BiologyExtinction – Meaning, Reasons, Examples and FAQ

Extinction – Meaning, Reasons, Examples and FAQ


Extinction is the process by which a group of organisms, a species, goes extinct. The moment when a species ceases to exist is its extinction. Extinction can be caused by a number of things, such as natural disasters, disease, or human activity. Extinction – Meaning Reasons Examples.

Extinction - Meaning Reasons Examples

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    Types of extiction

    There are many different types of extinction, but the most common is the gradual extinction. This happens when a species gradually becomes less and less common, until it eventually disappears. The other type of extinction is the sudden extinction. This happens when a species is suddenly wiped out, usually by a natural disaster or disease.

    Extinction has been happening for billions of years. The process of extinction is a natural part of the evolutionary process. Species evolve and change over time, and some of them eventually become extinct.

    However, human activity is now causing an unprecedented number of extinctions. We are destroying habitats, polluting the environment, and hunting animals to extinction. This is threatening the survival of many species, and could lead to a mass extinction event.

    We must take steps to protect endangered species and conserve our natural habitats. We need to learn to live in harmony with the environment, and not destroy it. If we don’t, we could lose many of the amazing creatures that share our planet. Extinction – Meaning Reasons Examples .

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