulls of many animals. Cancellous bone a very good conductor of sound, which is why found in the ear bones of animals.

    Cancellous or Spongy Bone Structure

    It is a type of bone that has a porous, honeycomb-like structure. This type of bone found in the ends of long bones, in the vertebrae, and in the skull. Cancellous bone is softer and more flexible than compact bone, and it surrounded by a layer of compact bone. The pores in cancellous bone are filled with bone marrow, which is the site of red blood cell and white blood cell production.

    Cancellous Bone Function

    Cancellous bone a spongy type of bone that found in the interior of bones. It made up of a network of tiny, spiny bones called trabeculae. Cancellous bone is very light and porous, which makes it very strong and resilient. It is also very efficient at diffusing stress and distributing weight, which makes it ideal for protecting the inner organs of the body.

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