BiologyPhylum Arthropoda – Examples, Characteristics, Classifications and FAQ

Phylum Arthropoda – Examples, Characteristics, Classifications and FAQ

Definition of Arthropoda

Arthropoda is a phylum of animals that includes crustaceans, insects, and spiders. They are characterized by their jointed limbs and hard exoskeletons.

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    Phylum Arthropoda - Examples, Characteristics, Classifications and FAQ

    Arthropods Examples:

    There are a wide variety of arthropods, including insects, spiders, and crustaceans. Arthropods are characterized by their segmented bodies and jointed appendages. Most arthropods are terrestrial, but some, such as crabs and shrimp, are aquatic.

    General Characteristics of Arthropods

    Arthropods are a large group of invertebrate animals that includes insects, crustaceans, and spiders. Therefore they are distinguished by their jointed limbs and hard exoskeletons. Arthropods are among the most diverse and successful animals on Earth, and therefore they can also be found in nearly every environment.

    Classification of Arthropoda

    There are a number of ways to classify arthropods, including by their physical characteristics, their evolutionary relationships, or where they live.

    • One common way to classify arthropods is by their physical characteristics. Arthropods can divided into three main groups: insects, crustaceans, and arachnids.
    • Insects are the largest group of arthropods and characterized by their six legs and two antennae. Crustaceans are mainly aquatic and have a hard shell. They are typically smaller than insects, and include crabs, lobsters, and shrimp. Arachnids are eight-legged creatures that include spiders, scorpions, and ticks.
    • Another way to classify arthropods is by their evolutionary relationships. Arthropods can divided into two main groups: chelicerates and myriapods. Chelicerates are arachnids and include spiders, scorpions, and ticks. Myriapods are the group that includes crustaceans and insects.
    • Finally, arthropods can also be classified by where they live. Arthropods can divided into four main groups: terrestrial, aquatic, parasitic, and epibiotic. Terrestrial arthropods live on land, aquatic arthropods live in water, parasitic arthropods live on or inside other animals, and epibiotic arthropods live on the surface of plants or animals.

    Crustacea and its Characteristics:

    Crustaceans are a group of animals that characterized by their hard exoskeleton and jointed limbs. They are found in both salt and fresh water, and include shrimp, crabs, and lobsters. Crustaceans have a number of adaptations that allow them to survive in their aquatic environment. They have gills that allow them to extract oxygen from the water, and they can swim with their powerful limbs. They also have a well-developed sense of smell that allows them to find food and avoid predators.

    The Crustacea can Further Divided into Six Sub-Categories-

    • The Crustacea can further divided into six sub-categories: the Branchiopoda, the Ostracoda, the Copepoda, the Malacostraca, the Amphipoda, and the Isopoda.
    • The Branchiopoda are a sub-category of crustaceans that includes the fairy shrimp and the tadpole shrimp. They characterized by their 10 legs and their gills, which located on the underside of their body.
    • The Ostracoda are a sub-category of crustaceans that includes the seed shrimp. They characterized by their 2 legs and their shell, which made up of a hard outer layer and a softer inner layer.
    • The Copepoda are a sub-category of crustaceans that includes the common copepod. However they characterized by their 2 legs and their unsegmented body.
    • The Malacostraca are a sub-category of crustaceans that includes the lobster and the crab. They characterized by their 5 legs and their hard exoskeleton.
    • The Amphipoda are a sub-category of crustaceans that includes the sand flea. However they characterized by their 2 legs and their ability to swim using their tail.
    • The Isopoda are a sub-category of crustaceans that includes the wood louse. They characterized by their 6 legs and their ability to curl up into a ball for

    Chelicerata and its Characteristics:

    Chelicerates are a group of invertebrates that includes spiders, scorpions, and horseshoe crabs. They are distinguished by their chelicerae, a pair of appendages near the mouth that used to grasp and manipulate food. Chelicerates also typically have four pairs of legs, although some species have more or fewer. They are the most diverse group of arthropods, accounting for more than 80% of all described species.

    Chelicerata has Three Sub-Categories-

    Chelicerata has three sub-categories- Arachnida, Pycnogonida, and Merostomata.

    • Arachnida is a sub-category of Chelicerata that contains spiders, scorpions, and also ticks.
    • Pycnogonida is a sub-category of Chelicerata that contains sea spiders.
    • is a sub-category of Chelicerata that also contains horseshoe crabs.

    Myriapoda and its Characteristics:

    • The Myriapoda are a group of predominantly terrestrial invertebrates that include millipedes, centipedes, and a few other less well-known creatures. They characterized by their many legs (Myriapoda means “many feet”).
    • Most myriapods are harmless to humans, and a few are even beneficial, such as the centipede, which preys on other pests. However, a few species of centipedes can inflict a painful bite.

    Myriapoda is Classified into Four Sub-Categories-

    Myriapoda is classified into four sub-categories: Chilopoda, Diplopoda, Pauropoda, and also Symphyla.

    Hexapoda and its Characteristics:

    Hexapoda is an order of insects that includes six legs. Therefore they are the most diverse and successful order of animals on Earth, with over a million described species.

    Hexapoda has Two Sub-Classes:

    Insecta and Myriapoda

    Onychophora and its characteristics

    The onychophora are a phylum of worm-like animals that live in moist environments. However they characterised by their long, slender bodies and the presence of claws on most of their legs. Onychophora are mostly carnivorous, feeding on small invertebrates. They are hermaphroditic, and can reproduce both sexually and asexually.

    Trilobitomorpha and its characteristics

    Trilobitomorpha is an extinct group of animals that are related to trilobites. They characterized by their three-lobed body shape.

    The Trilobitomorpha were a group of arthropods that lived from the early Cambrian period until the end of the Permian period. They characterized by their three-lobed body shape, and the best-known group of extinct arthropods. Trilobites were able to adapt to a wide variety of habitats, and were one of the most successful and diverse groups of organisms during the Paleozoic era.


    What is arthropoda?

    Arthropoda is a large and diverse phylum of invertebrate animals, including insects, spiders, crustaceans, and centipedes. Arthropods are characterized by their jointed appendages, segmented body, and exoskeleton. They are the most diverse and abundant animals on Earth, making up over 80% of all species.

    What are the major characteristics of arthropoda?

    The major characteristics of arthropoda include a segmented body, jointed appendages, and an exoskeleton. The exoskeleton is made up of chitin, a tough, flexible material that provides protection and support. Arthropods also have a nervous system made up of ganglia, or clusters of nerve cells.

    What are the different types of arthropoda?

    The arthropoda phylum is divided into five major classes: insects, arachnids, crustaceans, myriapods, and chelicerates. Insects are the most abundant and diverse, with over a million species. They are characterized by three body segments, six legs, and one pair of antennae. Arachnids, like spiders and scorpions, have two body segments and four pairs of legs. Crustaceans, such as crabs and lobsters, have a hard exoskeleton and jointed appendages. Myriapods, such as centipedes and millipedes, have dozens of segments and many pairs of legs. Chelicerates, such as horseshoe crabs and sea spiders, have two body segments and chelicerae, or pincer-like appendages.

    What is the importance of arthropoda?

    Arthropods are vitally important to the environment and human life. Insects, for example, are essential pollinators, helping to fertilize plants and maintain the food web. Arachnids and centipedes are important predators, controlling populations of other insects. Crustaceans are a major source of food for humans, and their shells are used in jewelry and decorations. Arthropods also provide many other valuable services, such as decomposition, soil aeration, and nutrient cycling.

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