UncategorizedAmmonium Hydroxide – Formula, Structure, Preparation, Properties and Uses

Ammonium Hydroxide – Formula, Structure, Preparation, Properties and Uses

Ammonium Hydroxide

Ammonium hydroxide is a colorless, water soluble, corrosive solid. It is a strong base and is used in the manufacture of ammonium salts, dyes, explosives, and plastics. It is also used in the production of nitrogen fertilizers. Ammonium hydroxide is toxic and can cause skin and respiratory irritation.

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    Ammonium Hydroxide - Formula, Structure, Preparation, Properties and Uses

    Structure of a typical prokaryotic cell

    A prokaryotic cell is a single-celled organism that lacks a nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles. The prokaryotic cell wall is made of peptidoglycan and the cell membrane is composed of a lipid bilayer. The cytoplasm of a prokaryotic cell contains the cell’s DNA, ribosomes, and other organelles.

    Preparation of Ammonium Hydroxide Solution

    A solution of ammonium hydroxide is prepared by dissolving ammonium chloride in water. The ammonium chloride is dissolved in water until the solution is saturated. Ammonium hydroxide is then added to the solution until the solution becomes basic.

    Properties of the Alkaline Earth Metals

    The alkaline earth metals are all soft, silvery-white metals. They are very reactive and corrode quickly in moist air. They all have two electrons in their outermost shell and are very stable in their ionic form.

    Chemical Properties

    The chemical properties of a substance depend on the atoms that make it up and how they are bonded together. Some substances are poisonous or flammable, while others are not.

    Saturated Solutions

    • A saturated solution of a solute is a solution that contains the maximum amount of solute that can dissolve in a given quantity of solvent at a given temperature. A saturated solution is also said to be in equilibrium with the solid solute and the solvent.
    • The concentration of a solute in a saturated solution is determined by the temperature and the solvent. The higher the temperature, the higher the concentration of the solute that can be dissolved in the solvent. The lower the concentration of the solvent, the higher the concentration of the solute that can be dissolved in the solvent.

    Ammonium Hydroxide Uses

    Ammonium hydroxide is a strong base that is used in many different industries. Some of its most common applications include:

    • Production of fertilizers
    • Production of explosives
    • Production of textiles
    • Production of detergents
    • Production of pharmaceuticals

    NH4OH Hazards

    Sodium hypochlorite is a strong oxidizing agent. Contact with organic matter can release chlorine gas.

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