BiologyCymose Inflorescence

Cymose Inflorescence

What is Inflorescence?

Cymose Inflorescence Example: An inflorescence (plural inflorescences) is a group or cluster of flowers arranged on a stem that is composed of a main branch or a complicated arrangement of branches. The term inflorescence is used to refer to the flowering stage of plants.Cymose Inflorescence – Types of Cymose and Important FAQs

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    Cymose Inflorescence

    Inflorescence is the arrangement of flowers on a plant. There are many different types of inflorescences, and one of them is the cymose inflorescence.

    • A cymose inflorescence is a type of inflorescence where the flowers are borne on a central axis, and arrange in a corymb-like fashion. The main difference between a cymose inflorescence and a corymb is that in a cymose inflorescence, the central axis is not flat, it is curve.
    • The main types of cymose inflorescences are the racemose inflorescence, the umbellate inflorescence, and the capitulate inflorescence. The racemose inflorescence is the most common type of cymose inflorescence. In this type of inflorescence, the flowers are borne on a central axis, and arrange in a spiraling fashion.
    • The umbellate inflorescence is another type of cymose inflorescence. The main difference between an umbellate inflorescence and a corymb is that in an umbellate inflorescence, the central axis is not flat, but it is curved.
    • The capitulate inflorescence is the last type of cymose inflorescence. The main difference between a capitulate inflorescence and a corymb is that in a capitulate inflorescence, the central axis is not flat, but it is curve.

    Types of Inflorescence

    There are many types of inflorescences, but here are a few of the most common:

    1. Raceme: An inflorescence that is a long, thin cluster of flowers on a single stem. The flowers at the top of the stem open first, and the flowers at the bottom of the stem open last.

    2. Cone: An inflorescence that is a cone-shaped cluster of flowers on a single stem. The flowers at the base of the cone open first, and the flowers at the tip of the cone open last.

    3. Umbel: An inflorescence that is a round cluster of flowers on a single stem. The flowers at the base of the cluster open first, and the flowers at the top of the cluster open last.

    4. Spike: An inflorescence that is a long, thin cluster of flowers on a single stem. The flowers at the base of the stem open first, and the flowers at the top of the stem open last.

    Importance of Cymose Inflorescence

    Cymose inflorescence is a type of inflorescence in which the main axis grows indeterminately and the lateral branches are borne in determinate fashion. The central part of the inflorescence is the oldest and the lateral branch are the newest. The oldest flower always blooms first and the newest flower blooms last. The main axis grows indefinitely and the lateral branches grow for a certain period and then stop growing. We can find cymose inflorescence in a number of families of flowering plants.

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