DNA FINGERPRINTING CLASSIFICATION It involves the identification of differences in repetitive DNA. Repetitive DNA is repeated many times. It forms […]
The Little Girl Summary Class 9 English
The Little Girl Summary In English Kezia’s fears about her father Kezia’s father was a figure of fear for her. […]
Combustion and Pyrolysis
Combustion and pyrolysis Thermochemical reactions include combustion and pyrolysis. We can say that combustion is an exothermic chemical reaction that […]
Chemical Reactions in Atmosphere
Introduction The atmospheric chemistry is a branch of atmospheric science that studies the chemistry of the Earth’s atmosphere and the […]
Important Topic of Chemistry: Ionic radii
Introduction An atom’s atomic radius and ionic radius are not fixed values. The distance between the nuclei of atoms and […]
Important Topic Of Biology: Seed Germination
Definition: Seed germination defines continuous plant production necessary for human survival regarding the collection of medicinal plants, feed for animal […]
Auxin Plant Hormone
Definition: The word ‘auxin’ is derived from the Greek word ‘auxin’, which means growth. Auxins were first separated from human […]
Important Topic Of Biology: Plant Growth Rate
Definition: The growth is continuous. There is irreversible growth in the size of an organism. This feature is observed in […]
Important Topic Of Biology: Hypothalamus
The hypothalamus (or hypothalamus) is the smallest region of the human brain adjacent to the pituitary gland. It is very […]
Dynamics of Uniform Circular Motion
Motion is the change with time of the position or orientation of an object. The movement or motion along a […]