BiologyTypes of Animal – Tissues, Functions and Examples

Types of Animal – Tissues, Functions and Examples

Types of Animal Tissue

There are four types of animal tissue: epithelial tissue, connective tissue, muscle tissue, and nerve tissue.

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    • Epithelial tissue is thin and covers the outside of the body, the inside of the body, and lines organs. It is responsible for protecting the body and absorbing nutrients.
    • Connective tissue is a type of tissue that supports and connects other tissues in the body. It is made up of cells called fibroblasts, which produce a protein called collagen.
    • Muscle tissue is responsible for movement. It is made up of cells called muscle fibers, which are able to contract and move the body.
    • Nerve tissue is responsible for transmitting signals throughout the body. It is made up of cells called neurons, which send and receive messages.

    Types of Animal - Tissues, Functions and Examples

    Epithelial Tissues

    Epithelial tissues line the body’s cavities and surfaces, and form the glands. They composed of cells that closely packed together and have little extracellular matrix. The cells bound together by adhesions, and the tissue is supported by a basement membrane. Epithelial tissues are classified by the number of layers of cells they contain:

    1. Single layer of cells: These called simple epithelium. Therefore the cells usually squamous (flat) and arranged in a single layer. The cells bound together by adhesions, and the tissue supported by a basement membrane. Examples of simple epithelium include the lining of the mouth and gut.
    2. Two layers of cells: These called stratified epithelium. The cells arranged in two or more layers, and the cells in the outer layer are different from those in the inner layer. The cells bound together by adhesions, and the tissue is supported by a basement membrane. Examples of stratified epithelium include the skin and the lining of the urinary bladder.
    3. Three or more layers of cells: These called complex epithelium. The cells arranged in three or more layers, and the cells in the outer layer are different from those in the inner layer. The cells bound together by adhesions, and the tissue supported by a basement membrane. Examples of complex epithelium include the lining of

    Types of Epithelial Tissues and Their Function

    • Epithelial tissues line the surfaces and cavities of the body and cover the body’s organs. There are four types of epithelial tissue: squamous, cuboidal, columnar, and transitional.
    • Squamous epithelial tissue is thin and flat and lines the surfaces of the body. Therefore it found in the skin and in the linings of the mouth, nose, and lungs.
    • Cuboidal epithelial tissue cube-shaped and found in the linings of the stomach, intestines, and bladder.
    • Columnar epithelial tissue is tall and thin and lines the tubes that carry food and air through the body. It found in the linings of the stomach and intestines.
    • Transitional epithelial tissue is thick and flexible and lines the surfaces of the body that stretch, such as the bladder and the uterus.

    Types of Muscle Tissues and Their Functions

    There are three types of muscle tissues: skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle, and smooth muscle.

    • Skeletal muscle attached to bones and also responsible for voluntary movements.
    • Cardiac muscle found in the heart and also responsible for the heartbeat.
    • Smooth muscle found in the walls of blood vessels, the stomach, and other organs and is responsible for involuntary movements.

    Types and Functions of Connective Tissues

    There are four types of connective tissues: adipose tissue, bone tissue, cartilage tissue, and connective tissue proper.

    • Adipose tissue is a type of connective tissue that composed of fat cells. However it found under the skin and around internal organs. It serves as a storehouse for energy and helps insulate the body.
    • Bone tissue is a type of connective tissue that composed of bone cells. It found in the skeleton and helps support the body.
    • Cartilage tissue is a type of connective tissue that composed of cartilage cells. Therefore it found in the nose, ears, and joints. It helps cushion the body and also helps bones move smoothly against each other.
    • Connective tissue proper is a type of connective tissue that composed of cells called fibroblasts. It found throughout the body and helps bind other tissues together. It also helps supply nutrients and remove waste from tissues.
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