BiologyKnow The Difference Between Larva and Pupa

Know The Difference Between Larva and Pupa

Larva vs Pupa

Larvae are the immature form of an animal that hatches from an egg and undergoes several molts before becoming a pupa. Pupae are the transitional stage between the larva and the adult. The pupa is typically immobile and enclosed in a cocoon or chrysalis.

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    A larva is a juvenile form of an animal that is typically immature and undergoes metamorphosis to become its adult form. Larvae are typically independent of their parents and live in an environment different from that of the adult form.


    The pupa is the life stage in the life cycle of an insect between the larva and the adult. It is a transitional stage in which the insect changes its form.

    There are Two Types of Pupae: Obtect and Exarate

    The Obtect pupa is enclosed in a hardened outer shell, while the Exarate pupa has a softer outer shell that is easily shed.

    Difference between Larva and Pupa

    A larva is the immature form of an insect, typically a butterfly or moth, that undergoes metamorphosis into a pupa and then an adult. A pupa is the intermediate stage in the development of an insect, after it has hatched from an egg and before it becomes an adult.

    Complete Metamorphosis

    In complete metamorphosis, an insect’s body goes through a dramatic change as it grows from a juvenile into an adult. The juvenile insect, or larva, is typically very different from the adult. It has a different shape, and it usually eats different things.

    The larva’s body is also different from the adult’s. It has a soft, flexible body and a tough outer skeleton called an exoskeleton. The adult’s body is hard and has no skeleton.

    The larva’s development is controlled by hormones that are released by the adult. As the larva grows, it starts to produce its own hormones. These hormones cause the larva to change shape and to start eating the food that the adult eats.

    When the larva is ready to become an adult, it stops producing its own hormones and starts to produce the hormones that the adult produces. This causes the larva to change into an adult.

    Incomplete Metamorphosis

    Incomplete metamorphosis is a type of metamorphosis in which there is a gradual change in the shape of the animal. The immature animal is called a nymph and it looks very similar to the adult animal, except that it is smaller. Nymphs molt (shed their skin) several times as they grow, until they reach their adult size.

    The Four Stages of Complete Metamorphosis

    The four stages of complete metamorphosis are egg, larva, pupa, and adult.

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