BlogNEETVan’t Hoff Factor

Van’t Hoff Factor

Some chemical compounds undergo dissociation or association in solution when utilized as solutes. This results in a change in their molar mass as well as other Colligative characteristics. The Van’t Hoff Factor can explain this. It was named after Jacobus Henricus Van’t Hoff, Jr., a Dutch physical chemist. He was the first person to receive the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

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    The Van’t Hoff factor provides information on how solutes affect the colligative characteristics of solutions. It is represented by the letter ‘i.’ Van’t Hoff factor is defined as the ratio of particle concentration to substance concentration by mass when a material is dissolved.

    The Van’t Hoff factor describes the amount to which a drug associates or dissociates in a solution. When a non-electrolytic material is dissolved in water, for example, the value of i is usually 1. When an ionic compound dissolves in water, however, the value of i equals the entire number of ions contained in one formula unit of the material.

    Example: In CaCl2 ,Van’t Hoff factor is ideally 3 since it dissociates into one Ca2+ ion and two Cl ions. However, some of these ions in the solution associate with one another, resulting in a reduction in the overall number of particles in the solution.

    Colligative properties of solutions are those that depend on the ratio of the number of solute particles to the number of solvent molecules in a solution rather than the type of chemical species present. Colligative characteristics include the four primary qualities listed below —

    • Relative lowering of vapour pressure (depends on the mole fraction of solute)
    • Elevation of boiling point
    • Depression of freezing point
    • Osmotic pressure

    Association/Dissociation Effects:

    • The combining of two or more particles to form one entity is referred to as association.
    • The dimerization of carboxylic acids in benzene is an example of two particles interacting.
    • The splitting of a molecule into several ionic entities is referred to as dissociation.
    • When sodium chloride (NaCl) is dissolved in water, it dissociates into Na+ and Cl ions.
    • The effects of a solute’s association or dissociation on the solution, its colligative characteristics, and the Van’t Hoff factor are as follows:

    Association: The observed molar mass exceeds the expected value. The Van’t Hoff factor has a value of less than one. The colligative property values are lower than predicted. Reduced boiling and freezing points are two examples.

    Dissociation: The observed molar mass value is smaller than the typical value. Van’t Hoff factor has a value larger than one. Higher colligative property values are seen. Higher osmotic pressure and boiling point, for example.

    The physical significance of ‘i’

    The physical concentration of solute particles in a solution is determined by the value of ‘i.’ It is discovered that when solute particles are connected in a solution, i is smaller than 1. This is explained by carboxylic acids such as acetic acid (ethanoic acid) or benzoic acid, which are known to form dimers in benzene, dividing the number of solute particles by half the number of acid molecules. If the solute particles dissociate in the solution, however, i will be bigger than 1. (e.g. salts dissolved in water such as sodium chloride in water, potassium chloride in water, magnesium chloride in water, etc.). And when the solute particles in a solution do not dissociate or associate, i = 1. (e.g. glucose in water).

    The actual number of particles in solution following dissociation divided by the number of formula units initially dissolved in solution yields the value of i. In other words, when a solution is diluted, the number of particles per formula unit of the solute is the I value for the solution. This amount has the following relationship to the osmotic coefficient g: i= ng

    Abnormal Molar Masses

    When computed from the colligative characteristics of solutions, theoretical values of molecular mass are occasionally found to deviate from empirically measured values. These are commonly referred to as atypical molar masses.

    When solutes are dissolved in a solvent, they dissociate into ions, according to Van’t Hoff. Because colligative qualities are solely determined by the number of solute particles, the dissociation of solute molecules into ions increases the number of particles and hence changes the colligative capabilities.

    If 1 mole of NaCl is dissolved in 1 kg of water and all the molecules of NaCl dissociate in water, the resultant solution will include 1 mole of Cl ions and 1 mole of Na+ ions (a total of 2 moles of ions in the solution). However, while calculating the molar mass using the colligative characteristics, we assume that the solution contains just 1 mol of NaCl.

    Some chemicals prefer to interact in the aqueous state, and the number of ions/molecules present in the solution for such molecules is smaller than the actual number of molecules. As a result, for those compounds that dissociate in solution, the observed molar mass is always less than the actual mass, and for those that associate in solution, the real mass is always less than the observed molar mass.

    The molecular mass anomaly can be described as follows:

    • When solute molecules dissociate into numerous ions, the number of particles increases. This, in turn, improves the solution’s colligative qualities.
    • Because molar mass is inversely related to colligative characteristics, its value is typically lower than predicted.
    • When solute particles interact with one another, the total number of particles in the solution falls, causing the colligative characteristics to diminish.
    • The molar mass values found in this example are greater than predicted.

    The Van’t Hoff factor is frequently used to explain the aberrant molar mass values derived from the colligative characteristics of solutions.


    What does Van't Hoff Factor mean in Physical Chemistry?

    In Physical Chemistry, the Van't Hoff Factor refers to the physical concentration of solute particles when the solute is dissolved in a solution. It shows how the Colligative characteristics of a solution alter due to the tendency of certain solute particles to dissociate or connect with other solute particles, consequently raising or lowering the concentration of solute particles. This may be seen in the comparison of carboxylic acids (in water) to salts dissolved in water. When acids, such as ethanoic acid, are dissolved in water, they form associations with other solute particles, lowering the solute concentration of ethanoic acid by half.

    What are the Van't Hoff Factor's applications?

    Because of the behaviour of solute particles in the solution, the Van't Hoff Factor becomes a crucial tool in understanding the Colligative characteristics of a solution. It can help us determine the osmotic pressure of the solution since it lets us determine the total solute particle concentration. It also helps to explain the occurrence of an increase in boiling point, a relative decrease in vapour pressure, or a drop in the freezing point of a solution.

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